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1st Generation

Discussion of the 1st Generation of AC Games:

AC1 | AC:PP | AC:MoA

Forum Guidelines & Information

1.) Posts in this forum increase a members total post count.
2.) The off-topic tolerance level for this forum is: Medium
3.) This forum is visible to everyone, including guests.
4.) Only registered members may post in this forum.

Forum Description - The 1st Generation forum is where members of ACU can discuss the different aspects of AC1, AC:PP, and AC:MoA. Feel free to talk about things like the games presentation, story, mechanics, balance, parts, strategies, and other defining traits. Don't be afraid to throw your opinion into the fray! Just remember that not everyone will agree with you.


  1. AC Designs

    Need help with one of your designs? Feel like showing your favorite design off?

    Post it here and let the community take a swing at it. Be ready for criticism!

  2. AC Garage

    Have a bunch of AC designs that you want to showcase in one easy to find place?

    Try making a garage and telling your friends about it!

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  3. Guides & Walkthroughs

    Feel like writing a guide? Have a specific playstyle or mechanic you want to elaborate on?

    Looking for a guide about beating a certain mission, boss, AC, or game? See if we have it!

  4. FAQs & Help

    Can't figure out where a certain part is? Don't know what a stat means? Ask for help here.

    Check our FAQs too. You might find something useful, even an answer to your question!

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