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corruptblack's Achievements

Bag of Peanuts

Bag of Peanuts (1/11)

  1. I was curious after seeing a video with acs dodging missiles what other people do to not get hit i personally QB foward left/right back and back to my original position in a square (from view behind the ac), doesnt work the best so ill prob have to think of something else lol so what do you do when a missile is coming for you? explain as if you are playing and the camera is behind the ac please
  2. i actually did double the same when i started out but then figured it would be better to have one focus on pa attenuation and the other on pure damage so should i change the laibitia with something that is stronger in that area? i agree with the sniper suggestion so i will change it p.s is it right to assume that the booster change suggested by nijii was because of the low en cost? id like to know and learn what im doing instead of just taking suggestions from people new specs edited above
  3. wow nice thanks didnt even know the reverse legs did that lol thought they just looked cool. edited the original post w/ new specs + reasons for changes btw do you guys memorize all the parts? or the important ones? also do you have to invite people to matches because i can never find any by regular searches o.o
  4. I used all boosters that said made for sustaining flight lol x.x except the side boosters which where intended to be able get out of the way quickly and i do have all the parts, thanks for the suggestions Also i do have dear born03 why would i change it to 02 when im fighting nexts and stuff o.o and how do i get that bouncing effect you where talking about i seem to have trouble getting off the ground after landing and still keeping movement.
  5. mid range, my strategy is to stay away and use my vtf missiles to soften them up after i expended everything i come closer and use the assault rifles im just wondering if there is anything i should change with the body, tuning, boosters to have sustained flight while using this strategy
  6. im New the the AC series so i need some help with designing in general the current one i am making is essentially white glint body with everything else changed hence the M for modified. BODY: Head: 047an02 <for long range sniping Body: white glint arms white glint < kept b/c of ap and pa durability Legs: ekhazar < having trouble with the previous legs to get a rapid bouncing R arm: 047ansr <powerful damage + long range L arm: labiata R back: mp0901 <vertical launch changes it up + stronger than other pm missles L back: Dearborn03 R hanger: none L hanger: none FCS: Judith generator: 03-AAliyah< Judith was okay except low KP my pa was destroyed by machineguns and im not really the best pilot so i went for the defence main booster: Latona<suggested back booster: Latona<suggested side booster ab: Latona<suggested overed booster: linstant/o <suggested Tuning EN capacity full EN output full arm maneuverability 18 Primal armor: full all parts QB side booster full Stability legs 24 any suggestions? also what do stabilizers do? i know they distribute the weight so the next can have a tendency to go faster in a certain direction but isnt there something else? thanks.
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