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Endymion Hawk

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Posts posted by Endymion Hawk

  1. Simple question, really, but I was wondering where the young (or old) enterprising fanfic writer might display thier magnum opus for all to see? do we put it in the literature section, or is there a dedicated FF forum to post them in? I don't see it now, in which case if it does not exist, WILL it?


    Thanks for hearing me out, and Toodles!

  2. I love how this ga,me makes you think. Like in the Zaeed DLC, there's a situation where you're placed in a position knowing that if you work with zaeed's motives, innocents will die, but if you do the morally right thing, your relationship with a (kickass) mermber of your squad is frever tarnished.


    Moments like that are sprinkled throughout the game, moments that make you feel and ache and mourn. I could care less about gameplay mechanics or graphics (Hell, I play AC, that's clue enough), but if you give me a game where i can bond with programming, that studio deserves props.


    On a higher level, the more cerebral bits and themes scattered throughout the game particularly were poignant. The "Geth Collective" mission (to avoid spoilers) was a great example, forcing you to rationalize whether killing a group for being a threat merely for what they believe, or brainwashing an entire population of millions of geth to conform to a peaceful solution is right. Or perhaps deciding between the sterilization and decline of the potentionally dangerous Krogan race, or changing an illusioned scientist to better understand the damage he caused to an entire species.


    The themes of self-preservation, artificial intelligence morality, and simple romantic love run strong in this stellar piece of fiction, and I'm sure were it released as a film or as a novel, would become instantly recognizable in the literary/academic circle.

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