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Posts posted by Rachis

  1. For the first time since Soul Calibur 3, I'm legit having to take notes. He's got a shit ton of potential. He will likely have a halfway decent answer for everything. While youtube is going nuts on demon setups, I've been working on demon flip setups and in the process I found out how unique his divekick game is. I really can't wait to see what Tokido does once he levels up with the character.
  2. Take care of those hands dude. At least it was your left hand.


    As far as Chun goes, she may have been nerfed to not be so much of a bully, but she gained more ways into her meter for sure. I think she'll be fine.


    As far as I go, I've completely dropped everything for Akuma. He's incredibly fun and very technical. It will take a while to "git gud" with him, but I think I'll be alright considering he's got an Oni feel to him.

  3. the problem i had with heavy gear 2 was it gave u access to all the equipment from the drop so bscly it killed the balance and the fun of playing thru the game and building ur bot by earning ranks and parts


    I like this. It's a part of what is wrong with DS franchise right now. People expect everything to be balanced and completely neglect the progression aspect of the game. Why should an axe be just as viable yhorms? Why should a basic laser rifle be just as viable as the karasawa? Progression is fun and rewarding. It's an extremely shallow mechanic, but it lets you feel like you are getting stronger. It adds the drive to invest more time into getting more stuff.

  4. The update is going to require a noticeable adjustment from everyone for sure. I'll be relearning anyway because I'll have Aku *cough* Oni *cough* ma.


    I have a hard time listening to LTG because he's just too retarded. I had more fun watching LI Joe's reactions to the whole thing.

  5. Yes Phoenix Mika is hawt!


    Yeah the lack of lag is helping get comfortable with characters I haven't been able to grind with online and you actually get to focus on shit!! This Mika, like most I run into, only practice the blender so they completely die midscreen if you run like a bitch.

  6. I don't think it's bold at all. The people "on the fence" or "waiting for their character" already don't like sf5 and there's nothing that is going to change their mind on that. Owen is a prime example. He loves urien and we have urien and guess who doesn't play sf5?
  7. neat.


    I've seen this wonderful trend going. It was once cool to hate on Destiny even though it proved to be very successful in its own right. Now it's cool to like No Man's Sky even though it's success is largely in question.


    Also, its ok for this developer to release a game and support it with DLC that will "fix" it, but when Street Fighter 5 does it Capcom is a fucking monster.


    I hate gamers.

  8. this game has always looked dumb and the only guys really buying into it are extremely bored people who have zero interest in multiplayer. and that's fine, but they keep saying how it's such an amazing game, when the reality is it only caters to a small group of people. they are an armored core esque group of people if you will.
  9. i tried for a month to do something that wasn't quality and was unable to do so. my main sparty dude, who isn't even a meta character, still runs 40/40. its kinda dumb. i've always liked refined, but i don't like being shoehorned into something either. the fact that my str build was the only other thing i could even bother to finish and it still wasn't that great to me says a lot about the creativity allowed in this game. tons of builds get put up on youtube that are lots of the same stats with just different equipment. the only "original" stuff is hey lets see what happens if i put 70 in a primary stat. not really effective.
  10. i still have a "soft spot" for the butcher boss in demons souls and the tower knight. Only thing I really liked about bloodborne was the scythe weapon. the atmosphere was cool, but for the most part i could've lived without the game. my opinion is partly biased due to the fact i bought the ps4 for that game and it didn't exactly pan out like i thought it would.
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