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Posts posted by SUMERIAN BLOOD GOD

  1. Yeah my vote's with discord. You can use it in a browser which is the biggest thing, shows who's online, has lots of options for notifications, custom emojis, link previews, no ridiculous monthly fee. The only downside is I'm guessing there's no way to have it tie to the forum so clicking chat link takes you to discord chat with your username and everything ready to go; you'll probably have to sign up separately.
  2. I don't think it's bold at all. The people "on the fence" or "waiting for their character" already don't like sf5 and there's nothing that is going to change their mind on that. Owen is a prime example. He loves urien and we have urien and guess who doesn't play sf5?


    Man, people are hard to please. When capcom released old characters it pleased the people that liked those characters but they got shit from everyone else saying they were being lazy by not creating new content. Now they say they're releasing 5 new characters and people are angry they're not gonna see their favorite character. There's just no pleasing anyone.

  3. Since Nomrah's going all out and buying like 30 fightsticks I remembered I never posted mine here.












    Joystick Detail

  4. Yeah they need to buff their armor or something. The tier IX gets overmatched by 90mm guns iirc and the tier X gets overmatched in certain spots by 122 and everywhere by 152+. Changing the entire way overmatch works and making some tanks impenetrable frontally is not the way to do it though.
  5. http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/601252-28-11-16-micropatch-info/


    Overmatch mechanics

    Based on your input from the 1st Common Test, we decided to cancel this feature.

    Initially, we planned to revise the ricochet and overmatch mechanics for all vehicles. However, tests showed that it will cause increased ricochets on thinly armored tanks (the IS-3, IS-4, etc.) that used to be generally bad at angling. This disrupted gameplay overall (a lot more ricochets where chances of them used to be zero), which you reported to us during the Common Test. We analyzed your feedback and decided to stick to the old, time-proven mechanic for all vehicles including the tier VIII–X Swedish tank destroyers.


    so uh, RIP swedish TDs now


    I def think it's the right idea for them to scrap the proposed mechanics. M56 Scorpion shouldn't bounce FV215b 183.

  6. Before, the triple overmatch system (if the caliber of the shell is 3x bigger than the thickness of the armor it's hitting then it got increased normalization and basically always penetrated) meant certain tanks had weakpoints you could exploit if the caliber of your gun was large enough. Now, the mechanics just increase the ricochet angle as your caliber increases relative to the armor it's hitting. In other words, no more auto-penning roofs (IS3 and IS4 say thanks) and thin armor just because you have a big gun.


    porouscloud 1 day ago*


    The overmatch/normalization change is going to be huge. While previously, the swedish tanks would be nearly inpenetrable, except for 152+ TD's, which it would get absolutely slaughtered by(autopen everywhere), it's now going to simply bounce everything while hulldown in a corridor. Well fucking played. Totally balanced.

    Also that basically eliminates weak roofs.


    30mm roof on IS-3? Assuming the formula changed to +2 degrees to ricochet angle for every caliber of overmatch, unless you're firing arty AP at it, or you are an E-100 firing AP down at it, you won't pen. A 122mm gun would get 78 degrees before ricochet, and 15cm would be 80. The IS-3 roof is roughly 83-85 degrees on flat ground.


    It is technically a buff to very thin, but highly angled armor like that on the STB UFP though(40mm, will autobounce almost everything now with no overmatch), and slight nerf to the 113, where I think 122mm+ guns will now autobounce at 72 degrees. Basically 122mm+ AP/APCR gold rounds will pen the UFP almost all the time if they don't autobounce.

    140 roof is now autobounce to everything, except maybe like JPE/183 shots to a small ring. Only weakspot will be cupola's. Yay balance.


    Also, not sure on the spaced armor interactions, but hopefully the RU-heavies have less fuck-you blackhole spaced armor.


    Also, 152+mm AP/APCR will no longer overmatch the conqueror/215B turret roof. Yay!

    Oh, and super thick armor eg. E-100/Maus turrets will be fun with no normalization. Well angled E-100 is ~340mm before normalization, and tier 10 APCR gold is only 325 unless TD.


    Batchat's will be MUCH less bouncy off the UFP now that 105's and larger need to hit 74 degrees before auto ricochet.

    I still feel that thin armor shouldn't ricochet shells past a certain multiple because the sloping doesn't take away the fact that if armor is too thin, it gets pushed out of the way rather than penetrated, like a sledgehammer to sheet metal. Yeah the shell might not have penetrated the armor, but when the armor looks like a crumple zone after an impact, the tank might as well have been damaged.


    Also lol the patriot version of the T26E5 has less armor in one spot


    also also they released two versions of the tank so you can buy both and get twice the daily doubles huehuehue

  7. What do you mean timed out? If you didn't stay til battle end I don't think he reviews it.




    big changes to overmatch coming


    lots of buffs to tanks


    "Replacing the current system will be a single, simpler mechanic that takes into account both the impact angle and the shell caliber. This will boost the combat efficiency of highly-sloped tanks, including Swedish tank destroyers RASHA."

  8. Ayy mang, I did what I could.


    I did get a couple shots on that T-44 at the end, with there being not enough time for him to kill me.


    Yeah that's my point. You did what you could and it had no impact on the outcome.

  9. Nothing. Maus and T30 camped base and did fuckall and most of the rest of the team threw their tanks away for one shot of damage. You maybe could have been cheekier in the north and come in on their flanks earlier but you probably would have been picked up by the Skorpion or some other base-camping TD.


    Also I love that the Maus thought he made the right choice all the way to the end. Yeah, defending the base was the right move when literally 0 enemies went there. Congrats on doing 322 damage in a Maus.


    I will use this as an opportunity though to point out that this is what I'm talking about when I say you shouldn't play light tanks so much. You got top damage on your team and it didn't change a thing. They just do not have carry potential outside of luck, very shitty enemy teams, or in the hands of a skilled player with a great crew. If you had been in a medium tank maybe you could have been in a position that would have made a difference. Light tanks' main asset to teams is not with their gun but through spotting and WoT's map meta is not conducive to LTs playing like that. On most maps LTs are just shitty medium tanks.


    El Halluf is won in the northwest. If you're too paper to fight there then you have very little impact on the outcome of the battle outside of rare circumstances where enemies push fast mediums through the back of the base. Half your damage came from killing a Skorpion that never bothered to look at you and the other half came after the battle was already lost.

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