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This is a HW I made a while ago, it was alright but definitely needed some tweaking. I don't remember the exact parts list though, and I can't try it out for obvious reasons.
























ENO - 50

KPO - 50

Man - 30

Aim - 20

MQB - 50

SQB - 50

Trn - 50


PITONE over SC might seem weird, but the idea is that they're meant to do the same thing - long range support + relatively high single shot damage at closer ranges. EURYALE/049 can be a bit awkward though, because if the SC doesn't hit it can be hard to land SG rounds on LW's. Ideally, PITONE would handle LW's, but it doesn't always work.


I went with MUSSELSHEL over BELTCREEK for higher salvo damage, basically using it as a deterrent. It's the extensions that I rely on for close in fighting when using missiles on this AC, CHEYENNE gets used for long range with the extensions off.

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I rarely use weapons sets that call for missile ext., so normally I tack some on. Heavies/Tanks are my one case where I near refuse to leave home w/o em', AC4 or FA.


If they have more than a few salvos, chances are you'll either be eating much more damage than necessary or going OB wild, which still won't escape a good joust.


Besides, on a heavy weight isn't exactly top priority.

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Generally, I prefer no extension to flares.


HW's don't really have any more trouble dodging missiles than other designs. It's only tanks which have really slow normal boost acceleration and no jump who have issues.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nbr3zwJ0VE << The HW is this AC.


Flares on this AC would cut my offense especially up close where this AC needs it.

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That vid proves my point. You ate waaay more missiles that acceptable, & as heavies normally do, You move like a Mountain with harriers duck-taped to it, which is to say with a lower mobility than you seem to believe.


So again, rethink this crazy "flares are for squares" logic. It's going to start hurting you later on if not already.

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In that video I take most damage from the arm weapons. Later on TM fires missiles at me for no effect as I simply side stepped them, granted they came with little pressure.


Also, Flares wouldn't have magically repulsed the missile damage. Any good player knows ways around flares. Either overwhelm them, or "outmaneuver" them by faking out the other guy or firing at unexpected times.


And like I previously mentioned, flares would take a big cut out of my close range offense. Now of course, I could just equip better close in missiles than Spreads, but that would take away from the long range offense. I like the balance I get from splitting the job between extensions and missile launcher.


Also, flares aren't for squares, they're for tanks. Dodging missiles is only about getting inside their turn radius. HW have acceptable enough accel to do this to lone missiles easily, and they can jump and have better QB to position themselves when the missiles are mixed with gunfire. Tanks lack the boost accel and they lack jump. Any movement is much more EN taxing for them. That's where flares come in. Note that I don't look down on the use of flares, but they just don't fit in with how I play. I get more out of the extensions by not equipping them.


Also Also, I accept your declaration of war. We'll settle this. To the death. Or tournament in my sig.



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I dunno if that vid's a good example tbh. If I remember right it was part of my 'TM plays AC4 after half a year of constant cod4.' Needless to say I was not in a prime condition-- especially the case for that AC since it wasn't even mine, it was just one of bato's that I randomly picked. Turned out to be a close match tho so I uploaded anyways.
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Sure, we can rumble, assuming we had PSN & I a little warm-up for AC4.


Time to awaken my sleeping giants. EN Tank Shenigans Initiated. Prepare for Shoop-da-Whoop, class A.


Assuming I have any designed for 1.4-1.6. I lost my schematic save so I'll have to experiment. When PSN is up & I can redownload regs


I see my future-self being stomped though. So. Out of. Practice. I wonder if I can still fall back on my CANO+SIRIUS stylins'...


Edit, got ninja'd & Edit won't function. Damn timng Shenigans.

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That might work. I like the range increase of the hand missiles over the SG. I'd need to replace CHEYENNE though. Having missiles as the only option for the left side isn't something I want. I could switch the SC's side so it would pair with the RG, and then equip SIRIUS, but that's a lot of increase in weight and drain.
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