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Everything posted by Rixlen

  1. Rixlen


    this pleases me ...greatly.
  2. Calling it now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdt2TbkotWk
  3. Rixlen

    Project HON

    ...you say that about literally everything. When I'm around anyway.
  4. Rixlen

    Project HON

    Movie time! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li6HagITVuI Holy shit, these things are like knightmares. Update: aaannnd...I'm not sure what they're saying. but I think the smaller ones are mind interface drones. ...and now they're minicrons. Alright ... I have no fucking clue what's going on here. The first half of the video seems completely different from the second. First half was like AC/Border Break then the second was like Transformers/Titanfall. Its confirmed to be called "Project HON"
  5. Rixlen

    The 45 Minute Series

    Damn, that a quality gestalt. Awesome stuff TM.
  6. Rixlen

    Project HON

    I'll save that judgement for the actual gameplay video.
  7. Rixlen

    Taurus's Art Deck

    Mmmm ...dat athletic bod.
  8. Rixlen

    Project HON

    What case would/do you use?
  9. Ehhh...its a long story. I switched fields and stuff.
  10. Yeah, since I'm a graduate I kinda got the fast-lane treatment. lol I'm also heading out to get some new supplies. Like a 0.5 drafting mechanical pencil and some high quality 0.1 and 0.5 pens. All of these were drawn with a one dollar papermate sharpwriter and some other pen. Looking back I could see that I had little to no control in line density, which lead to proportion issues. Glad you liked the pecs! @Bishop: Well I'm going to go with Ninety's advice and retrain myself with real people. Then I'll start integrating Afro's "Urban Manga" style in there. I can squeeze in a few copypastas from Afro or Street Fighter for fun.
  11. lmfao, that's exactly what my Drawing I teacher told me today. I literally just registered for Drawing II and Figure Drawing in the spring.
  12. Rixlen

    Project HON

    Alright. This is it. GG From http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV5OxuihF3A 2Edgy4me
  13. Rixlen

    Akame ga kill

    I heard that the infamous three girls chapter doesn't come up in the anime. Still average though.
  14. Rixlen

    Taurus's Art Deck

    That explains so much. Engrish.
  15. Rixlen

    Project HON

    Well, the main thing this one's got going for it is the fact that NC made Exteel. A lot of people are expecting this to be its successor, or a completed version of it per se. That will make or break the game. If it falls short of anything Exteel had, it'll probably die. If it has more that builds upon Exteel's features, I'd say it'd be a hit. Every former Exteel player I've talked with is hyped for it.
  16. Rixlen

    Taurus's Art Deck

    I have no idea why they spelled it like that. The wiki has it as "Magnolia" but the official soundtrack has it as "Magnoria" I'd say someone screwed up on the soundtrack.
  17. Rixlen

    Taurus's Art Deck

    Its ACVD's blue magnoria. They're coming out with a model for it too.
  18. Yep, I noticed, that's why I'm going to school to get better. lol As for recent stuff...ehhh, nothing but a lot of body type practice really. I'm going from manga to an urban comic style. Also working on sprites and chibis. I've been getting a lot of demand for more Afro, I'll see what I can do. It might just benefit my art style. - maybe "Urban Manga" is a better classification. - I'd also like to add that I truly appreciate the critique Mista Pengin. Got pretty bored of people just saying "that looks good."
  19. Rixlen

    Project HON

    Ah, thanks Egna...I forgot how to spell your original tag. G-Star huh? Pilot them real G-Units son!
  20. Rixlen

    Project HON

    New upcoming mecha IP from playNC. The group that made Exteel. http://i.imgur.com/pQcjDGN.jpg Looks like a fusion between transformers and Fullmetal Panic. More info will be released by the end of the month.
  21. Rixlen

    Taurus's Art Deck

    Daymn I wish I could draw curves like that!
  22. Rixlen


    I don't have the words to express how much I hate this game. So I'll just leave this here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHVtZsCZ1TA
  23. Here's a collection of stuff I've doodled over the last three years. I'm teaching myself how to use watercolor paint for my new projects. I still have a long way to go in digital art, I can barely use gimp. lol
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