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Dark Souls 3


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Soul of Cinder was quite honestly one of the best fights in the game.


Nameless King reminds me a lot of False King Allant from Demon's Souls. Whereby stamina and getting 1-2 two hits in and rolling away becomes important.


I'll be honest, I didn't like the Aldrich fight. Felt like I was chasing it more then actually fighting it.

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I think Soul of Cinder might be my favorite final boss in the entire Souls series tbh, although I really liked Allant as well. I wasn't too much of a fan of Gwyn, Nashandra, or Ghernam.


The atmosphere of the Soul of Cinder fight is great, and his using multiple movesets and being the combined soul of everybody who's beaten the games prior was cool as well. That juggle combo is pretty sick.

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I died to Aldrich three times but I didn't think he was too bad. He tele'd to the opposite side of the map and doesn't do a whole lot of tracking so it was pretty easy to stay behind and smack his slug bod the whole time.


First time I made it to cinders second half was magical, with Gwyns theme kicking in. I died right away but still

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After playing the game through again with an entirely different weapon and playstyle, I found a lot of the bosses and areas to be dramatically different with regards to difficulty. Naturally, some of this has to do with familiarity of the game now, but most of it came from the playstyle of the weapon itself.


My first run was with a shield and broadsword, and areas with larger than average mobs that had high poise gave me lots of trouble. Undead Settlement, Smoldering Lake, and Lothric Castle in particular killed me more than the rest of the areas.


On my second playthrough I used a 2-handed greatclub, and a lot of those same oversized mobs gave me very little trouble this time, but I did find myself dying to a couple of smaller enemy hordes a couple times that didn't really affect me my first playthrough.


One of the interesting things was my fights against Aldrich and Soul of Cinder. I found them cakewalks this time around-- especially soul of Cinder. The only bosses that still gave me trouble were Sulyvahn, Nameless King, and Twin Princes. Twin Princes in particular has given me overall the most trouble in the game, but they're definitely not as deadly as Nameless King. I feel that it's easier to fuck up against Twin Princes and run through all your estus quickly, but they won't kill you as fast as Nameless King.

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It takes some getting used to. I was really in the same boat, but it is one of those things that takes time getting the feeling for. You need to have a better understanding of the moveset of your weapon compared to PvE, and accept the fact that hitboxes can be pretty whack. I completely suck at invading, but getting the hang of duels. Honestly, you get a lot out of getting your ass spanked if you can watch what your opponent is doing. A lot of it is to do with range control and baiting (either your opponent's movements or parries) in my experience.


Which all goes out the window when I smack someone square in the dick with my weapon and nothing registers. At this point I typically commit suicide.

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the pvps is shit. Lets be honest. Fickle net code, weapons having absurd phantom range regardless. And even if you've got spacing down you'll likely lose duels to fucking pussies that sit behind a halberd/WP/CCS/etc. A few weapons can break the dominant reactionary play style but its an instance of easy play hard counter without the right build. I see three types of players at 120, scrubs (R1ing into "proper spacing") parry fishers (learning the way of the caestus) the remaining third are good players, some are fun to fight, most aren't, a small percentage are parry gods.


pvp should be fun an immersive, its not, nowhere else is it more in your face that you're playing a game with its own rules, that you'd best follow. I have a lot more fun invading/counter twinking at 50-80. It is true that you'll learn a lot in little time FCing. If you wanna pick up an unfamiliar weapon host a FC at pontiffs and screen summons.


IME damage often registers late, if u hit for nothing keep swinging, sometimes it shows 5-10 seconds later.



holy tits i almost forgot to confirm dark moon/bluebros are fixed. Reddit is still tarding away, I firmly believe the underlying issue is the sentinel/darkmoon to invader ratio. Both darkmoon rewards are better than any of the other covenants, and the gank-fest that was this games release has placed invaders on DS3s threatened species list. Even as a purple or sunbro 90% of my invasions are these days are solo.

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Spacing's kind of a bullshit point in dark souls pvp because of latency, phantom range on weapons, and invincibility frames on rolls. Mostly what I've found that's of the utmost importance through the different souls games is mixing up your attack and movement patterns to catch your opponent off guard. Things like empty rolling towards them, then following it up with another roll and then attacking, or running around at range and then running at them with a quick dash attack, etc.
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BKG gives me ptsd. I probably have a 1:10 ratio fighting halberds. 11:10 avelyning them.


I'm not talking about lag though, I mean the part of the hitbox that extends beyond the visible attack of the weapon. All weapons have this. Some are a good foot or more of invisible range. Short swords have a really generous hitbox. All the weapons in that video, besides DamnNoHtml's CCS, have relatively accurate hotboxes, but if you go to the 4:10 mark and watch his attack a few seconds later you'll notice his sword hits for full damage without visibly touching Don Le Mertiefrench. Thats poor design.

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Is it safe to say that the pvp in Dark Souls 3 is worse than in Dark Souls 2? Because I thought the pvp in Dark Souls 2 was pretty good, I wouldn't understand how they could go ahead and screw it up this time around. Edited by Nomrah
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I say it's better and worse than Dark Souls 2 in terms of PvP. Worse in that build diversity is shit, but better in that the mechanics are better. Backstabbing and poise aren't abusable, and getting punishes and clean hits on your opponent (assuming both players are competent) relies upon the mixup game, and stagnating your attack timings more than anything. Yeah certain weapons are better than others, but I never get the feel that anything is overly dominant. Lots of weapons have poise weapon arts or hyper armor in their swings, so there's always a window to really punish your opponent's bad decisions. I've even seen more obscure weapons like spears, whips, and Claymores do really well in fightclubs I was hosting as well.


I'd rather take the prediction game of parrying over the backstab fishing game that was Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2 as well. However, I could have done without hornet ring, I think it has no place in this game.

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