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Posts posted by Barilzar

  1. Meh, filled in the rest of the pages. Also, just picked up a commission thats going to be and easy $250.





  2. Yes the ease of movement jammer gat or gat turret is comparable to the ease of pop shotting and to think it is inventive is a horrible misunderstanding


    Hilarious, the only thing the jammer combo is good for is killing tanks, after that its all based on positioning and luring your opponents into the the jammer.


    If your getting beat by it, then your just fucking shitty.

  3. Good point i guess all im saying is that the tactic is op and one that was not possible in some early ac games like ac3 but overall from soft should have taken the popshot tactic, the movement jammer tactic, and the tunnel troll tactic into consideration more and possibly made them harder to do because after all they are easy wins in the hands of anyone decent at the game plus when two tryhards are playing rock paper scissors counterbuilding and using these tactics the game is at its worst in my opinion... soooo annoying


    Lol movement jammer tactic?

  4. *sigh*


    You know, I'm not sure how to feel about this. :wiggle:


    Ever since I first played AC2 and got into the series, I'd get uncontrollably excited for each and every new game. This is the first time in over ten years that I haven't felt that way. And it's kind of crushing. :cry:


    There was a lot about ACV that I liked, but between the absolute focus of team-based conquest mode and the degree to which armor didn't work against certain ammo, it just didn't quite work over here in the US. Japan may be a different story, but over here there wasn't enough people at any given time in conquest mode which meant endless waiting around just hoping someone would attack, and the extreme weaknesses of armor types made 1v1 kind of a mess. Unless those things are drastically changed, I think ACV:VD won't fare any better.


    For the first time in my life I'm not utterly enraptured for a new AC game. It feels like part of me just fuckin' died. I don't know. I'll just have to keep my eye on it and see what's changed and more importantly, what hasn't. Apparently conquest mode has been redone, so that's a start I suppose.


    It wasn't any better in Japan. The game just suffered bad balance, and bad mechanics. I'm expecting some major changes from ACV to the new game; but I won't be putting my hopes up since ACV was just a flat terrible game.

  5. Do you even pokemon?


    Every now and then. I did a lot more back in DPp, but not so much anymore, The current OU meta blows and UU isn't a whole lot better.


    That reminded me of the cover to a copy of Melmoth the Wanderer that I own. It doesn't really look the same, but for whatever reason it reminded me of it. Neat either way.


    It's actually Bobby Liebling from the band Pentagram. And thanks.

  6. Jp as top tier? Well if you mean top tier meta op rock paper scissors and the like i guess so but its mainly an overabundance of mediocre casual players. Btw dool sniper lotus is just annoying now pop shotters are annoying but i cant complain too much blue lock behind cover on a lw that has atk power rivaling some cannons is programmed in the game and is a gross oversight by dev but is nonetheless a part of the game ne1 can pick up n destroy with unless theyre horrible

    The only reason i remember you barlizar is how you trash talked ps3 then got owned XD i dont think u changed u just got a new gimmick

    jp does have a few rediculous n dedicated players though but the ratio of quality players to garbage is better on na


    You do realize that I was also literally using junk guns in conjunction to some poorly tuned guns that I just grabbed out of the shop; and I still out popshotted yondaime a few games. Also, you should tell cheng to upload the other 20+ videos of me beating him.

  7. I'm gonna have to disagree with that. I still found it a great game because of the customization, the entirely revamped battle system, and the short but sweet campaign.


    My biggest beef would be the color scheme and FPS, but other than that i would buy a sequel or an expansion pack to ACV if they fixed those problems.


    I'm in the minority when I say this, and I don't even care.




    Good one.

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