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Some things that grind my gears.

Shirtless Crackhead


I hate systems of entitlement.


- You are not entitled to free shit because you are poor or don't have a job. I'm fine with paid into unemployment insurance programs, but straight-up welfare programs create a budget imbalance. It also creates a problem because the individuals on welfare lose money for making money, for as soon as they no longer qualify for it, they lose that income.


- You are not entitled to being taken care of. It's a great sentiment, and it's fantastic if the plan can work. However to expect that someone other than yourself is going to take care of you, is silly. Caveat to this will be coming later.


I hate affirmative action.


- There is nothing that could be made of more complete and utter bullshit than affirmative action. You want schools to ignore merit and choose students based on racial background. I've posted a video of this, but I'll point out you could go ask the same people who support that if they think college basketball teams need more white and asian players and they'd get all befuddled with cognitive dissidence. Meritocracy is gold, and as far as I am concerned, anyone who supports affirmative action should be told who they should marry based on demographics, and when they complain about it; be summarily executed.


I want Universal Healthcare, sort of.


- It's something I'd like to see happen. There's numerous benefits that cannot be had with any other system.


1. It removes the need for silly medicare/medicaid systems.

2. It removes the need for profit ran insurance business.

3. It places the priority of healthcare on curing the illness and preventing any others, versus treating it to make money.

4. It puts the front foot forward by making it a catapult for preventative care.


There are some things I don't like, but I can live with them. There's always these Libertarian yahoo's who don't want to pay taxes for anyone else, fine, fuck'em. I want a voluntary national healthcare program, you pay an annual tax and get a card, which is registered to your DNA.


This means all the retards who don't want to pay any taxes can be left to the unregulated private insurance sharks or footing the bill for their healthcare, and be refused care upon inability to pay for it. They'll probably register right away with the quickness, but we'll make it so you can only sign into it during tax season, and it's a mandatory 10 year minimum. This will prevent the vast majority of stooges who get fucked up, try to get on the program, treated, and then get off without paying in.


I feel comfortable saying that given a well thought out system, that takes care of people, manages it's funds correctly. Doesn't involve itself with cosmetic (not really medically important) crap or medical research (although it would be part of a related grant-program).


That's all I've got for now, more will be coming.


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