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Cobalt Echoes

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About Cobalt Echoes

  • Birthday 02/26/1988

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    Same old painter and writer from ACO, nothing much different.

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    Cobalt Echoes

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Bag of Peanuts

Bag of Peanuts (1/11)

  1. Well thats like saying to use a shotgun at long range. The melee button is a lead up to allow a single direct shot while lowering their shield a little, plus melee is best after it's Cybernetic buff and the shoulderpads. Only use meleewhen you have a good backup plan, yes I am telling you to "think" first, then use a more powerful weapon like a sniper or Shotgun. The SMG works but not so much. But yes moral of the story, only a fool uses "melee" on the Husk level, no I am not flaming just it's a hard lesson I see on all forums, everyone ALWAYS gets tempted to melee a husk! XDD
  2. I have currently beat it with my Infiltrator (Paragon) and being a real hardcore fan of the series I personally say Bioware has made a complete win. The overall gameplay was slowed down making gun usage easier while even though I miss "ducking" gtting behind cover is smoother too, also who can't resist 50% slower time with sniper rifles when aiming? As for the story I am no doubt very pleased with the effort they put into it just like the first, only wish they had more skills to pick from like how you built in ME1 but hell they made it up with Tali (Heheh, about time you could pick her, literally) I just can't imagine how crazy the third one is going to be, that last few seconds shown was pretty spooky seeing how much effort it takes to stop "one" of them. P.S.: The Melee button is literally your most amazing friend when surrounded by Melee tops (Husks or such) or to just swoop zaround an enemies cover and push them back for free shots. Saves you ammo on higher difficulties.
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