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Everything posted by KOJIMACORE

  1. Couldn't even finish my thought lol armored core build fighters while I like the idea cause it could be fun mini game to add to the series to. That actually not a bad idea Pretty certain I implied my idea wasn't finished so why not save critiques for after you read the whole idea in its entirety Picking up where I left offor for the O.R. the reason being for ages is because life is suppose to be "perfect" so people can't enlist until they are at least 25 years of age. Now when it comes to character customization things you can customize race(hispanic,black,white,asian) and gender (face; nose:shape,width,length.eyes: spacing,height,color.mouth/lips:color,thickness,shape. Hair:color [*2-tone opt],style.)body builds will range from soft-toned-muscular. When it comes to clothing everyone will start with the same basic O.R. military uniform for but with more options as you progress through the story as well as free DLC for clothing. However I think there should be numerous assecories (sp?). (Just put a few out there military berets,eyepatches,scars,scarfs.jackets just to name a few) After you created your character you will be brought to your home base. Which depending on your faction will be in a different location. O.R. will be located on Saturn this where your character where created character has purpose. You can walk freely around your base as will your clan memebers/team mates to . Here you players gather talk about upcoming battles, setup mock battles. There will also be a hangar for you and teammates to go look at each other builds. This also where you will create emblems to. While we're on it there is no slot cap for emblems giving players complete creativity when making an emblem. Now i said youd be able to create emblems the hangar in your base is also wherr you build and repair your mech(s). There will aslo be a research and develpoment center for you to buy common aswell as special parts for your build.For me I always felt limited to what I could make do to the cap.there next I think some mini games would be nice to have some mention brought the idea early of builder fighters themed game to have in the base using cores which does like fun to me for a mini game. I'm sorry throwing thoughts at you guys in bits ND pieces but I have to go to class now
  2. This post is my first on the forum so this will also serve as my introduction. I came to love the franchise through the 4th generation installments(AC4/AC4A).after playing both I decided to go back and see what AC was like before the 4th gen. For two reasons curiosity being the biggest and I was always playing vets at the game, who talked about how the game has change so much from previous games. The 2nd reason was to pay respects for the franchise so I picked up Nexus,Ninebreaker, and Last Raven and just got say to all you vets HTF did you guys play with such limited mobility. My hats off to you guys.That being said fast forward now I picked up ACV and wasn't that impressed honestly.OR rather I had mixed feelings about it. To me the 4th gen had everything I wanted fast paced battling (though I wished the mechs could move a little faster). Great styling but still had limits.(IMO if we're talking a build your own battle mech there shouldn't be limits with in reason). So when I was thinking of armored core 6 I thought it be best not to draw inspiration from one source cause that's to boring for my taste. But I tried to keep I. Mind that is armored core. So my sources for inspiration were as followed from games Armored Core Gen(3-5), warframe,The Division, Z.O.E., and when it came to anime Linebarrel, Gundam build fighters, MSG: iron blood orphans, Aldonoah Zero, and Code Geas. So let's start with Armored Core 6 setting (next post).... The setting for AC6 should take place 30+ years after Verdict Day and conflict still very much prevalent. But over theye has been a full recovery of the lost NEXT. As result the fighting has become more harsh then leaving the world it self scarred. At this point life on Earth is becoming dream so once again we take to skies aND beyond to find a new. Which brings back cradles (or now referred to as orbital shuttles). Mankind has found a way to make other planets habitat for humans but only Mars and Saturn are habital with small colonies.which has lead to discovery of new "mineral"(till I figure a suitable name for it) but this mineral can amplify Kojima particles when engineered the right way.So it's made life easier on other planets and the applications are virtually endless.Naturally this is only available to those living in the colonies(i.e. the wealthy and those with status in society ). While those unfortunate enough to be stuck on Earth are subjected to pollution and fighting and famine that is enveloping the earth.But life isn't always greener on the other side life on these planet is hard to maintain.Even with the new discovery.The food that colonies enjoy are processed while high and natural meats vegetable and water is only available to higher class in colonies. As result this has created a divide from those that live amongst the stars and those that live on Earth. So the conflict center arounds Earth resources.(salt Water wild life etc.) So that "mineral I mention earlier has military applications with devastating results.NEXT built and infused with the mineral have almost overwhelming power compared to the Earth based NEXT. So with Earth on its very last leg and the colonies on the same it's a war for humanities very survival. Of course there those who don't think fighting is the answer on both sides and wishe to find a way to coexist. Now we start getting into the game play. Starting with STORY PATHS A) Defend the colonies and destroy Life on Earth to bring Humanity into a "New Era" B) defend the oppressed Earth against the colonies to order create a "New Era" C) DEFEND those that seek to find a way for all to coexist to lead humanity to true reformation (still a new Era for us when it's all set and done) SN ( I LEFT OUT A GAME FOR INSPIRATION SEGMENT NFS ALSO HELPED ME COME UP WITH IDEAS FOR AC6). now let's break down these story pathsand get into some new mechanics for the game . Starting with I'd like a character creation system implemented and building on that if you choose to oppose Earth then your part of O.R. (Old Ravens) faction. As such your character design will be based around men/women in mid 20's to mid 40's. And I'll have to pick this up tomorrow I have homework to do and it's getting late . Till then ....
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