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Everything posted by Nescient

  1. Nescient


    I did that awhile ago except lancel core and becruxi, cured my tankstipation.
  2. Nescient


    H: 047 C: Hogire A: Argyros L: Lancel Laura Linstant Judith Latona Judith Judith Berlioz rifles (stun gun behind marve) 049ANSC Kamal Flares or Euphoria FRS: PA (7751) weight cap energy output arm mobility lock rate Pros: all the things Cons: bladers
  3. Nescient


    This'll look a bit random... Weapons first: 100R isn't a terrible rifle. However, 051 is objectively better, and it performs better with an AR. Try MR102 or 063. Rifles don't have enough ammo to reliably finish a 1v1 on their own. They need assault armor and or back weapons. Radar isn't worth... neither is that missile (or any other, really, on its own). Run missiles or throw a kamal behind 051 with sapla. 061ANSC will stun mid weights no matter what you do. 2900 might cover 049. Stability is more important for firing those high recoil weapons. You can get a lot more stability (among other utilities) from a number of heads rather than tuning. The arms don't need precision tuning. Max mobility, save the rest. yeah lare is useless... judith main is really powerful but it does have offensive pitfalls. You can always save different booster setups of the same AC. Schedar has a very narrow niche. Thing is its static impact is relatively high. You're half right half wrong on qb chains. High power boosters rely a lot less on chaining, its often more efficient to boost in a straight line. While efficiency setups are forced to chain boost for minutes at a time throughout a match. High power is all about spacing and reads. this is a really good start all things considered. Overboosted, underpowered offensively. Ive played around with a few similar builds (rifles, aaliyah m, aaliyah/g). It can work, in low-mid tier play you end up with enough energy to fight in the air, back pedal, and appear somewhat offensive (in short bursts) fighting faster ACs. So, when rngesus is with you, and you get a lightweight with a similarly weak ballistic offense, and poor spacing/energy management... it works. Otherwise, it generally chokes. Aaliyah/g is good, but only great if you're using assault armor. It doesn't have enough output to make up for the slower speeds and huge loss of offense imposed by 2800 weight. 9/10 times mid weight riflers do better with endurance focused boosters, even fighting a lightweight. moar: drop judith FCS (assuming no missiles) for lahire, tune leg and core PA instead of lock. Aaliyah main gets a lot out of regular boost tuning, vertical adds some efficiency. If I had to run this against a lightweight I'd tune vertical thrust, side/back qb, and maby side thrust if they're also running rifles.
  4. Nescient

    The Deceiver

    tl;dr switch to 1.4....
  5. Nescient

    Dark Souls 3

    run the fuck away. vow of silence.
  6. http://www.4gamer.ne...28/20160526060/ HE MENTIONS ACVD I DONT KNOW IF THAT IS A GOOD THING https://twitter.com/bk2128/with_replies :IMAGINEITSACRABEMERGINGFROMWATE:
  7. Nescient

    Dark Souls 3

    I don't understand why all the souls games are so laggy. With international matchmaking off its on par with ACFA. What the flying fuck? VD is more stable.
  8. Nescient

    Dark Souls 3

    BKG gives me ptsd. I probably have a 1:10 ratio fighting halberds. 11:10 avelyning them. I'm not talking about lag though, I mean the part of the hitbox that extends beyond the visible attack of the weapon. All weapons have this. Some are a good foot or more of invisible range. Short swords have a really generous hitbox. All the weapons in that video, besides DamnNoHtml's CCS, have relatively accurate hotboxes, but if you go to the 4:10 mark and watch his attack a few seconds later you'll notice his sword hits for full damage without visibly touching Don Le Mertiefrench. Thats poor design.
  9. Nescient

    Dark Souls 3

    the pvps is shit. Lets be honest. Fickle net code, weapons having absurd phantom range regardless. And even if you've got spacing down you'll likely lose duels to fucking pussies that sit behind a halberd/WP/CCS/etc. A few weapons can break the dominant reactionary play style but its an instance of easy play hard counter without the right build. I see three types of players at 120, scrubs (R1ing into "proper spacing") parry fishers (learning the way of the caestus) the remaining third are good players, some are fun to fight, most aren't, a small percentage are parry gods. pvp should be fun an immersive, its not, nowhere else is it more in your face that you're playing a game with its own rules, that you'd best follow. I have a lot more fun invading/counter twinking at 50-80. It is true that you'll learn a lot in little time FCing. If you wanna pick up an unfamiliar weapon host a FC at pontiffs and screen summons. IME damage often registers late, if u hit for nothing keep swinging, sometimes it shows 5-10 seconds later. holy tits i almost forgot to confirm dark moon/bluebros are fixed. Reddit is still tarding away, I firmly believe the underlying issue is the sentinel/darkmoon to invader ratio. Both darkmoon rewards are better than any of the other covenants, and the gank-fest that was this games release has placed invaders on DS3s threatened species list. Even as a purple or sunbro 90% of my invasions are these days are solo.
  10. Nescient

    Dark Souls 3

  11. Nescient

    Dark Souls 3

    specifically in watchdogs though? My first attempt started off at 25/+2, got fed up with claymore not killing everything, bumped up to like 32 for black knight gs and went from an invasion every 10-15 minutes to almost nothing. Ive mostly been culling aldritch faithfuls as an invader. Lone wolfing as a white summons is fun here to, theres definitely a race war going on between the reds and AFs, both sides are easy to manipulate.
  12. Nescient

    Dark Souls 3

    i ended up starting over, consistent action at sl18/+2.
  13. Nescient

    Dark Souls 3

    anyone managed to get watchdogs of farron to function? in other news kotaku claims poise is working as intended.
  14. Nescient

    Dark Souls 3

    Dancer and NK are tough, I have yet to solo NK without the i-frame ring. The princes are strong, I've seen that cripple pull some shit... So many of them are cheeseable or just plain easy with all the riposte/weakspots. idk the facts (or how ds1 poise worked) but the mobs that have hyper armor are the most dangerous. The machete/pot throwing dudes in undead settlement can be staggered infinitely with a longsword. The next step up behaves more like human players, a longsword 1hr1 stuns for two hits, then they can retaliate... The melee grhu in farron keep can jump attack after two hits. UGS 1hr1 infinite stuns mid-tier poise. Mobs with mid-high poise and lots of hyper armor become more common, UGS cathedral knights and the late game lothric knights behave a lot like the MLG dragon keeper mace fury. Darkwraiths are the earliest example. Im pretty sure 2hr2 UGS gets a 3 hit stun, it may be infinite, i don't have stamina for that, anything less than ultra weapons gets poised through or hyper-armored after a few hits. The exception is high-tier knockdowns, dragon armor axe L2 dump trucks havel, anything remotely humanoid can be stun locked with that move. So the thing is, with our poise off, these enemies are extremely difficult to out-trade, they often get a hit in and then ur fucked unless you politely dodge away (most of the time... this games AI bugs me, it seems to react more predictably to directionals... a lot of enemies clearly have infinite stamina if u try to face roll them, then fall into predictable patterns implying stamina consumption when approached with less aggression...) Luckily all of the heavier humanoids are easy to run through. The easiest cheese is any UGS with a thrusting 2hr2, so profaned, cathedral, lothric etc. Fully charged, these knock down any moveable object. Stomp/R2 also works but isn't as safe or damaging. Single them out and chain the knockdown or your gonna get smacked. most of the super mob/mini bosses have a poise meter that can be burned through with short sword R1s for a riposte. What SL? Same here though, I have a quality build somewhere in the middle of NG+ and a strength/faith towards the end. Its definitely easier. The strength build in particular wrecks everything... I've been waddling around at 99% equip load to keep it real. I farmed a lothric UGS yesterday for fashion souls only to find out it sits pretty at just under 1K AR buffed with the right rings.
  15. Nescient

    Dark Souls 3

    UGS or parry... also gotthard twinswords can wreck pretty much anything. Thrusting swords are gay as hell though...
  16. Interesting ideas. In an ideal world we'd get everything you've dreamt of, a map editor, and the hub would have strippers... But this is absurd. AC is about mech customization, wasting development resources on a vestigial character creator seems ridiculous to me... I have yet to play a console based game that pulls off an effective in-game hub. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, I prefer easily accessible menus and lobbys. I may be wrong but uncapping the emblem/decal editor might cause game play issues. Mini games are also needless fluff. FWIW, if they used a similar conquest system to ACV, where defending teams wait and offense searches, and maps where made larger, I think it would be cool to have defense wait in game.
  17. U WOT M8? your story is 1 part 4th gen 1 part aldnoah, with a sprinkle of Chungkuo.
  18. Nescient


    lol aaliyah/b... no. If you plan to use it as a heavy counter maby, otherwise you've got to make up for virtues drain somewhere. Lahire sides would be a better investment. I notice side thrust. The mid-range pressure setups (DR, missile boats) are particularly susceptible to thrust only dodging.
  19. Nescient


    so far I've used phact, 0203 would be safer, canopus doesn't cover balls to the wall CQC bots with fat turning and fat arm mobility. 049/canopus synergy is over 9,000. boosters are a mess, and entirely oriented towards keeping the canopus breathing. Pretty sure i settled on judith/latona/schedar. PA tank version is a fail, better off with argryos legs. ADD version is fun.
  20. Nescient


    H 063 C Argyros A Argyros L Hilbert MB BB Lahire SB Schedar OB Judith FCS Laura Front Weight: Canopus Marve Butt Stuff: ??? (probably some cheap spam drop meta weapon) 049ANSC Tunes: capacity energy regen arm mobility core/leg pa back/side QB Turning
  21. Nescient


    I don't usually see sobrero work outside of lightweights and even then they tend to get... overzealous... and choke hard if there PA is damaged. I find capacity more useful for CQC anyway. If you're having trouble managing with lahire use different boosters. The current selection is all QB, which might be a problem if your opponent catches on to your jump timing. Latona back is a better option, lahire isn't powerful enough to pace most main/side combos and mg/rifle is better suited to ranges beyond t-bag distance.... If you were using shotguns, lahire's QB would be of some value as that strategy requires attacking from a distance that makes it easy for targets to break lock in a single QB. Holofernes may not be worth it either as you don't need to chain with virtue, and its terrible thrust values mean that when you do have to flank it will be difficult to manage en. When a target can out DPS you, all that QB power won't make it easy to capitalize a gen-bust or broken PA and generally results in rushes back-firing as anything with decent defense will pull through unless you can really dig into them... Side boosters aren't so rigid, if latona back frees up enough energy to give you some hope of sustaining CQC stick with holo. Linstant is redundant, judith or AA. Lock tunes seem like a waste. IDK about the PA tunes either... Arm mobility is a necessity, I'd take energy capacity over any of the above... If it can't fly theres always vert/back thrust. Back QB is also a very good idea as you don't have the defense or turn speed to joust lightweights. Weapons are all close range-CQC. Might wanna consider some mid-range options, otherwise you're fucked vs mid range lights and close range heavys. Since dearborn and hit man are both good PA breakers I'd sub in an arm laser or a more accurate missile.
  22. on second thought perhaps you're onto something
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