Harakiri Tiger Posted January 19, 2012 Report Share Posted January 19, 2012 Placeholder text. Important information for getting ACV working goes here. When you first turn on ACV, it should ask if you want to make an online account before it starts loading the pilot data. The right side box is to play online, the left side box is to play solo. It should keep asking that till you make an online account, which it will then proceed to autoload every time you turn your PS3 on. If you lose connection, it'll ask if you would like to load your single player save instead. So, before the big orange pilot data loading screen it'll give you two screens where you can push buttons. The first screen has just one button. Don't push it, it's checking for updates. It'll automatically move past that screen after getting updates. The second screen gives you the option to push one of two buttons. Right side multi, left side single. From there it should load your pilot data. It may also be that he hasn't downloaded the new catalog file, and as far as I know you have to download it to play online. To download it you just do all the normal steps listed above, but once you get to loading pilot data screen it'll ask if you want to go onto the PSN store and download the catalog file right away. You push the left side button (OK) and it'll whisk you away to the ACV downloads section where you just DL the file and let it install itself. Then you exit and it'll put you right back into the game. Note that you must be on a JP PSN account to update your game with a catalog file, since the file is on the JP PSN store. Initial Setup Update Check http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Initial%20Setup/Update%20Check.jpg-----Skip Check-----Notes: Please do not skip this. Just wait it out and it'll go away on its own after a few seconds. Offline/Online Select http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Initial%20Setup/Single-Multi.jpg-----Left Button - Play OfflineRight Button - Play Online-----Notes: Online play is generally better to select, since you gain access to the full game that way. Only select offline if you have no internet connection or the ACV servers are offline. Enter Player Information http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Initial%20Setup/Player%20Data.jpg-----Select an Emblem-----Pilot NameLocationLanguageStanceOptions Menu (Go to Game Settings translations.)-----SETUP (Do not push the SETUP button yet, as that OKs your current settings and name/emblem.)-----Notes: Location refers to where you actually live, so people can guess when you'll be online more easily. Language refers to what language you prefer to speak, not the language the game is presented in. Stance represents the mentality you approach the game with. Team Setup http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Initial%20Setup/Team%20Menu.jpg-----Create TeamTeam Search-----Notes: Joining a team offers large benefits to both PvE (Story) and PvP (Multiplayer) players. Game Settings Options Menu http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Game%20Settings/Options%20Menu.jpg-----BGM VolumeSFX VolumeVoice Volume (NPC Voices)Controller Vibration-----Auto-PurgeAuto-BoostAuto-SightingSubtitlesCOM Voice (Your AC's system voice.)-----HUD SetupKey Assign-----Default (Reverts all settings to default.)-----Notes: Push Circle to exit the options menu and it'll ask you if you want to save your changes. HUD Setup Combat Mode HUD-----http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Game%20Settings/Combat%20Mode%20HUD.jpg-----HUD BrightnessHUD OpacityHUD Color-----Notes: Push Triangle to switch to scan mode HUD settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scan Mode HUD-----http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Game%20Settings/Scan%20Mode%20HUD.jpg-----HUD Brightness-----Notes: Push Triangle to switch to combat mode HUD settings. Key Assign Menu Key Assign Part 1-----http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Game%20Settings/Key%20Assign%201.jpg-----Move ForwardMove BackwardStrafe RightStrafe LeftLook UpLook DownLook Right-----Notes: Triangle will revert all settings to default. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Assign Part 2 (Picks up where last image left off.)-----http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Game%20Settings/Key%20Assign%202.jpg-----Look RightLook LeftToggle BoosterJumpHigh Boost (Quick Boost)Glide Boost (Over Boost)Boost Drive (Wall Jump)-----Notes: Triangle will revert all settings to default. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Assign Part 3 (Picks up where last image left off.)-----http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Game%20Settings/Key%20Assign%203.jpg-----Boost Drive (Wall Jump)R Arm Unit ActivateL Arm Unit ActivateShoulder Unit ActivateBoost Charge (Charge/Ram/Tackle)Recon Unit DeployScan/Combat Mode Toggle-----Notes: Triangle will revert all settings to default. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Assign Part 4 (Picks up where last image left off.)-----http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Game%20Settings/Key%20Assign%204.jpg-----Scan/Combat Mode ToggleHangar Shift (Switch Arm Unit)Arm Unit PurgeBuzzerText ChatScan Target (Scan Mode)Spot Target (Scan Mode)-----Notes: Triangle will revert all settings to default. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Assign Part 5 (Picks up where last image left off.)-----http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Game%20Settings/Key%20Assign%205.jpg-----Hangar Shift (Switch Arm Unit)Arm Unit PurgeBuzzerText ChatScan Target (Scan Mode)Spot Target (Scan Mode)Garage Point Activate-----Notes: Triangle will revert all settings to default. Main Menus World Menu http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Main%20Menu/World%20Menu.jpg-----Mission SelectJoin Team SortiePractice ModeTeam NewsMercenary ModeFree MatchRankingExtra-----Battle Mission-----Notes: Current team level and progress to the next team level are displayed at the bottom. Team members are displayed on the right side, offline members are greyed out while online members are lit up and pushed to the top. Push R1 to switch to the team menu. Push L1 to switch to the garage menu. Team Menu http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Main%20Menu/Team%20Menu.jpg-----Team DataMember ListTrade RoomPersonal DataTerritory CustomizerReplay ViewerChat Text Editor (Can also edit game notifications here.)Team Change-----Data ????? (Will be translated later.)-----Notes: Team members are displayed on the right side, offline members are greyed out while online members are lit up and pushed to the top. Push R1 to switch to the garage menu. Push L1 to switch to the world menu. Garage Menu http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Main%20Menu/Garage%20Menu.jpg-----Assembly (AC Builder)PaintName ACSchematic DataShopAC TestGarage Customizer-----Options Menu (Go to Game Settings translations.)-----Notes: Press the Select button to enter the AC Viewer. Push R1 to switch to the world menu. Push L1 to switch to the team menu. AC Viewer Menu http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Menus/Main%20Menu/AC%20Viewer%20Command%20List.jpg-----DPad: Move Camera (X/Y Axis)X: Hangar Shift (Right Arm)O: Hangar Shift (Left Arm)☐: Dash△: WalkSelect: Switch back to Garage MenuR1: Shoulder Unit ReadyL2: Left Arm Unit ReadyR2: Right Arm Unit ReadyR3: Reset CameraL Analog: Zoom CameraR Analog: Rotate Camera-----Notes: Press the Select button to switch to the garage menu. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harakiri Tiger Posted February 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 10, 2012 Placeholder reply. World menus will go here. Mission Menus Mission Results Mission Results Summary-----http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Guide/Mission%20Complete%20Menu%201.jpg-----Total Reward MoneyCompleted SubquestsTeam Points EarnedTotal Team PointsCurrent Team LevelGross Mission RewardCosts IncurredNet Reward/LossMission Rank-----Notes: Press Triangle to switch to Detailed Mission Results page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed Mission Results-----http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Guide/Mission%20Complete%20Menu%202.jpg-----Team Points-Team Points Scored-Team Bonus Points ScoredTotal Team Points RewardedMission Rewards-Mission PayoutMission Costs-Ammo Cost-AC RepairTotal Reward-----Notes: Press Triangle to switch to Sub-Quest Results page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Quest Results-----http://revolution.armoredcoreuniverse.net/ACV/Guide/Mission%20Complete%20Menu%203.jpg-----Subquest List-----Notes: Press Triangle to switch to Mission Results Summary page. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harakiri Tiger Posted February 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 10, 2012 Placeholder reply. Team menus will go here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harakiri Tiger Posted February 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 10, 2012 Placeholder reply. Garage menus will go here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harakiri Tiger Posted February 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 10, 2012 Placeholder reply. Example videos, video guides, and video walkthroughs will go here. Armored Core V - JP Demo Story Mission 00 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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