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Everything posted by Rachis

  1. Rachis


    dude the match took almost a fuckin hour haha!
  2. Rachis


    I figured as much. I've had the workers follow me all the way back to my base and they don't attack unless I do first. Pretty dumb.
  3. Rachis


    Yeah see I hate turtling. If I'm even using bunkers so far its like 2 tops in my initial base and the rest are offensive. And its cool how with the AI you don't even need to scout on 1v1 maps because they don't do anything special. Build order seems the same pretty much and the AI never really pumps out late game shit so I got to a point now where I can get into the mid-game and run containments. Everything so far has either ended early from bunker contains and then sending in a couple tanks with a couple squads of marines or to pushes...although its not really a push because the AI doesn't seem to ever really populate the map. They tend to keep their shit in their base and then send them out for minor harass, but nothing even an intelligent nub can't handle. That's just on the terran and zerg side of things. I've been straight handing the toss their asses on a platter with vulture micro on zealots and by the time I see goons I have some tanks with siege good to go and just wipe the floor. This is sad because I don't suspect I'll be able to get much use out of dropship tactics or hit late game ever because all the AI wants to do is sit around and do nothing unless provoked. AI is fucking stupid baitable too because they chase after everything for fucking ever. I had like 8 zealots chasing around one scv for awhile. I think I'll be doing that more so I can learn to multitask. See how long I can keep the scv alive and see how much shit can get done. I'm pretty sure that even right now I'm straight enough to play some low level guys so I can get some good experience on what races tend to do. So far I pretty much like fast teching to vultures against protoss, running marine/bunker contains on terran, and baiting/counterattacking zerg. AI is gonna get old real quick lol.
  4. Rachis


    So I got the game today. Pretty much went right back to where I started before which was pretty cool. I pretty much have a good idea of the build orders I like, but beyond the first couple minutes I get lost on what to do. This would be due to the fact that my scouting sucks balls and my build orders aren't for anything specific just yet because I'm not too knowledgeable on the what beats what yet. Been reading some strategies though. Learning quite a bit on how to use each unit. I try to stay away from known/specific build orders and ways to deal with the other races because I generally am better at coming up with things that work for me myself. I pretty much just need to know the RTS basics and the purpose of all the units and how they react to one another. For the record...I'm a hardcore Terran fan so this game is going to be rough on me. As I understand it, it takes are really awesome player to make the Terran a powerful race.
  5. I definitely watch movies to see stuff. Avatar looked cool. It gets props. It probably looks cooler than what you look at...dude guy broseph man of superior movie knowledge skills :up: Also...I have not seen this movie. I heard it was gonna be good shit though. I heard that from my asian co-worker though
  6. Rachis


    Lol...I'll place it on a blowup doll girl body for you if you like
  7. Ok was talking with a buddy when I heard about the sniper rifle bullet velocities and we had an entire discussion on it and everything made sense. But after extensive research I haven't been able to find any proof to back it up. Too bad our conversation just happened to make it all very believable. The game is just hitscan so its a hit if your crosshair is over the body period. So with that said I'm sure the barret and wazoo just have hit detection issues.
  8. I don't have the time right now because I have to go to work, but I will back it up. Trust me its there.
  9. There is a hidden stat for velocity specific to sniper rifles. There is no "pure preference" between the barret and the intervention. Both work very differently and the barret WILL have streaks where it won't work. I've played with both for way to long to know better.
  10. It's probably how you lead your targets if you do or your aim is more of a general area art because the wazoo has slower bullet speed than the intervention. You pretty much have to be spot on and any leads have to be pretty small to put your shots in the right place with the Intervention. It's accuracy and bullet speed are double-edged swords. I would naturally prefer the wazoo or the m21 for their accuracy and rapid-fire capabilities, but i'm too much a fan of immediate results and I'm able to work past the slower reload of the Intervention so I can't really be budged away from my weapon choice. The wazoo is superior in theory, but the Intervention has the results to back it up.
  11. I used to love the Barret and then I ran the Intervention for about 2 weeks straight and haven't been able to go back. All of the advantages the Barret has going for it don't amount to the Intervention being the absolute most reliable sniper rifle of the bunch.
  12. Rachis


    I probably won't be able to play with you guys until late May. I'm deployed.
  13. I has the gold Intervention emblem
  14. Rachis


    I've been playing Diablo 2, well Median XL, since I deployed. Got so fuckin tired of Median though so I'm back to Vanilla for good. I'm a barb kind of guy. I try to make makeshift barbs out of other characters, especially the assassin, but despite taking advantage of their strengths to make melee more viable they just don't have all of the ingredients of melee that you would need. So I'm pretty much stuck on barbs. I bought the Starcraft battle chest thingy a few days ago. I read some reviews/opinions on the Starcraft 2 beta and it seems to be that SC2 is more of the same with added twists. So I guess if I get comfortable smashing SC1 AI that I will be completely prepared to get raped by you guys come SC2.
  15. There are a couple PC laptops that run Lynnfields. However, they are bulky and expensive. One example would be the fragbook which costs you nearly 5 grand just to go with all of the cheapest options and its not even that great of a setup. Apple has it down when it comes to the performance to size ratio at good prices. Their biggest problem is the failure to have any real graphics power so they would be forced to run external graphics cards to achieve similar graphical performance. However, if that becomes a non-issue or more Apple users were to run external graphics cards, if the Mac OS even supports it, then they would be ahead of the game in that respect because they would get performance comperable to a desktop for much less than it would take to achieve the same thing with PC laptop. The displays being the difference maker in this case. Also, smaller laptops = less cost so there's the other advantage. By no means is the longevity or performance ever going to match a well built desktop by virtue of cooling. I would still give props to Apple for what they are able to accomplish. Their limitations by no means put them below your typical PC.
  16. Rachis

    First entry EVAR!!

    Yeah I get to play some Mw2 every now and then, but the guys here blow at it big time so I'll probably go back home and suck lol. Considering moving over to BFBC2 when I get back though. MW2 is basically more of the same, but easier. I hear sniping is difficult in BFBC2 so I'll be wanting to jump onto that wagon there real quick.
  17. So yeah I've been away from American soil now for 57 days. In a place called Kyrgyzstan. Not a bad place really. There have been some improvements since the last time I was here...wireless internet in the dorms being the only one lol. Last time I was here was in 08. This place is goin nowhere. It's not even technically a base. We just rented space from the Kyrgy airport here and the US is paying out teh ass to be here. Either way though...I'm here. Its 9:30 AM my time. Should be getting to bed here like...now. I work the night shift which really toys with my mind. Daily mindfuckery is not cool. Ok maybe it is, but don't tell anyone I said that or I'll fucking kill you...really. Ok gotta catch them zzz's. Gonna be another long night at work doing nothing. Been pretty slow lately. Peace nyuckas.
  18. http://www.brightsideofnews.com/news/2009/...gas-gtx285.aspx Did you say macs are gonna have ballin gpus? And yeah I don't know what everyone's problem with Windows is. Never have had a problem with any version to include Vista. I just happen to like Vista the least like most everyone. Win7 is pretty ballin though. A friend of mine had a Mac and it was pretty sweet too. Seriously, the biggest differences is seriously just layouts. If you prefer things to be simpler and easier and/or you don't know much about computers then Mac is the way to go. If you like to have a near fully customizeable experience then PC is the way to go. Just have to keep in mind that for the PC side of things it is always better to build your own. Apple on the other hand designs and sells computers that make sense....for teh most part. Ok...I shall let the fanboyism continue. ...Oh, and I'm a PC
  19. That situation is highly dependant on what the score is. If the game is still going fresh then I'm not going to bother with the 3rd flag and I'm going to do my thing holding middle ground so people don't grab B and so people aren't getting behind B unnoticed. If the game is coming to a close and you could still save it then yes you have no choice but to go for the 3rd flag. You don't have to straightup camp to not qualify as a fucking idiot. You just need to make smart decisions and know the limits of those decisions. If you are a hunter like I tend to do then you need to recognize how far is too far if covering 1 flag is what you need to do. Some people don't learn from their mistakes though. There is no problem with going back to the same place. Problem is people will go about it in a way that is predictable. To really seperate yourself from the hunters and the feeders you need to recognize a situation where there is one. First rule is assuming they are ready for you. Second is have a plan. Whether that plan comes from experience of dealing with that situation or you have to think it up on the fly doesn't matter. If you just go in without a plan then you are setting yourself up to be a feeder. The biggest thing that would help you is simply being smart enough to throw a grenade in. Actually make the individual work for their kills. The idiots do the same thing each time. The key is mixing it up. And sometimes its just knowing when to not go in. There aren't very many places that can't be attacked in a variety of ways, but there are times when you just need to leave someone alone. Spas is the most accurate of all the shotguns. If your aim is not on the money then you aren't going to find the Spas a very reliable killer. The Spas reload animation can be cutoff. As soon as the pump is done, but before the weapon resets you can fire again. This speeds up the firing process enough. Perhaps you are just terrible Hated...nah I kid. Spas 12 doesn't show the grip really helping out until you get beyond half its range. The grip does help. Check your spreads again.
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