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Everything posted by Taurus

  1. try this design (it from mirage team, in ACFF) head : CRICKET core : EOS arms : GIBBON2 legs : BOAR2 inside : MEDUSA extension : JIREN back unit R : SIREN2 or SIREN3 arm unit R : KRSW arm unit L : KRSW tactic : running on the ground and jousting sometimes.
  2. if it still underweight, I'll try. I'm already test this, it's great to OBing, but some problem is too much ammo in weapon set on the right side (I mean PIXIE3) while lefty HP was powerful but low ammo, in this case I'll put 69H on lefty instead and I'll put R2, R3 or ROC2 on the right side. I'll make combination between your design (T98) and mine. oh, I'll try it too. ......... ...... .... .. EDIT : template changed.
  3. Taurus


    had som fixed @ above.
  4. AC Name: CRUSADER_assault type AC Game: ACLR Classification: lightweight quad class Core Type: hanger unit Revision: - -------------------------------------------------- (I'll post this AC image later) -------------------------------------------------- Frame: Head | Core | Arms | Legs EYE | YC99UL | A94FL | LF71 0/7/3/0/0 | 0/7/3/0/0 | 0/2/8/0/0 | 0/5/0/0/5 Internals: Booster | FCS | Generator | Radiator GULL | F73H | LOTUS | ANANDA 0/0/3/7 | -N/A- | 0/8/2 | 0/0/10 Armaments: Inside | Extension | R Back | L Back -N/A- | E92RM3 | WB87GLL | WB69M R Arm | L Arm | R Hanger | L Hanger YWH05R3 | WH01HP | -N/A- | WRAITH Optional Parts: AMINO | ES | EC | KISSYOH | L+ | CODON | MARISHI | -------------------------------------------------- Frame Color: - Base | Aid | Opt | Det | Jnt R: 040 | 190 | 110 | 200 | 040 G: 040 | 200 | 010 | 050 | 040 B: 030 | 200 | 020 | 060 | 030 Weapon Color: R Back | L Back | R Arm | L Arm | R Hangar | L Hangar -----------------ALL WHITE---------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: quad AC with all range combat weapons, lightweight vesion of CRUSADER. Tactics: spam GLL until ammo dry, after that it's about you. Known Issues: have 2 parts with different paint, head : base 190/200/200, aid 190/200/200, optional 40/40/30 legs : base 190/200/200, aid 40/40/30
  5. Taurus


    actually, I'm looking for something that will replace with LGL, maybe some missiles like NYMPHE (with RM, or RM3 if it's still underweight) or GERYON/ GERYON3. btw, GIBBON2 is one of my top 10 favorite arms parts, and I'll try with it too.
  6. Taurus


    head : LADYB 5/5/0/0/0 core : C89E 4/5/0/1/0 arm : GIBBON2 0/5/5/0/0 leg : LF93A2 0/0/0/10/0 booster : GULL 0/0/3/7 fcs : F73H generator : LOTUS 0/8/2 radiator : ANANDA 0/0/10 inside : - extension : - back unit R : WB69RA back unit L : WB78GL arm unit R : WR73R2 arm unit L : HITEN hanger R : - hanger L : WH69H opt : AMINO, ES, EC, L+, CODON, R+, MARISHI note : quad AC with all range combat weapons. tactic : don't lose. paint base : 40/40/30 aid : 190/200/200 optional : 110/10/20 detail : 200/50/60 joint : 40/40/30 (head : base 190/200/200, aid 190/200/200, optional 40/40/30) (legs : base 190/200/200, aid 40/40/30) (I'll post for an AC pic if I'm not lazy too much.)
  7. no, but it's up to you T98.
  8. Taurus


    actually, this design isn't tested at any PVP battle, I'll make some PVP test @ about 2+3 months (illegal match, my hometown) I'm already test with followed from your comment TM, like you said at all. EDIT : it will be better boost effective if I switch LHT92 to GRIZZLY.
  9. Taurus


    what about LOTUS?
  10. Taurus


    F73H for larger lockbox FCS and FTW.
  11. Taurus


    actually, I can fit with many dual guns style. but in this case, some of EN rifle+lefty R3.
  12. Taurus


    dual R3, lefty R3+RA2, P3+R3+any EO core, dual SYLPHs+any EO core, OGRE2+lefty HP, and......dual PERYTONs. (in short, I like dual guns combat style)
  13. Taurus


    AC Name: ICEBERG AC Game: ACLR Classification: tank class Core Type: hanger unit Revision: - -------------------------------------------------- (I'll post this AC image later) -------------------------------------------------- Frame: Head | Core | Arms | Legs EYE3| C83UA | A92XS | LHT92 0/5/0/5/0 | 0/0/0/10/0 | 0/3/0/7/0 | 0/0/0/10/0 Internals: Booster | FCS | Generator | Radiator -N/A- | F73H | LOTUS | ANANDA -N/A- | -N/A- | 0/10/0 | 0/0/10 Armaments: Inside | Extension | R Back | L Back -N/A- | -N/A- | WB91LGL | -N/A- R Arm | L Arm | R Hanger | L Hanger WR73RS | WH69H | -N/A- | -N/A- Optional Parts: AMINO | ES | SS | L+ | CODON | MARISHI | -------------------------------------------------- Description: experimental AC, have tendency to be heavyweight class and change core type. Tactics: good luck and don't lose. so what d'ya think?
  14. Taurus


    or maybe SHADE+R3. oh, so I'll make some test for my two bots and compared about these. (in underline, yes, and yes.) okay, but I'll test my both versions anyway.
  15. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    oh, sorry I forgot. I'll add these to gallery too.
  16. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    actually, I'll remake some pic(s) with Adobe Illustrator like you said TM. but sooner or later.
  17. ***forget it, this garage has been completely broken***
  18. Taurus


    head : H81S4 0/0/0/10/0 core : C75U2 0/0/0/10/0 arm : A72F 0/3/0/7/0 leg : DINGO2 0/5/0/5/0 booster : BIRDIE2 0/10/0/0 fcs : F73H generator : KONGOH 0/0/10 radiator : LINDEN 0/0/10 inside : - extension : E92RM3 back unit R : WB69RA back unit L : NYMPHE arm unit R : ROC2 arm unit L : YWH05R3 hanger R : WH69H hanger L : WH69H opt : AMINO, ES, EC, L+, CODON, MARISHI note : experimental AC, unseen with generator combo. tactic : don't lose.
  19. ead : EYE4 0/2/0/8/0 core : C75U2 0/0/0/10/0 arm : A94FL 0/3/7/0/0 leg : DINGO2 0/5/0/5/0 booster : BIRDIE2 0/10/0/0 fcs : F73H generator : KONGOH 0/0/10 radiator : R92 5/0/5 inside : - extension : E92RM3 back unit R : - back unit L : NYMPHE arm unit R : ROC2 arm unit L : YWH05R3 hanger R : PERYTON hanger L : PERYTON opt : AMINO, ES, EC, L+, CODON, MARISHI note : experimental AC, improved some parts. tactic : don't lose.
  20. MOA---->ACPP (play back)---->AC3---->AC2AA (play back)---->AC3SL---->ACNX---->ACNB (not yet complete)---->ACLR---->ACFA. this is my family tree. (didn't play AC1, AC2 and AC4)
  21. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    yep, I'm draw them myself and thanks a lot. and now I made my art gallery and uploaded some of my retro (2008-2009) that I could find ASAP.(will find'em more) about Heavenflame, I made from T98's request.(from his fanfic, old ACO) (P.S. : about this topic, I'll made new pics that I'll made in this year only, if someone wanna find my old pics, see my gallery.)
  22. Taurus

    Taurus's Art Deck

    start my topic with.... http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp156/taurustrin/deadeye_complete.jpg ....this...... http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp156/taurustrin/ACN_UNSUNG.jpg and this..... http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp156/taurustrin/ACN_UNSUNG_color.jpg ........will make (or take) some more AC (or non-AC) next time.
  23. PARTS Frame : JUDITH | LATONA | HILBERT-G7A | WHITE-GLINT Internal : JUDITH | JUDITH Booster : LATONA | LATONA | LATONA | KB-JUDITH Armament : GAN02-NSS-WBS | MR-R102 | 061ANCM | RDF-O200 | 061ANRM Hanger : - | - TUNING - 50 points tuning : EN output, EN cap, maneuverability, lock speed, horizontal thrust, QB main, QB side, turning - 42 points tuning : (do as you like) STABILIZER (0, -1) - standard combat AC. - middleweight biped frame with HILBERT arms. - keep GAN02-NSS-WBS like this. edit : totally changed, and I can't remember about the old one. so what d'ya think?
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