First entry EVAR!!
So yeah I've been away from American soil now for 57 days. In a place called Kyrgyzstan. Not a bad place really. There have been some improvements since the last time I was here...wireless internet in the dorms being the only one lol. Last time I was here was in 08. This place is goin nowhere. It's not even technically a base. We just rented space from the Kyrgy airport here and the US is paying out teh ass to be here. Either way though...I'm here. Its 9:30 AM my time. Should be getting to bed here I work the night shift which really toys with my mind. Daily mindfuckery is not cool. Ok maybe it is, but don't tell anyone I said that or I'll fucking kill you...really.
Ok gotta catch them zzz's. Gonna be another long night at work doing nothing. Been pretty slow lately.
Peace nyuckas.
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