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Everything posted by Barilzar

  1. Probably some shitty AI MTs. We've seen those in previous screenshots.
  2. Meh, filled in the rest of the pages. Also, just picked up a commission thats going to be and easy $250. http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/075/c/8/sketch_book___pg_1_by_barilzar-d5y9fpk.jpg http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/075/8/3/sketch_book___pg_2_by_barilzar-d5y9fth.jpg
  3. Eh, I just want straight up fights, none of that territory grinding bullshit.
  4. Hilarious, the only thing the jammer combo is good for is killing tanks, after that its all based on positioning and luring your opponents into the the jammer. If your getting beat by it, then your just fucking shitty.
  5. Well what I mean is that it barely retains the mechanics of Armored Core. Outside of customization and AP, there is nothing that makes this game recognizable as being Armored Core.
  6. All the games did, ACV is just a completely different beast from what the previous games were.
  7. Who the fuck used dual sniper rifles in FA besided Fated? lol
  8. It wasn't any better in Japan. The game just suffered bad balance, and bad mechanics. I'm expecting some major changes from ACV to the new game; but I won't be putting my hopes up since ACV was just a flat terrible game.
  9. http://www.siliconera.com/2013/02/21/armored-core-verdict-day-announced-for-emea-and-australasian-release/
  10. http://www.siliconera.com/2013/02/21/armored-core-verdict-day-announced-for-emea-and-australasian-release/
  11. Every now and then. I did a lot more back in DPp, but not so much anymore, The current OU meta blows and UU isn't a whole lot better. It's actually Bobby Liebling from the band Pentagram. And thanks.
  12. Outside of blades, and the few unusable parts like Gats, ACFA is incredibly balanced. If you couldn't beat something, it was because you sucked.
  13. You do realize that I was also literally using junk guns in conjunction to some poorly tuned guns that I just grabbed out of the shop; and I still out popshotted yondaime a few games. Also, you should tell cheng to upload the other 20+ videos of me beating him.
  14. As far as competitive play goes, there is no reason to use any leg type outside of mid weight bipeds or quads. Everything else is just awful. 1.05 may have updated some things, but lookin at the changes I still see Mids being the most dominating leg type followed by quads.
  15. http://manager.co.th/Game/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9560000021696
  16. Oh look a shitty expansion on top of an already incredibly shitty game. Awesome.
  17. You do realize that 90% of the parts in the game is useless because of the bad game mechanics and shit balance right?
  18. Idk, to be honest there really wasn't a single memorable player on PS3 save for Calimidir, but that's mostly because I got to play with him a lot than others. I swear that the PS3 personalities are about as interesting as a wet carrot.
  19. The tri-threshold defense system is easily the worst part of the game, after that you can render a good portion of leg types pointless by taking advantage of Impact Force.
  20. HA! The game is anything but balanced.
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