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I lied. Hardcore like.

Entries in this blog

I just remembered...

..About this blog I ignore every so often.     I'll make it up with a WIP http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/004/c/7/c7bea01149aa0e327a90e420850b17f6-d4lc84u.png     A bike inspired by Jetmoto.   I'm happy with the body style but theres a few small things that need adjusting and changing. I really liked Syd Mead*'s style of engine so I used that for an engine reference and me not being a tech guru I couldn't come up with a good looking one myself. I'm currently thinking of different paintjob



Fun stuffs.

Been doing fun stuffs like moving, and job hunting, thats always fun. My options of as now are a waiter, a gas station clerk or a full time Hobo. I'm hoping for the waiting job. Just not looking forward to wearing a suit every damn day. Enough of that useless crap about my personal life!   I've neglected my blog here for a while, no big fuss though.   Still writing and pixeling though.   Heres two random pixel characters. Not 100% perfect and I used "pillow" Shading which is a way of saying I



Yeeeeeeep..Or Yup. Which ever you prefer.

Well I was just surfing around youtube out of boredom and I found this in one of my random music searches. Guy has a lot of emotion. I used to feel this way, and when I hear this song it brings back those good feelings again. Almost makes me want to bust out singing.     On another note, I'n a few days I'm going to post Chapter 1 of one of my stories and see what everyone thinks. I'm a bit rusty in my writing tough. and I recently found some people who loved a game called Jetmoto, reigniti



Argghhhhheher.. Thats my excuse for not having a title.

Been Away from ACU for awhile. Had things to do, but the greatest thing of all is... I have awesome nets now! Enough of that junk. I went from working on one project to about 3. 2 of them only get little attention here and there. 1 of which is a book. You might not believe it, but it is true. I just tend to type half-assed. The other is a 2d project of sorts just to test a few theories and what not. I've learned I can Pixel like a mad man.   As for the original project I was planning to working



Just a lot of NOTHING.

Been tired today. Haven't done much of anything. I've been working in both a free paint shop program and toying around with a 3d program to get a hang of the interface. Besides Playing around in virtual 3d I've also been doing a bit of quest writing. Not much fun in my free time eh? I'm probably somewhere between .01%-.02% done with what I'm working on.   As for other news, I'll have a website eventually for all the mods and other 3d projects I do or don't finish as well as blog here about rand



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