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Posts posted by Not-Hunter

  1. HRJs handle CE missiles decently because no one uses the high damage mid CE missiles anymore, and KE missiles fairly decently due to recoil resistance and fairly decent KE numbers. TE missiles are still really effective, though.
  2. I think the VOB is cool but it's kinda simplistic. If it had more to it I think it could be used in more scenarios.


    On a side note, the idea of becoming a turret for a bit sounds amusing but I dunno how much fun it would be to actually play.


    Also glad you're watching and stuffs.

  3. they pandered to jp ac fanbase with FA and we got FA

    they pandred to the jp ac fanbase with acvd and tried to make it into fa again, leading into the mess it wound up being after a few patches. i agree with the "let from do their thing" point of view.

  4. i clicked the link it said a "prosciutto adventure game" is there references to ham in the game? or is it just saying the game is ham-like






    some other words maybe?


    The characters in it are obsessed with prosciutto, but otherwise it doesn't mean anything.


    And I'll have to look into witch's house, then, sounds cool. That video looks cool too. Fairly confusing but also cool.

  5. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/rpgmaker/images/3/3d/Mogeko_castle_game.png


    I just played through this recently (last night when I couldn't sleep), and I really enjoyed it. It's a weird game, essentially a "follow the story path and don't die" game with a slightly odd mix of horror and comedy that I enjoyed. Outside of some scenes where you have to run away from things, it's basically all cutscenes and text, so there's essentially no gameplay besides talking to NPCs and collecting bits of junk laying around to figure out more of what's happening. I ike the music and artstyle for the character portraits quite a bit, the only real thing that requires a bit of imagination is the sound effects, which are reused quite a lot. (I also can't figure how to full-screen it, but whatever.) The translation is very good too, which helps a ton.


    Something about the whimsical nature of much of the game contrasted with the harsh bad end scenes makes it rather endearing. Not sure. One thing to know is that if you get a bad end scene, you can always continue with the rest of the game without an issue, the checkpoint system is generous in that regard. It's only a few hours long due to not really having anything particularly hard or time-consuming.


    Also I dunno what a prosciutto is despite playing this game. So download the translated version here:



    (It's an RPGmaker game so you have to install the runtime package if you haven't before.)

  6. Indictments are like the definition of dark souls for me, if you're not getting indicted you're doing it wrong.


    I've always felt invaders should act like fucking assholes instead of bowing and shit.

    I feel like dueling invaders and "imma fuck up yo day" invaders both have a place in dark souls. Both are fun for different people, and depending on my mood, I can try to fuck with people or just fight them.

  7. It's been a while for me, but even if I don't know the meta I can't tell what you're aiming for with this guy as far as weapon choice goes. I'm completely blanking on the muratori ofc, if I had to guess they're autoguns but missile interceptors would make more sense. Umm, okay, so you chose reserve ammo. Not what I would've gone for considering it's a waste on the kumos, and not used to their full potential without dual shoulders.


    I don't recognize the generator either--I hope it's a Ho Vital because the other high output ones blow. Then again, it's not really matching your Burya boosters so I'd really just switch for a different type gen. At least that's the Otkryt FCS, but isn't it a bad pair with the Araganes?


    ammo shoulders got a huge buff since ACV so you only need double slot if you're trying a specific gimmick strategy usually. they're still not great, though. missiles would work much better considering the FCS choice


    dat's a vital, yeah. otkryt is a terrible usage for the aragane but is workable for the rest of the weapons. burya/vital can work but it's really awkward on most things that aren't super tanky and heavy.


    Anyway, i"ll make a serious post about this AC now. What are you trying to do? This is very much the kind of "I want to do everything" AC that new players typically make.


    None of the weapons work well together. There is no scenario where you'll be using a karasawa and a murakumo/pulse machine gun at the same time.

    -Karasawa is a high-accuracy high-damage nuke weapon with a very slow charge and high energy consumption, and your generator can't support charging it and full mobility. It shouldn't be your main source of damage unless you build the entire AC around making the sawa work well. Full rapid-fire tune will probably be the most useful tune if you choose to continue using it.

    -The PMG is primarily a lightweight/HRJ killer, which this AC needs, but it shouldn't be placed opposite the sawa and battle rifle. Rearranging the weapons would help slightly.

    -Murakumos "can" be used on anything, but this AC is built in a rather clunky manner and you're not really gaining much from having a kumo. You'd be better off carrying a shield to compliment the stronger weapons or stripping the AC down to make it more suited to close-range combat. Pretty much any usable weapon would work here.

    -The battle rifle is a great weapon, but it needs a fast-locking FCS or very-short range combat, otherwise you won't hit anything that moves. You'd be better off using another battle rifle with better accuracy for mid-range combat, or again, modifying the rest of the AC to suit close-range battles.


    A lot of the load capacity on this AC is wasted in the core and the karasawa, which restricts everything else on the AC, most notably the shoulder slot.

    -The core is very, very heavy. It gives you high AP but has mediocre defenses and restricts your AC way too much.

    -Consider changing the karasawa for a more multi-purpose laser that isn't just a nuke, it can make the AC more versatile.

    -The arms you chose have high firing stability, but the only weapon on your AC that benefits from that stability is the battle rifle, and it's already a very fast variant of battle rifle. Consider changing for something that has better armor and swapping the core for something lighter.

    -The head is okay but not really doing anything for your defenses, mobility, camera or anything. If you chose it for style, then whatever, but look at different heads, mostly CE variants.

    -Legs are fine if you want to build a mildly defensive AC, but they don't have the best load capacity and are somewhat slowish. Specialize the rest of the AC and that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Alternatively, swap to the high-CE retrofit legs and change to a KE core, which should make the AC more responsive and mobile.


    About the internals:

    -Generator would be fine if you weren't using both the karasawa and the Bo-C-L13 booster, since both of those will drain your energy absurdly quickly in a combat scenario. Consider changing both of those parts to versions that consume less energy, or use a high-capacity generator like makibashira 3 and adjust your playstyle.

    -This FCS is really good if you want to mix lasers or other quick-locking weaponry with missiles. Not good if you want to use battle rifles. Change out the battle rifle for something like a gatling gun, rifle, heat machinegun, OR change the FCS for one of the quick-lock types and adjust your weapons for more mid/close-range use.

    -Bo-C-L13 (burya) is a good booster if you like it and know how to handle it. But other boosters will probably work better if you want to stay at more of a mid or close range. Also your AC is fat and burya can only push so hard. If the AC stays fat, you may want to focus on a more efficient booster like toknatsu and just build full armor and health with a heavy leg type like a quad or heavy bipedal.



    In summary:

    -This AC is fat and slow despite the high-power booster in it.

    -Defenses are good enough for certain purposes like DPS-racing, but the lack of mobility means it will have to fight other heavy ACs and will probably get shitwrecked by stronger firepower

    -This AC has tons of energy issues due to all the high-drain parts in it.

    -This AC is very bulky but doesn't have enough firepower to stop itself from just being an easy target for another bulkier or faster AC

    -This AC's high bulk keeps it from equipping stronger weapons or moving at a decent speed

    -The ammo in the shoulder slot is a huge waste of potential firepower for this AC, missiles of some sort would be very useful.


    About ACVD-link, it was taken down like 4-5 months after the game launched. There was a news update in-game that told you when it went down, but that news message was removed and they never removed the thing telling you about the link website.

  8. Yeah, it's from the ACVD-link site, specifically the japanese one. It's cool but sometimes the numbers are a bit odd. The international version is no longer functional and was really out-of-date when it was functional.
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