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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    Kick Ass

    Yeah maybe I'll go see it this weekend, I'm looking forward to it, haha
  2. Alex

    StarCraft II Topic

    I'm saving up for a collector's edition or something, I want this thing :\
  3. Alex

    Kick Ass

    Thanks for being considerate towards others, you can always use the spoiler tags to hide them and discuss what you think, and hopefully the ones responding will be as responsible as you. I'm looking forward to seeing this movie, have been busy lately and did not have the time to watch this movie, but it'll probably be a while before I watch it since I HAVE to see Iron Man 2.
  4. Alex

    Kick Ass

    "who ARE you?" "I'm KICKASS"
  5. always wish I had mastered DDR when my uncle first told me about it when it came out...
  6. lol, I don't know whose side to take, but I know they both look like things you put your tools in and then find it bitten off by mutated claws or something?
  7. Alex

    Ace Combat X

    "Climb! Zoom to above 5,000 feet!" We lost so many nuggets that day
  8. I suck too much to bother posting my stats on here, when I stop spamming all my guns at bushes I'll post my stats
  9. I hate stupid people on this game, I make a kill on some guy on a hill, 2 of his squadmate shows up and kills me, some dumbass medic comes out, revives me and gets me killed again as soon as I stand up... he died too, deserved it. It's happened so many times, medics needs to check the surrounding before running in the open for a corpse just to get shot himself. Damn ESP hackers running over a hill spraying in my direction, two times, the same guy, 13/1 KD, nobody gives a shit... This is half the reason my KD is only 1.06 right now, bs happens so often, sometimes I hoped I could transfer my mouse skill to controllers, so I don't have to deal with all this crap Somehow I destroyed two helicopters with the propipe in the same round, thought that was entertaining enough to mention.
  10. Alex

    Ace Combat X

    F-22, because I loved it ever since F-22 Lightning, I love the series haha, Five was amazing, one of the best games I've ever played, four holds a special place in my heart
  11. you're killing your last bit of bandwidth for this? lol, Niji would have just said "its not like you get to see my genitals anyways"
  12. You can snipe with it, spray with it, kill a whole squad without reloading, damn medics man, whenever I snipe, I go for the dickass M60 whores
  13. Yeah it was, about 12 of our 16 man team was sniping, actually, they weren't sniping
  14. Yeah if there was some sort of structure kind of like that one mission in fA where you had to go into a facility at the bottom of that body of water. It's not impossible for them to have some sort of remaining data stored down there, or underground, especially considering the fact that ACs dominated the world, which means they could have had a hidden facility for schematics and assembly data. If it was underground, that means you can dig into it from a safer spot. I think there's enough ambiguity to establish some sort of story there
  15. haha, sorry, I was just saying, regardless, with the war torn conditions of the ACs, even if there were 3 suns in the sky there shouldn't be almost any reflective shine at all. But don't mind me haha, I don't know how 3D modeling works. Everything looks really good so far, can't wait for more progress
  16. um KDR was thrown in because I was playing just before that, and everyone on my team except me and another guy from another squad is a sniper, I thought I'm allowed to talk about anything related to BFBC2 here O.O Edit: Regarding C4s, apparently there are clans out there with servers where you could get banned for C4ing the objective, yeah.
  17. The shine reminds me of BEAST WARS, I think it should be less shiny to show the battles it's been through.
  18. Gary already explained why it wouldn't be useless, I almost posted redundant crap, but yeah, I agree with Gary's post. Fuck KDR whores that doesn't help the objective(let's sit in the back and all snipe instead of attacking the MCOM)
  19. Tony aka Slaanesh, the dude who draws naked Kerrigan
  20. Why isn't Tony helping you with this, he's got female anatomy down, the girls he draw, ohhhh man.
  21. intelligence can't stop a bullet from a dude in a bush across the map your snipers are too dumb to notice/snipe/mark/mortar
  22. Alex

    StarCraft II Topic

    What about that bubble shit, that's kinda like stasis, and Zerg can burrow around and mindcontrol your shit now
  23. Thanks Tony! LOL you said spawn traps, wait until you spawn on one of your teammate only to be sniped half a second later
  24. Around 30FPS or so in battle, from 2.9 to 3.2GHz Niji please send me the source of your readings, specifically about the dropping quad core support, IF you still have it. I only get mine from forums like tomshardware and stuff(they don't really post their sources either... but people tends to say quad core is the future), call me lazy but I don't see the necessity to reinvent the wheel and google my way around, I was wondering if you could be a kind person and help link me to the right place
  25. Or listen to Niji, Niji's really resourceful in this kinda stuff, guess I should have done my homework. I was thinking about StarCraft 2 and how overclocking my CPU gave it around 5FPS increase in BFBC2 According to Niji's theory, the Arrandale would be a better choice, since it's a dual core with Hyperthreading technology, but the 3MiB L3Cache you gotta be careful with. Unless you want to encode stuff that takes advantage of more cores.
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