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Everything posted by Taurus

  1. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    ETERNITY remake. UNSUNG remake. G-WHITE DEVIL remake. another remake stuff. actually these two more pics are remake stuffs too but from when I was very young. :-3 "remakes, remakes everywhere" LOLOL
  2. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    Carnage from the game "War Robots" :-3
  3. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    well.....umm.....just a practice you know :-3
  4. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    arm twist strike again
  5. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    long time coming back with "IN-HAND-DRAW-I-TRUST" skd :-3
  6. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    Araki Hirohiko sensei. this one is worth to watch it.
  7. Taurus

    Nomrah's Art Thread

    nice work nom and ..."IN HAND-DRAW WE TRUST"
  8. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    GRIFFIN from "war robots" (android & IOS....play on smart phone) anyway, anybody play this game?
  9. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    many stuffs in a row :-3
  10. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    mechanized memory : Last Raven Haste (I'd using reference pic for this one.....to checked pose and muscle) N-WG/IX (halloween ver.) the Corrs and.....original Gundam : OVERED GUNDAM.
  11. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    remake again, SOLARIAN.
  12. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    VIXEN (remake from 5-ish years ago) and som of original bot :-3
  13. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    don't be too long sadness.....that's what I'm always told to myself. alright, she is mummy :-3
  14. 13th October 2016...... is the day we (all of Thai people) lost our King.......... for people around here, you all know I'm a Thai guy. and we have our King. a good King, sometimes he feels like a good farther of us. we all know and afraid the time like this will come, and it came. actually it was a natural things. when we lost someone we love, someone cried all day, someone feeling sad for while, and someone do something for who they loved. for me, I'm not a type of baby-cried guy......but sometimes I want to... so I'd do this instead... I let Michelle, my original character, she is another part of mine, and I let her cried. maybe sounds weird, but that's just how I'd feeling.... and one more thing, "tribute to our King" I'd draw from the long-time ago pic (be a reference) anyway, if he could talk to me, or to everybody, he might says "I have to go" for his last words. rest in peace, the majesty of the King. Taurus.
  15. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    N-WG/IX edit : http://armoredcoreuniverse.net/forum/index.php?/blog/26/entry-245-a-saddest-day-ever/
  16. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    halloween remake again :-3
  17. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

  18. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    happy halloween (1) hint • this one is remake one. • I'm hiding an original on the wall, also that original one was valentine.
  19. http://sketchtoy.com/67474235
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