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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Fuck farmville, I get spammed by people inviting me to do shit for them.


    I don't want to give you a piece of log.


    This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.


    what... they're quick

  2. Hahaha, I played that a little quite a while ago, it's interesting, it can be fun to RP with some people, I've been too distracted by other things to truly give it a whirl though, it's nice someone else knows about this intricate little flash game, if some zombie survival fans want to group together it's probably nice of they could display their interest here, and maybe we'll even get a party to raid around or something.
  3. If you're fighting in large numbers you generally want to retreat and wait for the charged up attack to cooldown after focusing down 2-3 rays. Rays have shitty acceleration iirc.


    They generally cool down after they roll over your undefended base though? microing Viking will work splendid now with the range nerf and all.


    I can see frenzy being used in battles, 25 EN, with full 200 EN you get 8 buffs from 1 infestor, and 24 from 3, 25% extra damage on 24 whatever unit means 600% total, 6 more unit worth of damage, depend on the situation I can see it used to turn the tide of battle, though I guess it depends on whether the energy is better spent on mass buff or fungal, in the end I guess we'll see when pro Zs play.


    In regard to this patch, it's not applied yet? I didn't get an update yet, they have a message about maintenance soon, map publishing is going to be a riot! damn dota hahahaha, a half assed shoddy sniper map is already out, but the FoW doesn't quite work like before, yet, I guess we'll see Pen play a lot more SCII now that tower defense is transferred over.

  4. I guess Starry Skies is the equivalent of using Linkin Park songs on youtube?


    I never realized this video was actually here before it showed up on ACO... but that's my bad for not looking at threads, hey, front pages caters to lazy people!


    Anyways, lol, "running away into missle"


    haha you said it, no better/easier way to dodge missiles

  5. CHs can't turn for shit, even the fastest halfass "hover" hounds go so fast.


    Not to mention recoil, ACs would just fly by, auto target, fire a few rounds and a few missiles while moving, leaving the CH to explode, or in utter recoiled overheatedness with broken weapons and crippled legs which will make it turn even slower, thinking "shit I should have just not shielded my cockpit and die a clean death"


    now MAYBE the secret weapons would work, but you saw how powerful ACs can be, regardless of the generation.


    I'm not saying CHs suck, they just suck compared to ACs.

  6. spawnkills are still pretty gay on BFBC2 if you become a victim to it, usually what they do is they sit in your base, behind some building, waiting for YOUR tank to spawn, then, they kill the people that goes for it with a shot in the back, then takes YOUR tank out for a stroll, taking out your friends. I mean, the map's so big, everyone should be in the center fighting, right? NO
  7. Okay so me and my friends just saw this movie, ohhhhhhh myyyyyy goooooodness


    people clapped like 5 times during the movie, wtflol


    greeeaaaaaaaaaaat stuff, you'll definitely enjoy it if you are not a jaded critic.


    Mickey Rourke was definitely a badass, Scarlette Johanssen was more than steamy, and Rober Downey Jr couldn't possibly be better.


    Stay till after the credits BUM DUM DUM!!!!


    Dude... was that a hammer?
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