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Maverick Bison

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Posts posted by Maverick Bison

  1. It's not unique to have enemies not recoil from being shot. Doom, Marathon, back when FPS games were new, enemies didn't recoil from being shot. Then Goldeneye came along and had enemies get their torsos pushed back a little in certain directions when shot. And games would continue the simple version of recoiling, even Halo to Halo Reach.


    And then Rage came out and shooting someone anywhere while they were doing anything would result in a super specific fluent animation of being flung back by their arm, tripping forward and rolling when their leg was pushed back, even falling back without always dying when blasted in the chest with a shotgun.


    To not even have flinching at this day in age isn't trying to be unique. It's avoiding putting more detail into your game and making combat more realistic and fluent. And these two go hand in hand quite often. So without fluent combat, then how is the game any different from red block shoots blue block with green block gun, when everything is just a moving block?

    Enemies did recoil in Doom when they got shot.

    Mr. I haven't even played Doom =p.

  2. Its terrible how down hill the quality of the game went and how the current devs seem to be proud as well as parading about the giant shit they took on the Diablo Fanbase.

    Although I have the game and played it a bit, it has none of the charm that D1 and D2 delivered at all.

  3. ... *clenches fist*

    Anyway I love the visual swoosh they are putting in on SF X T with the nice Water Color/Ink twist as well as being able to play a SF game with Alpha Series physics employed. Since I know how a Street Fighter game works and plays I can vouch for it not playing like shit. Same with Tekken, every game always has a particular learning curb of which you need to play the game enough to get the hang of. As for the Tekken rendition I'll give a fair shot because I grew up with the series back to the Original Tekken from the 90's ( T3 being my personal favorite next to TTag ). I'm interested in seeing how Street Fighter characters will function in that game since there have only been few limited attempts to bring Street Fighter to the 3D style of fighting games.

    Knowing that both will have their problems and will have people not understanding the mechanics of the games in order to play them effectively I am looking forward to the new challenge of both sides playing in different fields.

    3D Fighting Game characters in a 2D style of game play with their combo's and button commands still in tact.

    Since with the Capcom VS SNK franchise both games were on an even playing field since they were both already 2D fighters to begin with.

  4. Thanks :o

    Erza and Natsu fights are pretty lame I admit its like playing a game with great graphics and it having no interesting end game. I'm about to loose! *peers over at my best friends bulging breasts* I HAVE THE POWER! It sucks it tends to always be the "blah blah blah, now we fight!" deal.

    *puts his brain in a cooler*

    I'm tired.

  5. Its that new style Casshern thats on Netflix at the moment right?

    With the sexy sleek new animation style?

    I watched the first 2 episodes of that, I personally think it is really well done.

  6. I like Fairy Tail, Rave Masters (Yes he did that too I believe), and One Piece mostly because I can get heavily connected with those characters.

    There are times when all the hardships they go through are some over exaggerated versions of things that happen in my life, and that "I'm not gonna give up" theme usually manages to pick me up in times when I'm down.

    There is just some mysterious vigor I get from watching/reading those.

    I definitely love the characters though - Mah Chibi Collection :o


  7. Has any body seen or heard of Fairy Tail?

    It is an incredibly epic Anime/Manga with tons of action, story and hilarity.


  8. I'm looking forward to actually playing against people in this, though its online with happy fun netcoding.

    I loved playing it in the arcades until it shut down a few months back...

    I'm gonna learn how to use Twelve better I've seen some crazy Twelve action in the past.

    Also I totally dig the new Youtube upload feature. :o

  9. Core/Casual Gamers/Crybabies > Hardcore Gamers that Appreciate a good Challenge


    Ugh gaming is regressing as we all know it.

    When games in the 90's presented a good challenge and no hand holding... That was when gaming was in it's prime, never mind the visuals.

    As soon as visuals became prioritized in games, quality in games just started to go backwards from there.

    Sure games now are pretty, but they offer barely any content or challenge with all the tool tips spoon feeding you everything you need to get through a level without needing to use your brain in the slightest. :o

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