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Posts posted by Tsuranga

  1. ^ yea kai is so fucked, I guess the personal VPN is the only option, anyone got any ideas where to start at?

    i know kai isnt the only tunneling software on the planet





    It works for a computer-based VPN at least.


    Your best bet is converting kai to allow one of the host computers to be the server for the connection taking the place of the kai servers. Since either way you'll need to modify a program.

  2. Beyblades are the shit. I had a special japanese import weight ring that was like 3 times the normal weight of the american ones. That thing tore shit up at my middleschool, no one could touch it. I even broke a few other people's beyblades with it XD
  3. Mostly gundam/armored core models and legos. I did buy one nice lego set for the first time in years recently on a premonition from a dream. Got the podracers from EP1, always wanted sebulba's orange pod since I was 9 :( make a green and white pod of my own to go with them XD
  4. This POS motherfucker. In 3 months it's given me so much shit. First the forks leak an dI have to not only resleal, but then REPLACE both of them, then my carbs start acting wacky as hell because of the low pressure weather systems.... one carb is too lean, one is too rich so it has a hiccup and starts hard as hell. And just this week the charging system fried 100 miles from home had to pay a FUCKTON to have it towed home, then went to replace the rectifier, battery, and alternator coil stator... took a fucking week, even got stranded again in the process. But for the most god awful insane reason I still love this thing to death. Luckily all the shit I've had to deal with it has only been minor inconveniences compared to the cost of a car new OR used..... and I still get 0-60 in 3.1s with Brembo Brakes and Loud as fuck AF exhaust.

    The secret life of a motorcyclist... the REPAIRS~~~~~~~~~ Fuck all that shit~~~~~~~~ It's like in star wars where the fighters are CONSTANTLY in the shop bring maintained cuz they're such high maintenance super-technology bullshit.



    Shit.. even knew this shit is an amazing deal of super-technology. For ~$10,000 you can get a bike that does 0-60 in < 3 seconds, top speed of 180mph and is sexy as fuck. Or for equivalent money you could get some gay ass nissan versa which is slow and gay 5 times the materials and can fit more people. Orrrr you could get some fancy ass sports car that does the same speed specs.... yet that's gunna set you back well over $200K for a NEW one unless you run nitrous on a modified ricer or something..


    seriously Bikes FTW!!!!

  5. Rating & Review Category List

    • Overall Game Difficulty - pretty easy, with the occasional hard boss or w/e 5/5
    • Default Controls - fuck default, but ac's always had custom controls as for what they do 4.5/5 some redundancies are kinda wack
    • Gameplay Mechanics - 5/5 totally different but fun and fresh
    • New Features - 5/5 love all the new stuff they added, game retains old heart of ac with so much more strategy
    • Bugs & Glitches - 3/5 hard to find people, not really a glitch, but goes here. also game lobbies get stupid sometimes
    • Storyline Quality - 5/5 story was pretty decent for AC, totally NOT ac themed tho (corporations, etc.) but the new "controllers" were cool and original
    • Mission Quality - 2/5 gotta nail them here, usually fighting same 3 mt's with occasional ac, story missions were good tho
    • Arena (If Applicable) - considering the ordered ac matches as arena... kinda lacking like in older games 2/5
    • Part Balance - 5/5 part balance is amazing, every part has it's use, just gotta know how to use it
    • Part Diversity - 5/5 ac's kinda look the same but everything functions differently and they have 3 kinds of blades, c'mon.
    • CG Art & Video - loved the intro vid, and all the cutscenes are great 5/5
    • In-Game Graphics - 3/5 VERY sub-par textures, but I know they did this to leave computing power for decals and other shit
    • Voice Acting - sounded like the two chicks were voiced by the same person, but liked the various voices, especially they gay-annoying sounding evil guy 5/5 (for AC)
    • Sound Effects - 5/5 I really like the new sounds, miss the "chick WHOOOOOSSHHHHH" of OB tho
    • Background Music - there's background music? 2/5 LR's OST was the best
    • Multiplayer Mode - pretty decent I'll give it 4.5/5
    • Other Stuff - OB needs to work in air.....

  6. It's a plot device.


    I want to know what's up with the weeaboo with the 2 walkers chained to himself/herself.






    It's a plot hole is what it is. Or rather shoddy writing.


    As far as Michonne goes, that's Michonne. She's black and quite the badass I suppose. And in the comics, she steals some of that black dick from Carol. It's all very fantastic.



    Maybe swords are great in a true apocalypse because you don't have to RELOAD them? And I bet she has the zombies with her as like a zombie-shield or something.

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