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Tidus Klein

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Everything posted by Tidus Klein

  1. and she,s still faster then you because you cant stop fallin over http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/006/216/7nTnr.png
  2. hahahaha ya even the amish mafia have a raps on it!!!
  3. ooooo MY GOD!!!!!!!! have you guys even looked at the asimo links i have been posting!!!!!! the stupied thing can flipin run now at 4 miles an hour. <_< and dosent fall over. even walk up steps. oo and they would most likely look like this http://www.google.co...122&tx=66&ty=61
  4. huuu you can walk up hills and mountains right?? and im going on a limb here and say what if we had boosters like in the game?? i dont know but if you look back on the forum i agreed with you and said and im just trying to keep a dream alive so insted of arguing the imposibilitys lets put are heads togather and make it possibale even if its just a big super expensive toy but sadly it will never happen, none of us have the money, knowledge, or back ground for such a thing. so i will keep arguing though broken but you could try and read this
  5. why are you guys so small minded???? where all AC fans hear right?? i mean if not a super heavy combat ready death machine we should at least try to give it the benifit of the dout right??right!! we should at the very least again just try to come up with a design for an AC pleasure craft just for fun and braging rights. and at the apex have a military grade ultimate weapon. and yes i have read the whole topic and my main focuse was on this and i say yes we have every thing why cant you all see this! (you) there may not be a use for them but we should try! maybe im just to in to the game i dont know. but i will say i give BerserkFury the best luck i can give. that is all
  6. ogawa this this i dont know how but this tore me apart i honestly dont think anyone will get close to a generic armored core. from just needs to grow a pair and try to advertise other places because i thoughly belive if they actualy through up a commercial showing some game play more people would look in to it.
  7. no bro with you all the way give us the AC6!!!!! but what would be awsome is if they did something like nexus and revisited the past games with better graphics and more parts i would buy that in a half a heart beat
  8. Ha wrong!!!! You can put it on the shoulders like the ones on planes that are on the tip of the wing!!!! Or just like in the old games and have a intire back unit for it!!! haaaaaaaaa suck on this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. yes a gun ship would devistate an AC. and YES there is room on an ac for long range radar. SPACE!!! ever heard of satellite targeting?? heres the link an this also lets the uavs you can launch from the AC's in 5 be more practical and in general an AC has room for long range radar if we can fit one in an F-14 thats half the size then we can deffinetly fit one in an AC.
  10. you see thats where the games and reality have it all wrong the range of an ac would be more then a mile from just lowers the range to keep the game a challenge. if it where more like real life you would be blowing stuff up before it ever saw you .
  11. i take it all back as soon as i can get my hands on a camera ill post the pic i made
  12. that....... thats F@$!#ing blasfimy no i agree im not raping on dark souls i never played it so i cant judge it. im just saying out of all the mech games i have played armored core is the best of the genre. i i also agree that AC V could and should have been much better but theres also a topic on this aready right here thats all i have to say
  13. WHAT!!!!!!! noooo screw dark souls Armored core is the best mech game ever conceved and ive played alot. every one that i have let barow the game loved it! FROM SOFTWARE needs too grow some BALLS!! in the marketing department!!!!!!!!
  14. leos klein one of the few that you had to beat three times and give many a run for there money if not prepared or skilled but i most respect that 00-athera thing from 4 on hard that thing is a jerk
  15. humm i dont know how many missions have they been on and in what places some ppl dont have the tech to even try to shoot one down
  16. then why doesent your picture fall over!!! any way the first order of business im going to impliment is the cockpit when you think about it theres no room for it in the core or anywhere. when you scale it down and practicly try to fit every thing in it gives little room for a person.
  17. i never said that well i did but thats not the main reason now that i think about it. it always protrase the characters as victoms and stuff like that i just never liked it
  18. i dont think AC V had a picture on wiki for a long time not till it came out so i dont know
  19. humm interesting yet highly amusing i never liked manga just to sexual but i have to make an exception for this, its good now they just need to make a movie
  20. I personally like the idea of bringing flying back. i mean the leader AC basically flue in the cut seen after you beat him. destructible parts all the way!! just have like a factor of decay like 75% ap lower recoil recovery and slower movement 50% ap more of both and less chance to deflect bullets and lower accuracy. 25% your arms almost useless with super low stats and movement speed. 0%ap BOOM!! no more arm. same for all parts except core that goes boom well we all know what that means. ooo i almost forgot legs if thous go you have to use boost to drag your self around. and a greater kickback when you shot a gun. one more thing would be boosters i can imagine blowing off an enemy's arms and boosters just to watch him run around the battlefield completely helpless. AAANNND!!! when your head goes your screen go black and you have to fight blind or launch a recon unit to see for you. benefit of having the type that hovers over you. trash talking the enemy now that's just great do that! be the troll of the battlefield. i do like the fall system zodicus implied i would looovve to shoot an enemy AC with a sniper cannon and watch as it did a back flip one more thing i would like is even bigger maps for multiplayer snipers aren't that effective with the map sizes we have now and the implement of kill-cams and better laser blade combat effectiveness. you cant go in to battle with duel laser blades and expect to come out alive, maybe a laser blade lock on with a short quick boost to the target crap i keep forgetting stuff. an AC I,E,D ya you thought you where going to get an awsome part then BOOM!!! your scraped! over troll
  21. pie is the answer my friend to EVERYTHING!!! (dont ask)
  22. ok ya i thought that was a bad idea when i did that. thanks now back to the point this topic is about all the general stuff an AC would operate on , power source, frame parts, stabalizing, cockpit, all that good stuff. im just too lazy right now to kick it off so just post your thoughts just for now your title sounds better anyway
  23. i say nuclear power GOOOOO!!!!! segway nuf said im stumped here i honestly don't know what you would use post any thing think that can help here you know what to do here
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