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Harakiri Tiger

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Posts posted by Harakiri Tiger

  1. Most of ACU lives on the discord chatroom now, but I'll drop a link to this topic in there just in case.

    I am a huge SF fan but I haven't played SF5 or 6 at all really. I've mostly been content living with ST and 3S for years now, though I honestly haven't played either one in the last 2-3 years. I've been too busy with IRL stuff really, haha.

  2. If you can't get into chatrooms on Discord try restarting your Discord app on phone, program on desktop, or entire browser if you use browser version. It could be the Discord servers that are down when you're trying to use it too. That happened a few days ago.
  3. Ok, all the skins have updated Chat button links. They all redirect to the Discord channel I made. We'll run with that for a while and see how well it holds up. If it doesn't work out I'll spend millions of dollars to make you all feel bad for me spending millions of dollars. The Discord chat also has voice chat channels I made that can be used to replace TeamSpeak, so if the TS server goes down you can use those. There's a dedicated channel for RL and for WoT already made if you people end up needing it cuz too many people on at once. The TS server will stay up though, since it's really low impact on my PC.


    I also cleaned up Soc so it has only Chat button instead of two. Only Ata probably knows what I'm talking about when it comes to Soc. :nyasu:

  4. Yeah, I'm just gonna go ahead and stick with Discord for a while for now. We'll see where we go from here later on. It's less stressful this way for now. I'll update the top navigation bar link to go to the discord ACU chat room later tonight. Everything should be in working order then.
  5. ChatBlazer is looking like not an option anyway. It seems that their off-site hosted $40 plan doesn't let the service integrate with IPB. I'd have to buy an enterprise server license for that feature, which is probably some unfathomably large sum of money.


    I was thinking on it last night while watching BW. I could upgrade the old FlashChat hosting on ACUi so it's not as laggy, give it an SSL certificate so it's on https and then put a big red message on the sign-in/register page that tells people to not use their real passwords when they sign up for it.


    The other option seems to be a Discord channel yeah.


    It's up to you guys which one you want to go with.

  6. Well, it'll probably be a day or two before I can get another chat option up. For now you guys will just have to use TS and ACUi secret chat.


    Kortok and LS recommended just using my Twitch chatroom for now. It's not such a bad idea until I get the other chat installed and stuff. Here's the link for whoever wants it. It's a lot easier than using ACUi or TS I think.


    Niji Twitch Chat


    I'll be on twitch and TS, since they're easier to keep track of for me.

  7. Right now it looks like $40/month.


    I can afford it, but I gotta make sure there aren't other options that are cheaper and still good. Though this one seems to have everything, which is nearly a miracle because almost every dedicated chat software like this has died over the years.

  8. It seems Invision Power has decided to cancel their IP Chat service in general without sending me an email beforehand or anything. That means current chat is dead.


    I'm looking at a chat software called ChatBlazer, since it seems to be the best at replicating all the chat features we want (including logs for LS) as well as skins and colored text, etc. The problem is that it costs a good bit of money, so I'm gonna see if there's anything else to use until then. I'm also not entirely sure it integrates with IPB users, so that'll be a problem too. There aren't many functional chat services left out in this big wide world. They're all terrible copycats of simple phone text message programs.


    If I can't find anything particularly useful then I'll probably just swap us to a generic IRC window or something like Discord, though I'd prefer not to have to resort to that. For now there's always the secret old Flash Chat, which is laggy cuz I have it hosted on the cheapest hosting known to man, and TeamSpeak's chat. TeamSpeak has both a voice and regular chat, so I recommend using either of those.


    If you need the TeamSpeak server IP address or if you want a link to the old Flash Chat, just PM me and I'll send it to you.

  9. The game is probably far too large of a file to host on ACU reasonably really. It's better if you used a regular filesharing site, dropbox, or google docs for something that large. Also you'd still need a Vita or a Vita emulator to play it.

    I've been told that turning off chat for about an hour should let their server recalibrate it and fix it up. That means everyone who is in chat has to leave and stay out for a bit. I'll turn it off so you can't rejoin by accident and mess it up though.


    Thanks to nob for giving me the power to kill everyone in chat. Rest in peace innocent bystanders.



  11. Apparently it's treating chat as though it's the free 5 user limit version of chat, even though I have the paid version that supports 50 users. There's nothing I can do since it's not on my end. This is an Invision Power issue since they host the chat on their own servers exclusively. They're taking forever to respond though, so I have no idea when they'll fix it.



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