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Gay Uncle

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Posts posted by Gay Uncle

  1. So If you told me they wanted to take the core (again no pun intended) concepts of AC1 and try to build from there...shit man, you'd have my attention.


    Ditto. AC1 with modern graphics, deep story and a line-up of parts that are all relevant. I just want an AC game that looks and feels good to play. I have just had this deep gut feeling that the more complex they have tried to make AC, the less enjoyable it is to play. There was still a bit of an art to creating a good functional AC in the earlier games without the added fluff. Just pick the parts on their merits and go about your business.


    I would be down for open world too, though. You could totally play AC in a Souls open world. Single player campaign would be a continuous play through, acquiring gear as you go. Bring back the tuning like in previous games but make it unlimited - you acquire some sort of levelling currency as you do in Souls games and spend these on tuning your mech parts. If you reach peak tune for each parameter of each part, so be it! In terms of multiplayer that can be used to determine opponents like in Souls games too - what tuning level your AC is at impacts match making. If you want to go all out, enjoy the grind! Or even immerse yourself more and instead of tuning parts, you level up as a pilot, and these skills reflect on how well the AC performs (sniper rifles have parameter scaling with a dexterity trait, perhaps)?


    Anyway, I would play the shit out of that game. Just playing individual sorties is a really good way to make the story too stop-start to enjoy. An immersive open world game, dialled back to a PS1/2 era base of mech combat and AC mechanics would be fucking amazing.


    What do you guys think might be in store for the series now that it's no longer FROMS flagship title?


    To answer your question, though, I'd probably expect no Souls influence whatsoever. I wouldn't be surprised if the next game was more old school feeling, however.

  2. I actually don't mind the netcode being shitty. It basically means I can't take the online seriously, so I actually end up having more fun because I go into PvP with a completely casual mindset.
  3. It takes some getting used to. I was really in the same boat, but it is one of those things that takes time getting the feeling for. You need to have a better understanding of the moveset of your weapon compared to PvE, and accept the fact that hitboxes can be pretty whack. I completely suck at invading, but getting the hang of duels. Honestly, you get a lot out of getting your ass spanked if you can watch what your opponent is doing. A lot of it is to do with range control and baiting (either your opponent's movements or parries) in my experience.


    Which all goes out the window when I smack someone square in the dick with my weapon and nothing registers. At this point I typically commit suicide.

  4. To sum it up:


    Great because it actually felt like a Star Wars film. I think the new cast members were great and the atmosphere of the whole film was on point.


    Loses points because I feel this is what a multiverse fanfiction of the original trilogy would look like.

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