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Posts posted by Draxus

  1. I think the world is a lot simpler place than Exogen believes.


    But to answer your question. There is truth and there is what people believe. You can play in the street and think nothing will harm you...then you get a reality check.


    In everything in life there will always be room to doubt and question what we hold to be true. Sometimes the results of that are good, but other times that can lead you down the wrong road.

  2. I saw people selling Bioshock Infinite for $40 ($26 less than new after taxes) literally three days after release. They beat it and wanted to recoup some of their money quickly. That's not even long enough to get scratches and gunk on the thing for most people (also if you see scratches and gunk, not buying is an option). Within a month they were selling for $20. That kind of thing happens all the time.


    I honestly never heard of deals like that. I always went to Gamestop and they were always like "Ok do you want your game new or used? You'll save $5 getting used." That's really as far as I ever went with used games.


    Oh, and I like my physical media. My PS3 is like ten feet from my chair. I'm pretty sure I'll survive the trek when I want to switch games.


    Take sandwiches for the journey. :P

  3. duronix wont get a ps4 because japanese people have tiny hands and will make the ps4 controller tiny


    i shit you not he really said this





    The PS3 controller was too small for me (I played all 3 consoles, so i speak from experience) and the 360 controller was bigger and felt better. Besides I'm 6'1". So my hands are a little bigger than average.


    Some of the things announced are bad for the X1, such as not being able to sell your games for creds. And for all my defending of the Xbox I'm not 100% sure im going to get it myslef. I just think it's not THAT bad to justify all the crazy hate it's been getting.

  4. You'll only save 20-30 dollars on a game that is ancient. Anything that's relatively new you'll only save $5. So all my life I was like "scratches and gunk, or a brand new game for only $5 more." Needless to say I always took new.
  5. I can't believe you guys are overreacting to this degree. The Xbox prez in that video said if you didn't have an internet connection, don't get the Xbox One, and everyone starts grabbing the pitchforks and torches. If you don't have an internet connection (which none of you have that problem it seems) then you probably aren't the type of person that would be interested in consoles anyway. It's the 21st century...get internet.


    And on the internet connection requirement: How many times does your internet connection go out for it to actually be a problem? I would guess not nearly enough.


    I never bought a used game in my life so I don't see that as an issue (used games have scratches and gunk on them...ewww.)

  6. No I meant the topic of spying/tracking.


    I find it funny that because of the hate for the Xbox One (I will not call it Xbone, I hate that name) people view Sony as a saint, when we really don't know what they are doing. Stuff could come out at E3 that make Sony look just as evil as Microsoft. They didn't give a whole lot of details regarding the PS4, guys.


    I know this is wishful thinking, but wait for e3 to make judgements on the consoles.

  7. No Magnus, I didn't say that. I said the spying isn't an xbox only problem, so don't point it out amongst the crowd and demonize it alone.


    I hope the spying and tracking does end, but I won't hold my breath with the way things are going.


    Now can we get off this and talk about something else?

  8. Not imposible to get the data outside of print, just impractical. It would be so much faster to get the info you need if you let the computer do it for you and give you the result in print than having to invidually look at a thousand photos. But yeah I just don't see what they would use the data for outside of business purposes. Maybe I am a bit naive.
  9. Haha companies spying on their customers has been going on for decades. It's nothing new. I don't like it, but that's the world we live in. Research RFID chips if you don't know what they are. Oh and to OB Express: people are overeacting. The Xbox reveal was targeted at the casual market for the most part. People need to wait for E3 to judge the Xbox One ( sorry about my writing. I can't make paragraphs on the Xbox 360 browser lol.)
  10. Sheesh I knew you guys were PS fanboys, but come on. Magnus is really going out of his way to make the Xbox One look bad. I mean saying stuff like if the Kinect broke, the Xbox will stop working. What are you going to do? Chuck the Kinect out the window? And saying the Kinect will spy on you? News flash: EVERYTHING you buy nowadays has RFID chips attached to the product. We don't have privacy anymore. Besides any data that would be gathered would be strictly business related. They won't have people ACTUALLY looking into your living room, (that's imposible to get data on a grand scale that way) they would get the Kinect to send them the data in print, not in pictures.
  11. It can be useful in team matches when an opponent isnt looking your way. There isn't anything more fun in a fight than surprising a guy with two large missiles equipped. One moment he's there...one moment he's not. :D
  12. You have to read this. It talks about the military rethinking tanks. one quote includes:


    "There’s always been an argument between wheels and tracks, but it’s not all about that now; there are hybrid systems, hovercraft, even walker systems.

    Hisham Awad, BAE Systems"




    Here it is: http://www.theengine...1001769.article

  13. It also will be heavily restricted by terrain. While tanks cannot function in the mountains, tanks are effective in swamps and muddy environments, as well as deserts. A "mech" would run into huge problems anywhere soft soil is present, and would also be hard pressed to be functional at all in mountainous environments as well.


    ..............Sooooooo your saying hover-legged AC's are gonna make a comeback? lol


    Nah I agree that real AC's wouldn't have arms on them, but rather have the arm guns in previous gens. AC's would also have to be as small (or smaller) as ACV AC's to be cost-efficient and mobile. But no matter what you say, one thing is true: Japan is going to try it's hardest to make it work. All that robotic work isn't for nothing.

  14. I workout on my Total Gym almost everyday. So far I've gained at least 15 pounds of muscle in 7 months ( I stopped for a whole month within that timeframe and after that I had to gain back the muscle I lost.) That's really good considering I'm mostly strength training and not body building.
  15. AC's have only one reason to exist, and that is being a walking, aerodynamic tank.


    The reason elephants are still used today in Asia isn't because they can't afford heavy machinery to do the heavy lifting ect. It's becuase that elephants have legs and easily go over many obstascles (fallen trees ect.) that heavy machinery can't.


    Imagine a tank that can boost over a building (or on a building for sniping and a good view), or can instantly go over a river while still being capable of defending itself. That's what an AC could be: A highly mobile tank. AC's won't be as heavy as tanks as they have much less bulk making them much faster as well. You may have to shrink them to more realistic sizes but this is definitely practical.

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