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Posts posted by Assailant

  1. Nice to see other fans. I first heard of him thanks to a friend who showed me this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnf6eia8M2k

    It's still one of my favourite AMVs.

    After reading Biomega I was astonished of it's mindfuck story and I needed more. So, I scavenged everythig I could find and I still want more.

    A lot of his works are quite similar (especially Blame!, NOiSE and Biomega) with end of the world (as we know it), cyborgzombies, androids and something small and vital that needs saving/protecting, but luckily there are also things like Abara.

    Also, Blame! Academy. Totally unexpected and awesome.

  2. I just think that when you reach a certain point, the game just breaks and isn't so hard anymore, so it needs to throw in more different stuff like poison swamps, darkness, allmost invisible enemies and the like. It took me ton of tries to to kill Taurus demon not to mention gargoyles, but now killing Sif in first try? I know there's still much to see and that the bosses take mere percents of deaths in the game, but I never meant to brag. Sorry if it seemed that way.
  3. So, my overpowered journey continues. Within 90 minutes I killed Priscilla, Smough and Ornstein, Hydra in Darkroot Basin and Sif. Nothing record breaking, but quite well for a first timer IMO.
  4. Well yeah, that one isn't one of those, but anyway, I don't think I had anything special. Elite knight and sealer stuff, black knight halberd and shield and ring of steel protection and evil eye. Nothing special IMO. Now I use mostly Havel stuff
  5. What's all this bitching about how hard Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo are? I pretty much breezed through Anor Londo, until Smough and Ornstein, and the only thing causing troubles in Sen's Fortress was that firebomb throwing giant. Did I level too much (lv 40 when entering Sen's fortress, 53 now before Smough and Ornstein)? Is it about online stuff? Or is it just whining?

    Also, will black knight halberd still be usefull later in the game and should I save those special souls for later for weapon crafting? I'm aiming for heavy halbert/spear knight built.

  6. It's probably something like when the enemies go too far and the game can't/won't keep up with their movement, so they dissapear, and maybe hellkite dragon has quantum properties and can't turn around unless someone is observing it. :D
  7. Quick question: Does that red drake thing guarding the bridge in Undead Parish drop anything besides Drake sword?

    'Cause I think my game just glitched. I killed it with one arrow. I was in Undead Parish and had just killed the dark knight carrying great sword, so i climbed to the top of the tower and thought about teasing the drake a bit. I shot one arrow to it and it flew to the middle of the bridge and vanished. There was a roar and I got 10k xp and when I went to have a closer look it was not there anymore.


    Edit: Oh, after quick googling it seems it's nothing new. Dissapointing...

  8. That may be, but for example, I find M416 far superior to both AK-74M and M16A3 and I find F2000 (or was it PDW-R) even better in campaign and co-op.

    Also, luckily most of the real usefull stuff pretty low level.

  9. Original? Groundbreaking? Mediocre at the most. Are there really people out there who think it's something new and original to turn old sayings like 'time is money' into movies, books and the like?

    And while I'm on the topic, the Quantum Thief has somewhat same idea but better.

  10. I know. He also tends to make some pretty big mistakes in some of his reviews, out of which most can be explained by skipping parts of the game, but still he has made many good points along the way and if nothing else, you can always count him to find some flaws in games.
  11. Just finished some co-op missions and i gotta say it's kinda dick move to just shove players into choppers and expect them to know how to fly. I for example can't fly shit with keyboard. Maybe if there was some tutorial like mission in campaign, but no. You couldn't even fly a jet in campaign...

    Also, if someone wants to add me in Battlelog, look for Assailant424

  12. Wow... Just wow...

    I bought the game today and I totally wasn't ready for it, but I guess no-one is unless they have played Demon's souls. After a couple of hours and countless of deaths, I'm at the Undeadburg and those firebomb bastard are really ticking me off. Even the thought of going into some poisonous swamp sends shivers through my spine.

    Halo Reach on legendary was nothing compared to this, but I'm prepared to bang my head against the wall and finish the game even if it's thanks to my shear stubbornness.

  13. So, there's finally a decent anime about time travelling, and it's quite deep and emotional.


    Steins;Gate is based on a game of the same name developed by fairly unknown 5pb. and Nitroplus studios. The game was praised for it's detailed events and scenarios and multitude of plot twists, and it's easy to see why. Even without playing the game, many potential plot twists and eventually crucial but "not so important now" details and decisions can be seen from the anime.

    Anyhow, the plot of the anime tells a story of socially awkward, slightly skitsofrenic mad scientist(?) Okabe Rintarou aka Hououin Kyouma, who happens to accidentially create a time machine able to send messages to past, teleport objects and turn them into jello-like goo and to not make things too easy for him, he seems to be the only person able to retain his memories once the past has been changed. The plot revolves around theoretical ideas such as time travel paradoxes, world lines and chaos theory at the same time focusing on personal problems of the main characters, balancing the story nicely between slice of life comedy, emotional moments, theoretical time travelling and suspense. It's hard to explain the plot without spoiling too much...

    Another point that deserves mentioning, in my opinion, is how well the anime/game has been tried fuse with the real world. Things such as CERN, IBM 5100, John Titor and kerr black holes are vital parts of the story all the while things such as 4chan/2chan and various internet memes appear on the background. Some of the jokes are lost in translation of course, but good translators have found ways to convert most of the stuff for westerners.


    So, discuss.

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