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Posts posted by Silverwolf_007

  1. Well. I've finally beating the ACVD Story (hard as heck too! final boss a Next?? like a black glint but more awesome? i had to do a tank dual autocannons, with a merc. lol)

    and i Unlocked UWs Like yeah!


    So i was wondering about these UWs. I've used each one with a Mid AC build with a gen that has about 99,000 Critical power. I personally think the Grind Blade (its not a blade. there is no "blade" about it! it has 6 chainsaw "bar and chain"!) and the Mega Blade (More like a Plamsa Blade or an oversized Lightsaber lol) are more useable than the rest. I mean yeah the Legion Pulse (looks like a hulluhoop when in use.. right? Used for surrounding enemies...i think) and the Giga Missle (more like a oversized Nuke. right?) could be usefull but i would preffer the Grind and Mega blade more.


    (First time i saw the Mega Blade i thought it looked like a turtle shell. lol)


    What are your opinions on these Ultimate Weapons of Massive Pain and Destruction?? Please provide your thoughts and maybe some good advice on how to use them correctly. (like me. lol)


    Thanks. :D

  2. I wanted to post my AC that i am using in story mode. This is my first time posting on here other than my Introduction. so here goes nothing!


    Head- HD-Hogire

    Core- CR-Lahire

    Arms- 03 Aaliyah/A

    Legs- White-Glint/Legs

    Fcs- 047AN05

    Generator- GN-Sobrero

    Main Booster- CB-Judith

    Back Booster- BB11-Latona

    Side Booster- SB11-Latona

    Overed Booster- KRB-Judith

    R Arm- MR-R102 OR 051ANNR Or AR-0700 OR Moonlight

    L Arm- 063ANAR OR 051ANNR Or 04-MARVE OR MR- R102

    R Back- RC01- PHACT OR OGOTO (grenade) OR MP-0901

    L Back- CG-R500 OR 050ANSC Or BM05- LAMIA

    Shoulder- SM01- Scylla



    Load on the legs-Full

    Gen Output-full

    Gen Cap-full

    Gen Kp-some

    Lock speed-full.




    Top- HTSO1- TELLUS-A

    R side- HSSO1-LATONA-A

    L side- HSSO1-LATONA-A



    R Upper- SOLUH-CORE-1

    L Upper- SOLUH- CORE- 1

    R Lower- 03-AALIYAH/CLS1

    L Lower- 03-AALIYAH/CLS1



    Arm Right- AM-HOGIRE- OPE01

    Arm Left- AM-HOGIRE- OPE01



    Back-LG- LAHIRE-OPT01

    R Upper- 04-ALICIA/LUS1

    L Upper- 04-ALICIA/LUS1

    R Middle- 047AN04101

    L Middle- 047AN04101

    R Lower- LLS01-TELLUS-A

    L Lower- LLS01-TELLUS-A



    this is my basic AC for almost all missions. I change my weaponry as you saw for different mission. this is my current AC in this game.

    I really like the dual Assault Rifles for a lot of ammo and good range and firepower. The railgun is a great long range power hitter (found that out while playing the last mission Occuapation of ateria carplas or someting like that, the mission where you face 4 nexts 5 while in hard mode)

    The chain gun is good for anti-missiles and Smaller enemies. I always use the shoulder AS missiles but take them off if i dont need them.

    I do use back missiles and they work great for me. The Marve and AR0700 i use for Next-Next battles for more power per shot.


    So here is my Next that i use. I picked the gen for its recharge rate. feel free to give advice where you think it would be best. Thank you for taking time to look over my AC.

  3. I don't really like AC4 single player, so I don't know if I'll watch. AC story peaked with PP on the PS1, and mission quality started dropping around SL/NX, at least for me. I don't mind helping or anything though.

    i agree. the mission quality went down around that time. but in NX, for me at least, the missions become tough and with the heat problem it was hard to build a good ac in NX.

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