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Shirtless Crackhead

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Everything posted by Shirtless Crackhead

  1. I bought the SU-122-44, I like it. If you wanted to do another game review for me 90, I would appreciate it on this one; just keep in mind I don't have 6th Sense on this crew at the time of that game.
  2. EDIT: Scratch what I posted earlier, I'm going to buy a shit ton of Russian food and grind money and crew skills for the 140. I'll be getting the T-44-100 tho.
  3. Just remember, gymnastics > any and all damage.
  4. USA/Russia/Germany/UK = can do w/ bot France/China/Japan/Czech = IDK I should probably try to snag one tho, since 90 said it's more OP for money making and crew grinding via bot than the Rudy.
  5. Wha Am I supposed to beat 7 tanks on my own?
  6. Of my last few Object 140 games, this is probably the best one. Needless to say, not having a lot of fun getting roled.
  7. Obj 140 unlocked and purchased 6 kill ELC game
  8. That's why indie dev is now a hot button thing for game publishers. The game can shit the bed and hipsters will run to their defense as if they think indie dev's make better game than mainstream studios.
  9. The sickest part is how it's regarded nowadays as a success and supports the idea that gender reassignment is valid. That said, you don't go counter to narrative mainstream. http://i.imgur.com/PWkwKIz.jpg
  10. I'm not above that either. I very much plan to do that sometimes, particularly in tanks where it's abusive, i.e. Bromwell.
  11. So indie dev went full shekels and ereybody got boned on buying a game that shit the bed huh?
  12. I'm gonna take an aside here on another element. When it comes to aspects of human nature, particular the emotional aspect. I think posthumanism's general borrowing from postmodernism is extremely shitty. But that's because of postmodernism's rejection of reality in place of feels. @ 6:07 "And so all of these can be done. But they're not going to be done as long as third parties think that the purpose of the educational system is to make them (educators and advocates) feel good about themselves." - Thomas Sowell We could dissect the whole 'common core' movement based on Tom Sowell's above quote. And then look at it from the lens of people 'doing good' or 'making progress' more out of a selfish desire for self-verification; which in alt-right circles is coequally known as 'virtue signalling'. Common core is objectively a shit idea. However, comma space, it's subjective purpose is to make education equal to all people. I really can't say I understand the 'philosophical' diatribe as to how they justify this accurate. But my take away is if we make education as retarded and daffy as common core does, everyone will more or less achieve equally, and we (((educators and advocates))) can feel good about ourselves. Not only can we feel good about ourselves, we can be ridiculously smug about it, and say anyone who doesn't like our ideas hates children, equality, and teachers; and they're also racist primitives. Posthumanism ought to look to kill off this aspect of human nature. It probably extends to a lot more things than even I'm thinking of as I write this; which are quite a few. But the whole holier-than-thou self-gratification, self-feeding individual and group narcissism, and general I'm better than you because your ideas are bad culture. It exists on both sides of the spectrum, but I will have to say that it's FAR more prevalent on the left. Despite the MSM's depiction that the alt-right is just the new face of neo-nazism, KKK, white nationalism, etc.. it's really not. It does share elements, but that's because to say anything remotely critical of the postmodern agenda has started to become like converting to Judaism in 1937 in Berlin. You won't see anywhere on fringe left websites articles or podcasts where people consider the arguments or positions of the alt-right. It's simply, they're racists and bad, and we need to stop them because feels/white guilt. Meanwhile just the other day I listened to an alt-right podcast where they discussed the very real medical nature of transsexualism and whole gender-blender universe. And there were some definite /pol/-tier jabs and memeposts. They were largely speaking from a position of 'we shouldn't let this happen, because it's destructive to the individuals doing it'. It wasn't a 'we have to stop them because they're evil' type discussion. The concern was that otherwise normal children where being subjected to basically a conflated 'condition' out of a combo of virtue-signalling (LOOK HOW TOLERANT I AM, GET ON MY LEVEL PEGGY, MY SON IS A GIRL) and the medical/psychological profession being loaded up with a bunch of degenerates like John Money who basically led the charge with David Reimer's case. That the psychological community to this day treats as a success, despite the fact it destroyed his life and family. The podcast in question, in case you were interested. Also serious warning the case of David Reimer is seriously sick fuck tier shit. John Money was an early apologist for pedophilia and, I assume you thought I was joking when I said it some time ago, but we're already seeing the wheels turning on 'normalizing' pedophilia in the same way as transsexualism has pretty much already been done.
  13. blah blah more to come later, probably tomorrow mid-tanks Aight, I'm gonna ramble on about changing for X, when it comes to human nature. Today's X is gonna be psycho-sexual stuff, nothing too specific, just the whole shebang. I think it would be amazing if we could basically tone down the primate brain when it comes to 'muh deek' type behavior. Like nobody should have to rape someone out of sexual frustration, prison or otherwise, shit's not that srs bruh. But it would also vastly improve interpersonal work environments, particularly where of age sexually compatible persons work. Internet porn basically cause rape rates in the US to fall 80% in 15 years, which is a terrifying statistic to think about. Not because wimin aint' bean raep, but that 80% of rapes could have been prevented if some low-intelligence guy had some porn to jack his shit to. That is the nature of our species however. I think NOVA or some other science-y channel did this big ass special about time, and said if we compressed the history of the universe, big bang until now, human existence would take up the last 3 seconds or something. We are but mere generations from being nothing more than our cousins or less, from a metric of social sophistication. This would also inherently implied to the opposite sex. Women are most competitive with other women. Reducing the general ape-brain addiction for sex and babies, would mean women could maybe calm down a little bit about shoes, purses, etc.. and be less materialistic; as that is an evolutionary sex-selective trait. Women are biologically programmed by evolution to see men who are 'successful' in no real particular terms; as attractive. There's literally countless non-academic, and a bunch of academic studies that p much show this. You can show women a Viv and be like 'he poor' and he'll be an 8-9/10, or LS but mention you got (((Zuckerberg))) tier money and all of a sudden 10/10. I am going to interject this TED talk because it's somewhat related. It has to do with our evolved sense of aesthetics, but I think in context to what I'm talking about, and going to keep talking about; it's germane. Without making this just a tl;dr -> mankind can't think when he/she is horny. Even tho that's really what it is. I do not want to throw under the bus the whole concept of 'be fruitful and multiply' that rings true in many cultures as well as our biology. I think in any sort of long-view meta-posthumanist sense, we shouldn't be looking to tame human population. I do think we currently have a bit of a population crisis, but that is largely because of where populations are exploding relative to human development and the ability to utilize resources efficiently. That is to basically say Western-led foreign and food aid in Africa is propping up a population boom that is wholesale unsustainable. But if we're going to 'survive' as a species beyond our planet, which is sort of the first hurdle of posthumanism long-term; we're gonna have to get over any notion of keeping our numbers down. The universe is catastrophically large, and eventually breeding new humans could literally be a full time job; what a life. Although technology might supplant the need, I am on sort of a nutty philosophical level, against hardcore reliance on technology. Our species near hypersexual nature, constant obsession on both the physical act of sex, and the sort of social/cultural process of achieving it; are kind of problematic. Mostly, if not entirely, in how it complicates and poisons interpersonal relations. As "fascist" as it might sound, if you have a work crew of all heterosexual males; they will generally speaking have a pleasant working environment among themselves than say an office with mixed sexes and sexual orientations. Granted that last one is generally going to be further complicated by cultural concepts about right/wrong, blah blah blah. But even with all, progressively thinking individuals, the sexual competition therein will make things more tense then they could be under a different set of circumstances. I won't even pretend I understand enough to really dig at the deeper psychological traits and anomalies in humans when it comes to sexual identity, sexual expression, and sexual preferences. I'll just say, it's all degenerate, and take the ez out. I might do it later tho, it'd be a great thing to do if I still drank alcohol, but I don't.
  14. I wanted to bring up something most ppl aren't going to get even if they were in chat when me and LS were talking about, that is Posthumanism and language. I your desire to not see language and thereby communication atomized (LS), but I don't think a more 'clear' speaking language is necessarily going to do that. I was thinking to myself, man I wonder if people who come from cultures that speak tonal languages like Vietnamese or Japanese have this odd discussions on language. Where words might be spelled differently, but enunciated with the same sounds just with different inflections or tones. But that also made me think about how internet culture, which is still almost entirely written, has sort of a reverse style of language. It's rather hard to give emphasis and inflection in text without being an over-actor. Caps or bold are no supplement to raising your voice to varying degrees, likewise italics or underlining don't replace various ways we can emphasize words in spoken English. Language being more like legos than painting, is to me a good thing. Because it allows deconstruction and reconstruction. You can build all sorts of things with legos, but you can also treat it with modularity. You can find bits and pieces you like and apply them in your own language. You could self-edit by looking at your own stuff and finding parts you don't like. The notion of, language should be more like painting; is kind of idealistic. Because you can't separate out a single color from a painting and still have any of the original meaning. Not to mention to anyone who checks out art, interpretation is literally the name of the game. I don't think what person A says should be subjective to person B, I mean it's going to be to some extent. But the object of the game, when it comes to posthumanist language/communication, would be to minimize that A->B subjectivity. It can obviously speak on subjective matters, like how good a sandwich was, or how gay nohan's bus tours are, but the individual components of language really stop functioning if we try and give up objectivity because "feels". That clearly comes into my very strong opposition to postmodern thinking. Which despite being a fan of, sort of, yourself; you readily know and admit it's full of the most batshit crazy people who can frankly be a cancer on civilization and general progress at large. The realm of science has immeasurable value to mankind, probably beyond the scope of basically any thing else you can block as a 'thing'. And that value would decrease tremendously if we for one reason or another adopted a paradigm of communication that lacked those lego like qualities you seem to not be too big on. You could, technically speaking, paint physics papers; but everyone would walk away with different equations in their heads; and development in technical fields would grind to a halt as people can't accurately articulate concepts, ideas, models. If I cannot clearly impress upon you, ideas like, if you do A-B-C-D it will probably kill or maim you. But instead have to rely on some expression of, "bruh dis bad vibes mang", the chances of you doing those things goes up exponentially. That's why children are quite dangerous to themselves, they get the general concept of danger/harm/etc.. but you can't tell a kid "don't jump in the gorilla enclosure, they're dangerous animals" and expect him to follow instruction. First of all because kids immediately like to do whatever you tell them not to. But also because their minds do not grasp those words or the meta-meaning of that string of words, in the same way an adult does. And imagine some postmodern 'expression' heavy parent telling their 5 yr old that jumping into the gorilla enclosure is "oppressive", that kid is gonna be like "yeah whateva nigga" and hop in the enclosure. These postmodern meta-"expressions" are largely just flat out bullshit wank designed to create a world model where reality doesn't have to be conformed to. You can convince anyone of anything, if reality is basically dismissed off hand as pointless. It's literally an exogen tier move. LOL reality doesn't matter because all we know is sensory data input (vat bruh) so we can only operate on a "model" of the world we see ourselves in, not actually partake in it. That's technically true, but it's also fucking retarded. We evolved in this world, to move thru it accurate. If we don't perceive things like lions, starvation, volcanoes, etc.. for what they are; we die. And that element of evolution has been supremely successful in humans. People don't seem to understand the value of our ability to think in abstract and construct/deconstruct/evaluate "models" of-whatever, in our heads. We can't think of anything of which we don't ready know on some level. But if I know say, a blender is dangerous to my hand. I can probably assume that, a lawnmower which has a more powerful engine and large spinning metal blade, is at least as dangerous; and that I could probably just remember that spinning bits of sharp metal are not where I want to stick parts of my body. This applies to so many things people do, accurately and inaccurately, it's hard to like communicate it's depth; or at least, that's how I feel. We're never going to hit a Platonic ideal, exogen is exogen. But we can always like to achieve such an ideal, and find things of value whether we do or do not do. To me anyone who wants to postulate a postmodern system of language, is going to have to provide for me why it's more useful than our relatively lego-like systems of language. Because I'm gonna go ahead and say they can't, but also because of the larger social-cultural-political motivations of postmodernists; they like that it's not bound to notion that there's a reality, and can basically postulate as true, whatever the fuck it likes. If you were stuck on a plane, by yourself, with a bomb; and the plane itself on auto-pilot (Exorcet); and you could call me or postmodernist feminist genderqueer woman of transcolor experience. I'm willing to bet the farm you'd ring me for how to disarm a bomb, I'll even go so far as to say we both have detailed information and instructions of how to disarm the bomb. That's practical value. I don't deny being a "rationalist" but I think I'm much more a pragmatist, although the two sort of go hand in hand. Most practical/useful ways of going about a problem, or thinking about it, are going to be pretty close to rational.
  15. This is my initial, off the cuff set of answers, I will follow with some more in depth stuff.
  16. Now that I don't completely suck, I really like this tank, 6th Sense will be super nice.
  17. Interested in most of those, the TD looks p neat.
  18. Nvm I took it down so I don't get reported. But the bot did 1900 dmg in the bulldog.
  19. tfw I had a perfectly cooked rare ribeye yesterday
  20. Because cat ladies are scared of food-borne illness.
  21. I do really well in the Bulldog and get TK'd by an SU-8. More bulldog and potatoes, Pascucci. Me and Nohan carry T8 game in T7 lights.
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