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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. You're forgetting a variable in there. If the defender has proper training, military or otherwise, even under duress, the defender will be able to correctly identify key points to shoot. If you're in the military, well infantry at least, it's nearly habit to do a failure drill, or two in the chest one in the head or groin. I have the misfortune of ALWAYS doing that. Even online. It's gay. Now you're possibly wondering why two in the chest? Simple, my friends. It's a biomechanic called vascular decompression. Now, I can't quite remember what all goes into this little biomechanic, but I know it has to do with the rapidity with which wounds start to close, possibly to maximize blood loss before sending a third round into the groin if you're going for disabling. Otherwise, the two rounds serve to shock the target for the time necessary to line up a shot on the T-box, the area in the face through which a bullet will pass through the brain stem and ending bodily function. In hindsight, I have no idea why I went on a rant... 1911 for the motherfucking win.
  2. Gust of Wind Dance rapes. As does Volcano. Cuz nobody absolutely needs dragoon form.
  3. Indeed, Chode. Hence why I'm devoting a good amount of my off-time on deployment to playing it on my laptop.
  4. I've always viewed LoD as my favorite RPG over all others. Hence why I've bought the game three times since high school. Other RPG's, even Star Ocean, can't compare to it (although Star Ocean is certainly up there).
  5. Personally, LoD is one of the best games I've ever played. Now, a lot of you who haven't played the game may wonder "why doesn't he hope for a sequel?" That's an easy one to answer. It would be an incredibly difficult stretch to link the two storylines, considering how the first one ended. On top of that, sequels have a tendency to be subpar of the original. I'd rather not see that happen to LoD. A complete overhaul, however, like they did with God of War, would be perfect. Revamp the graphics, add a few new easter eggs. I'd buy it.
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