AC Garage
Have a bunch of AC designs that you want to showcase in one easy to find place?
Try making a garage and telling your friends about it!
Subforum Guidelines & Information
1.) Topics in this subforum require approval by administration to become visible.
2.) Members may only have one topic in this subforum each.
3.) Posting a reply to a topic is not allowed in this subforum.
4.) Posts in this subforum increase a members total post count.
5.) The off-topic tolerance level for this subforum is: Low
6.) Topic rating is enabled and encouraged in this subforum.
7.) This subforum is visible to everyone, including guests.
8.) Only registered members may post in this subforum.
Subforum Description - The AC Garage subforum is where you can post a collection of your ACs in one big topic. This is the place to post your ACs if all you want to do is show them off and not receive criticism. Remember that you can only have one garage topic per AC generation subforum and only ACs that belong to that generation should be in the relative topic.
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