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Shattered Heaven Episode I: Sins of the Soul Release June 2011

Azure Knight


Most of you who are on this site know me, have known me through ACO when it was good etc etc. You also know that I'm a serious writer, someone who has always enjoyed telling stories and telling them well.


Most of you have read Shattered Heaven as I was writing it and posting it on ACO, and well, finally, it'll be on sale next month. I'm waiting back on some edits this weekend, but the goal is June 2nd.


I'll post more information when everything is set. But still, it's going to happen.


The final cover of the novel




It'll also be available on ebook and pdf download. Buying the paperback or hardcover versions will also get you a copy of the original soundtracks and some audio drama cds.


I'll have an updated blog post with all the specifics probably next week.


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Like I said, I'm gonna buy a copy for sure. I have extra money laying around, so it's no big deal. I'll actually read it too. This recent stint on ACU has helped serve to remind exactly why I did make the site. It may not be the best reason to buy your book, but it'll be my reason.
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Like I said, I'm gonna buy a copy for sure. I have extra money laying around, so it's no big deal. I'll actually read it too. This recent stint on ACU has helped serve to remind exactly why I did make the site. It may not be the best reason to buy your book, but it'll be my reason.
Lmao. I'll take it! Hahaha
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