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Everything posted by Rixlen

  1. Did a quicky. I have no idea how though. Power of boredom.
  2. http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwi317Of8F1qf0apto1_r1_500.gifhttp://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwi317Of8F1qf0apto1_r1_500.gif 2 Fast 2 Furrious
  3. I'm not sure what's more mind numbing, DL Hughley's asspull term paper or Necient's "freshish multiplayer." LMFAO
  4. Oh I don't doubt it. Most of what I thought up came from playing various games, watching shows and even reading. The cut off is when people see how much time and effort it takes to make a video game. There's also the fact that more often than not you have to work with multiple people to make it a reality. Thus, I'd say an important trait to have is flexibility. Just because the creator thinks its perfect doesn't mean it is in the mind of his or her peers, video games have always been a group effort. There's just so many factors that go in the process that I'd probably write another essay on it. lmfao
  5. Thanks, I know its a bit long. I'll be able to focus more on concept art when I get the site up. Cause, ya know, people dez days like pics. Cause they jump at ya when urblazed.
  6. I'm making this topic seperate from Rixorwhatever because this project is basically my crack addiction. I've been working on this for... maybe in my head since 2012 but on paper and documents for three months. I say maybe because the only thing that's stayed the same is the name and the fact that its a game. My current plan is to use some version of it for my senior seminar animation in a year and a half. If I end up getting the pre-alpha demo running before then, whoopdy doo. [idea Revised] I'm challenging myself to do all the artwork for this project digitally, at least color wise. For now, this silhouette is all there is: It's not much, I'm still getting used to my new intuos pro. I'm surprised I could keep my hand from shaking long enough to make a shape. Well, it'll probably be a while before I post any progress. I'm doing some extra credit work for my animation teachers. Not cause I need it, but for the extra practice. Best case scenario, I might be able to get an animatic of a test battle out this winter.
  7. what would an edge souls mech game be like? frickin dodge rolls! so the mechs constantly fall over!
  8. School Maya Project: The pic on the right is the reference. Still have a ways to go. Working on my sig, using a fude brush pen. a 30 min doodle using a fude brush pen and copics.
  9. thanks Nomnom I try. lol
  10. And done, thanks! Got back home, started setting up my capture card and this happened: Its always something. lol
  11. Hey guys, I had this idea of streaming the AC portables using a PSTV. Turns out I need an EU account to do so and I'll need to buy another memory card because Sony's being a bunch of dipshits with the official US certification list. Just for clarification, none of the AC portables(english) can be played on a US account on PSTV, but they can on an EU account. So now I'm thinking this isn't worth the effort because I have all of Armored Core (Gen1-3) and more on PS2... cept formula front. So I'm assuming it'll be the same quality with a broader range of games. I'm using a live gamer portable which has a component adapter. Only downside I see is I had this idea of people using the Vita ad hoc to play multiplayer Silent Line Portable, but with all this hassle it seems like a pipedream. So, I'm thinking about returning the PSTV and getting a 360 to play multiplayer VOOT and VO4 (Virtual-On). What do you guys think? ....yeah, yeah, I'll start using the chat.
  12. Rixlen

    Taurus's Art Deck

    Was that hand drawn or digital? Either way: I asked because I have issues drawing mecha digitally, at least freehand.
  13. Thanks man, but no can do. She was a catgirl with fake ears, false advertizement grinds my gears.
  14. Lineart practice. http://i.imgur.com/mKRalKV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/l9ZuoMT.jpg
  15. I dun doodled more stuff. Got paid for this one
  16. edit: ...interesting (got ahead of myself in my earlier reply)
  17. Rixlen


    he'd also tell him to add: - You will see that this is my house now, I built it.
  18. Rixlen

    Taurus's Art Deck

  19. Rixlen

    Project HON

    Goddamit ncsoft, you made Srash right!
  20. Autism is hard work bruh. Case in point.
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