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Posts posted by Fatedshadow

  1. Cool story, bro. Looks fun to pilot.


    Expect no one to try it, and everyone to say how yours should be more like theirs :P




    I did. Online it was basically phooey, although on the occasion that I got good registry it was hilarious to stun lock other ACs.


    What do you mean about Raiden arm + Kamal shenanigans? I've only seen one of those. Its equally hilarious when it works.


    Ro it's kind of a stretch but didn't hokie have that REALLY gay back stabber with a similar set up that thing was mad gay!


    I seen one used and tested the combo, but I have a limitless dislike on Raiden arms. Especially when it have something that strip PA to go with it. Raiden arms are evil.


    I use it for BS punishment nothing else.


    aliyah head is poop; switch to 047 or ekhaz

    soluh core sucks compared to ekhaz

    turning tunes useless witth lahire legs


    linstant/g IS NOT THAT GOOD. why do so many people use it? its strictly a gimmick gen. swap your gen to judith or lahire


    swap sides to lahire or something that doesnt suck (the only reason you might have en problems is because of linstant/g)


    thrust tunes on aliyah/m are meh. theyd be better spent in stability or something (or change legs to dusk for both at the expense of vertical angles and some en)


    I agree with the side booster change and the Gen change.

  2. since his bot isn't made be close to be something like mid-light or even full heavy, why he (actually, I) think he should?


    edit : beside, zooks arms still had much more enough stun. also full of 16 shots from KAMAL can do stun to light bot, or even middleweight bot with low stability. (like full TELLUS)


    This is why i said another mech, also I said if he wishes to take the advice. So no need to defend your view because it's not for this mech just advice to think on so no big deal.

  3. @ Fated,

    - SC on LAHIRE legs? sorry but I'm totally not agree. he (South Q) will get much stun from that. (except his total stability was over 2.8k or over)


    Here's some advise If you wanted to try this for more of a reliable mid range; swap the VTF in for a spread and find add spread shoulders swap the kamal down for the LW SC. You could run that on a lighter Mid, or even a full heavy.



    .......I love this place.......it has to be magical

  4. Here's some advise If you wanted to try this for more of a reliable mid range; swap the VTF in for a spread and find add spread shoulders swap the kamal down for the LW SC. You could run that on a lighter Mid, or even a full heavy. You'll have a punishing omni-range mech.


    Snipers can be pressured in there own long range turf with a tri-spread+SC combo and should they fuck up and let u get in close range after taking and of that one good stun locking rotation of bazooka/SC is an insta-fuck, kinda make's me cringe, that means a lot coming from me. As far as CQC goes you have high tracking bazooka arms and a finishing SC since everyone's one's a second staging junkie you can chuck a star in the bank, free kill! Mid range game is not a punishing as u wont maneuver as well as a mid range made mech, but punishment is punishment and that mech can wright a whole book on it, should u chose to build it of course. I'll leave that up too you.

  5. Done properly, it gives you something new to dick around with in single player during your downtime, but more importantly, it gives you all the depth of the last game and more; I stress "if done properly", because this was far from the case with For Answer.


    I don't get what you mean by this. If any game had a corret expansion i would say it was AC4 it's one of the few AC games that ties from start to finish in with it's successor. Further more it's on of the few one's i remember where it had a relevant story between both game's and with in each one. I understand you guys don't like ACFA, but if you wont give it it's just due at least explain how you came to the conclusion that this game was a poor expansion. let alone in the areas you listed no less.


    As far as ACV is concerned I think a one shot kill is good enough for me, remember your single-player story affects your faction/clans stading, online SO just adding more turf and the relevance of it is more then enough for me, and I cant believe im saying this but hell even pulling a WOW cataclysm spin would be great for the Online experience. Which is the push of this game, such as; unmanned pulverizer-Esq (harder to take down then normal ACs) AC come from no where and sweep territory locking them down forcing rival clans to work together to fight them off then finish each other off to acquire the territory and the growth of the NPC based faction. Hell they can go old school with it and allow clans to opt in to pay out funds and territory to gain amnesty from the unmanned horrors thus making them an enemy to the "Free players" but letting them freely take territory as they see fit but invoking the rage of the players fending them off. Much like ravens who sold out in old games I.E. Evangle vs JackO


    Something like this would make the games replay value, sky rocket as well as place players in a more compelling multiplayer setting.


    That's one good DLC or EVEN a new disc one that would work like the ODST HALO3 muliplayer disc or even WOW's updates where not buying the add on will just render the perks of said DLC unobtainable, so the territory that the Unmanned ACs would fight to claim would only be accessible to those who bought the DLC.

  6. I hope you don't like turning, cuz this AC can't do it. Hogire backs are useless and please explain the soluh head to me.


    Denied Hogire back works just fine, actually i'd dare to say its a great back booster. Hell i run a Laton nine times out of ten. as far as the rest of the mech goes it seems solid the Hogire back actually is decent. When i feel like making a mech made for an actual backpedal orientated tactic I would run an; ekhazr or hogire, remember speed is just output as a back-peddler your job is not to get caught and instafucked by CQC or worse. For that reason consistency stacks higher in priority then output, not only for backpedaling but for almost all defensive play-styles in general. I would consider an assist type defensive but i digress; The underlining point is the Hogire back is actually a wonderful back booster, if rogan doesn't mind me cutting in and saying so.


    If he does then he can kiss maiden's shiny metal a**. /joke

  7. Seriously though, it's rife with spelling and grammatical errors. It's incredibly difficult to follow because the sentences are so poorly constructed and it's unclear who's saying what to whom. I have no idea what you were going for. What's the specific wording of the grant?



    No two people are talking it's a poem so read it as a you normally would, also could you point the spelling errors out to me.

  8. http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff279/NYC145/BROWNNOSER.png



    This fucker acually put it up LMAO, cant lie thats a good pic, saved.



    I'm not riding anyone, the point is people on 360 have a tendancy to pull shit or get lucky and call it there god given skill sharriz is prime example. His ego and such seems to bhe absoulte put him in a room with some one he is most likly to lose against its all good games and such until he wins. Hell he told half the 360 per cap, that he "beat the hell outa jozzay" Turns out jozzay wanted to go to sleep.... and was manafestedly drunk..... Hell since my popularity is suspect he tried the "Your not in my leage" Bit followed by "Ask any one" Well when the match ended I had a lancel armed lahire with 2 sniper rifels and 120 frs and a red Win to boot.


    I digress the point is one fluck dose not make you a fool/beast situations can alter outcomes. Neither dose a joke that you turn into a reputation. Avenger claims he beat me 22 times with ethos He beat me once... in an overwieght ridan. It took 5 months of me rocking a latona backed madien to prove my case. Lich should not have to go through that HELL no one dose not even sharizz. Trying to boost your staus that way only brings problems for others, I mean, you cant win a match with out people trying to lie about it.


    The point is sharriz beating any worth there salt in Nobless is ludacris, pired no ones that good hell with Lich's lucy if he held back boost throw in a Qb every once in a while and shot he would beat it(he would get bang ok done now back to aion.ed up as well mind you). And again i know both players personaly lich is not far from sharriz's level, its not happining. It was Lich's bad connection you don't get that luck NO ONE dose.

  9. Well Lich you admitted to be out of practice. However, you still lost to Nobless Oblige. There really isn't an excuse for that one, just take it in stride an work to improve.



    Rogan with all due respect you've been all over sharriz and his crap as of late, to say that lich would lose to sharriz in NO is like sayinf i would lose to you in gray gloom. It's just not happinin. No ones that damn good, further more noone's that bad either. I think your getting hella bies bro, again with no disrespect inteended.

    No ones ganna lose to Sharriz in a NO, come on! Again like i said lich is the only sniper compatition I have period. Since i can and HAVE outstriped most of 360 in a compleatly handicaped mech I'ma say lich is NOT going down like that. His connection is crap (no disrespect again), he also has told you he can't sink a shoot. Thats all that has to be said to me. Rogan, Sharizz MAY be good, i'll take your word on it; however I don't think he nor you or any one can beat lich in a NO..... Sorry I shoot it how i see it, and I'm sticking to my guns.

  10. idk, man. I don't think you got handled that badly just because of connection. I mean, my shots registered pretty well.



    I know Lich personally If lich wasn't hitting his mark something was up. Especially if he was using Lucy (Lucifer), I've played him plenty and i can honestly say he's the only sniper computation I have. And since sharriz is not the most evasive pilot out I'm callin shenanigans. Lich fix your connection and shoot people for me until i get back.

  11. Who knows what fated, or that new guy thyskater, would run if they wanted in, which I think we all hope that they do? They might well run dual PITONE. For that matter, I might run dual EURYALE, and I know that you, Ex, and I all have dual EURYALE ACs. I think you all know how silly I feel that banning dual PITONE is, but dual EURYALE is one ban that it's hard to be apathetic about, since whether dual EURYALE is allowed changes the importance of stability by several orders of magnitude, in addition to altering the metagame in other, more subtle ways. I personally like having dual EURYALE unbanned, since I feel that this results in a lot more frame variety, but if you don't agree, this is, barring an "AC4 Banlist Discussion" topic, the place to say so.



    I'm In. I will have to make a real sniper tho.

  12. In order to be effective with this type of AC, you need to be high in the air; shoulder grenades cannot aim downward enough. If you only go high enough so that you can track with the shoulder grenades, you're vulnerable to the weapons that aggressive AC's will use. Dislike.



    Thats a good point. Ok then have any back wepon advise?

  13. you noob, put sobrero gen back on so that you can use AA properly.


    To be somewhat serious:

    Lahire gen since your defense and stability are paper thin, with a defensive build. You'll have a better recharge rate and PA might help.


    Using the same sniper twice is boring, I thought the build was cooler when it had the 40 shot SR paired with the phact.


    This post was likely pointless as I doubt you'll change the AC


    Acually i do like the Gen idea. PAs annoying to recharge. Also i still have lady gray which is the 40 shot one your talking about. This one is for serius team or BR play needs more ammo.


    Acually i do like the Gen idea. PAs annoying to recharge. Also i still have lady gray which is the 40 shot one your talking about. This one is for serius team or BR play, had to have more ammo.


    @dark If your talking about the 60 shot one It is nice also makes it easyer to stabilize but.... that extra 15 shot usually makes or breaks me.


    @/b/ Yea i can seee that im just sayin. I have more designs then one. i have like 12 which is alot for me. This ones the only one tha dosent change much. I do wanna get a tank and a HW to work only two i havent made.


    @All also i have been thinking this for a while. Most matchs the phcat drops WAY before i shoot it five times. I Its Drain and weight are high... to high. Wanted to change it. I was thinking a traverse explosions tend to add another fear factor to sniping. keeps those virtues of the ground! Thoughts?


    obviously someone hasnt watched fight club


    also, lrn2quote



    Thats not a quote i made it, it came from me my.

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