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  • Azure Knight

    Shattered Heaven Episode I: Sins of the Soul Release June 2011

    By Azure Knight

    Most of you who are on this site know me, have known me through ACO when it was good etc etc. You also know that I'm a serious writer, someone who has always enjoyed telling stories and telling them well.   Most of you have read Shattered Heaven as I was writing it and posting it on ACO, and well, finally, it'll be on sale next month. I'm waiting back on some edits this weekend, but the goal is June 2nd.   I'll post more information when everything is set. But still, it's going to happen.   T

Nuke Boosters!!

So yet another day of nothing better to do so I've just been playing an asston of Modern Warfare 2. Now I haven't been playing FPS online or in local tournaments for very long so up until today I have been trying to find my own. So finally figured it out today and just putting up ridiculous numbers with ease so needless to say its been a very good day for me so far. For those of you, all of you, who don't know my day starts at about 4pm because I work a nightshift. I've been up for awhile lol. S



Yeeeeeeep..Or Yup. Which ever you prefer.

Well I was just surfing around youtube out of boredom and I found this in one of my random music searches. Guy has a lot of emotion. I used to feel this way, and when I hear this song it brings back those good feelings again. Almost makes me want to bust out singing.     On another note, I'n a few days I'm going to post Chapter 1 of one of my stories and see what everyone thinks. I'm a bit rusty in my writing tough. and I recently found some people who loved a game called Jetmoto, reigniti



Argghhhhheher.. Thats my excuse for not having a title.

Been Away from ACU for awhile. Had things to do, but the greatest thing of all is... I have awesome nets now! Enough of that junk. I went from working on one project to about 3. 2 of them only get little attention here and there. 1 of which is a book. You might not believe it, but it is true. I just tend to type half-assed. The other is a 2d project of sorts just to test a few theories and what not. I've learned I can Pixel like a mad man.   As for the original project I was planning to working



The Dream

Alright...first Blog entry...tis gonna be epic...The hell is a Blog about anyways? screw it, I'll blog about my dream, my epic dream from several nights ago, I believe I told Vixen, Katze and a few others about this.   Anywho, I'll just make a short story format, I'll edit it later.   Alright, it all started when I closed my eyes for a few mins, then suddenly.   The whistling of a morter round, then the sound of an exlposion, the darkness leaves and I'm sitting inside an old trench, several mili

Master Ocelot

Master Ocelot

Just a lot of NOTHING.

Been tired today. Haven't done much of anything. I've been working in both a free paint shop program and toying around with a 3d program to get a hang of the interface. Besides Playing around in virtual 3d I've also been doing a bit of quest writing. Not much fun in my free time eh? I'm probably somewhere between .01%-.02% done with what I'm working on.   As for other news, I'll have a website eventually for all the mods and other 3d projects I do or don't finish as well as blog here about rand



First entry EVAR!!

So yeah I've been away from American soil now for 57 days. In a place called Kyrgyzstan. Not a bad place really. There have been some improvements since the last time I was here...wireless internet in the dorms being the only one lol. Last time I was here was in 08. This place is goin nowhere. It's not even technically a base. We just rented space from the Kyrgy airport here and the US is paying out teh ass to be here. Either way though...I'm here. Its 9:30 AM my time. Should be getting to bed h



An ACU To-Do List (Updated: May 26th, 2011)

Lately I've been procrastinating more than I should be, so I felt I should make a to-do list for ACU. This way everyone can see what I'm planning on doing and what I'm getting done, as well as see if their suggestions are being considered. Not everything on this list will get done anytime soon, since some of it is unrealistic for a short-term goal. I figure this will help me stay more focused on what I need to do, though.   My problem is that I just don't have the time and energy to do all of th

Harakiri Tiger

Harakiri Tiger

Hello everyone

well lets see I was told by a friend on final fantasy XI, that I should stop talking about random things and make a blog So.... might as well go with it.   Well lets begin with a bit about me, I sold my soul to the gods of gaming long long ago when I first heard of MMORPGs. This began a steep decline with me playing various games in that genre the main one I haven't been able to quit since I picked it up is final fantasy XI.   Then came the rolepalying games.... any glimmer of hope I had of



Drawing and Eating and Playing Video Games.

Can you spell niggerfaggot? No? Neither can I.   For some reason I get apeshit pissed when I've had nothing to eat for an entire day. Then when I do get something to eat I turn into the happiest black dude you'll ever see. Haha.   Well yeah that's how I am and I play games very well after I've had something to eat. The human mind apparently cannot concentrate on any given object without some glucose on the brain. Which is why I'm going to start packing bits of dry cereal with me everywhere becau

Neko Arc Chaos

Neko Arc Chaos

Rush Hour!

So, I haven't been able to work on ACU at all in the past two days since I was reformatting my PC and adjusting everything to the custom settings I like. I've barely gotten anything done at all and probably shouldn't be typing up a blog post, but I need to take a bit of a break. Procrastination is a part of my DNA, I think. I look for reasons to do it all the time.   I still need to upload all my PS2 AC savegame data for the Downloads section, a bunch of images to the Gallery, fix some skins for

Harakiri Tiger

Harakiri Tiger

One Small Step for Niji, One Giant Leap for ACU

I finally have Internet at work! Yay!   Now when I'm sitting there staring at a wall for 10 hours I can instead be staring at the Internet! I just ordered the stuff yesterday and I should be getting it installed and setup by this Thursday, which is tomorrow. This means that the amount of time I have left to work on ACU before opening day just increased exponentially. Instead of just 4-6 hours left, I have nearly 36 hours of potential time. I'll most likely spend 99% of that time procrastinating

Harakiri Tiger

Harakiri Tiger

Working on ACU!

I just finished cleaning up the Forum!   Thinking up names for the User Rank Titles was easy enough. I just used the ones from another forum of mine with a slight bit of tweaking! They fit in just the way I was hoping they would. Which is good for me, because I was worried at first that they would seem awkward. Streamlined seems to always flow better than specific. I'm sure someone will gripe.   All the current User Groups are finished as well. Their permissions are set and I don't think they'll

Harakiri Tiger

Harakiri Tiger

Chapter 1

Chapter 1       A boy sat all alone in a corner. Slumped back against the wall, he seemed to be looking down at the floor, staring down at something. His hands were covering his ears, as if some incessant noise kept annoying him. He was clothed in an all white outfit that consisted of a sweater and pair of pants, much like every one of the test subjects in this research center.     Most of the other children in the same room did not pay attention to him. It was lunch time, and they were all giv



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