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Posts posted by Reiske

  1. go it thank you both, one little question though i'm checking the sobrero parts are they simple and not that great? or i'm overlooking something here?


    i'm going to give a try as well to 061ANCM and see how it goes because i was using saline05 and so far i haven't find a well to use it efficiently

  2. Bakuhatsu one little question i notice today when unlocking the parts that you mentioned in the back you suggested to use the pm missile that i have but the two shots instead of the 4 one and on the other side either the sapla or kamal now in the shoulder did you mean to use the 061ANRM the one i'm using right now? because the 061ANCM is a back unit not shoulder
  3. good to know all this info, so thank you all


    Bakuhatsu i'm going to try those weapons and see how it goes so far i haven't face to much problem with the current ones with kalad nexts, but for the moment looks like i'm going to still need to do the missions i'm missing since i dont have sampaguita, sapla and those shoulders

  4. Sumerian and Fukei thanks both for your advices, last one when i try to go online i did a few duels with a japanese player i think and the game didn't took even 1 min to find that macth maybe i was just lucky but with co-op i didn't have any luck


    I was checking both of your suggestion with the booster but when i change to either one of the others in one category there is a stat that takes a huge drop the one called boost duration from 3500 to something like 1500 does that have some noticeable impact during gameplay?


    Right now my stats are this ones i have dropped the handgun in the right slot, but since i'm playing in spanish in going to leave a screenshot with their english name, so far with AP i didn't have much problem with 32202


    http://oi57.tinypic.com/2lbl6qt.jpg (my stats)

    http://i841.photobuc...X/Ironblade.jpg (english link)


    And this is the screen with the stabilizers so i'm not going to worry much with how it is right now




    Bakuhatsu i'm going to check some of those changes you mention with the head, core and the missiles, with the missiles i mas using the Saline05 (spread) but there didn't find then good since they are pretty hard to hit with


    But to be honest i dont think i'm going to change the legs since i just love the looks of it i guess if they are not good well i'm going to have to overcome that with skills sometime


    Some other doubt i have is with the main rifle should i just stick with 051ANNR or go with MR-R102 , i gain more general firepower and average speed with the second one but the weapon in general does less dmg and have less precision, less speed, impact and other stuff


    Edit: one more thing i was wondering there isn't any negavite penalty for example using middle weight stuff on a next that uses most light stuff for example that they dont perform the same as is all the next where complete light, middle or heavy for example

  5. Hi all, new around this parts as the title saids i'm new to 4A and overall to AC since the only one i have given more time to it is verdict day


    moving all i bought 4A this Thursday i have already completed the endings so i have i think all parts from the store unless there are still some few more hiddens since i still missing a few more missions


    So i started to building my Next but i still have some doubts when it comes to the FCS and the booster so i was looking for some of the "old timers" here to give me some suggestion the schematic of my next is this one




    I would like to hear what things i could improve or what are some bad choices since my next is lightweight, for the moment i'm thinking on removing the handgun in the right arm since in most duels i manage to keep most of the main rifle ammo


    With the few points i have from the mission (i dont know their name in english) i have improve the EN capacity, output and aim precision but in another post here i read that stat is mostly for snipers so i'm thinking going for firing stability and turning speed since i dont know the cap of these points what others stats are usefull to a next like this one?


    For last the stabilizers in gamefaqs they said that they don't do anything at all so i have place a few i have the little point in the whole center in the X but a few paces down on the Y so should i change this or dont worry about it?


    So that is all is anyone could be willing to give me some advices that would be great, i dont know how the community online is right now on the ps3 i'm guessing is almost dead but i manage last night to find some japanese player i think


    And just to let you all know i'm playing with the latest regulations 1.40 i think it i guess the few online use that same one so i didn't bother to try the others one in singleplayer as well



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