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Posts posted by LS

  1. ChatBlazer is looking like not an option anyway. It seems that their off-site hosted $40 plan doesn't let the service integrate with IPB. I'd have to buy an enterprise server license for that feature, which is probably some unfathomably large sum of money.


    I was thinking on it last night while watching BW. I could upgrade the old FlashChat hosting on ACUi so it's not as laggy, give it an SSL certificate so it's on https and then put a big red message on the sign-in/register page that tells people to not use their real passwords when they sign up for it.


    The other option seems to be a Discord channel yeah.


    It's up to you guys which one you want to go with.

    What if someone already used a password related to their real password?


    https://discord.gg/4yN4kkR <- Me, 90, TM, LS, Tana, and EB


    So far

    Remove me from that list.

  2. The fact that you're consistently talking about this in terms of usefulness certainly creates an impression of your being a philosophical pragmatist, yeah. But of course, everyone is a pragmatist, it's just that people define usefulness differently because they have different goals and ideals. Is it still useful to stay "alive" without consciousness? Without emotion? Without memory? etc


    I actually agree with your assessment of linguistic lego vs linguistic paint, in that the latter is mostly impossible and not nearly as important pragmatically. I'm not so much suggesting that lego be replaced by paint though; my objection to rationality, logics, and models is not that they're used, but that most people are unable to ever stop using them, and in some cases unable to even recognize their existence at all, because close to 100% of our communication and education takes place with them. I'd really like to see a linguistics of paint developed for aesthetic rather than survival reasons, to facilitate extra-model communication to whatever small extent that is physically possible. Although admittedly I can't imagine how this would be different from the arts we currently have, the point is that I'm asking for supplementation rather than replacement. The thing I'd like to see replaced is the idea that there is no possible or desirable supplementation of an atomized, logical language, because extra-logical, extra-model thought and communication either don't exist or are irrelevant to identity. To me they're the most relevant part of identity.


    I have no innate problem with logics existing. I just wish that people would recognize them for the tools that they are, and stop thinking of them as part of their hands.

  3. In response to a conversation in chat, here's a topic for Raor, and others, to discuss in his old style. This is sort of a mutual challenge between me and Raor, but others are welcome to comment as well.


    What are your views on posthumanism, which is, broadly speaking, the upgrading of humanity to be more than human?


    I'm specifically interested the psychological aspects of it. Certainly there's physical posthumanism, with genetically altered or mechanically enhanced bodies that don't age or are generally safer/better in other ways, but what about posthuman consciousness? Is such a thing desirable? If so, along what axes? Purely intellectual? If so, how is intellect delineated from emotional, physical, and social elements of consciousness?


    Basically how, if at all, should humans attempt to enhance themselves mentally/emotionally/socially in the future? "How" can include both "towards what goals along which axes" and "by what methods," but of course I'm much more interested in the former since the latter is technological speculation while the former is philosophical. Should "human nature," to whatever extent it exists, be altered if possible, and if so in what ways? e.g.,should people be made more/less violent? Loving? Ambitious? Curious? Obedient? Emotional? Altruistic? etc.


    Obviously these are abstract concepts and as such not simple switches that can be adjusted. Hence my interest primarily in GOALS ALONG AXES rather than METHODS. Assume that technology allows adjustment of the average X value of future generations of humanity, and qualitatively discuss which way it should be moved, why, and, to the extent possible in a qualitative discussion, to what extent. Define X as whatever you want; any of those things I mentioned above, defined in any way you please, or another thing.


    Should noncognitive, savantlike abilities be encouraged? At what point do these, or any other potential modifications to human nature, make one inhuman in a negative sense?


    What if progress along one axis necessitates sacrifice along another? Again, think of autistic savants as an example. Which axes are most important to progress along, and which could be sacrificed?


    In Pokemon terms(lol), nature and EV the aggregate human psyche.

  4. "Search your surroundings." Or whatever it says in the Dark Souls 2 tutorial.


    Also, two very important things to know that no one will think to tell you: Durability is not reset by bonfires in this game, so you have to actually repair weapons with souls, either at a blacksmith or with a repair box at a bonfire. The second thing is that to open false walls you have to hit them, not just click on them like in Dark Souls 2.

    1. Armored Core 3 (PS2)
    2. Demon’s Souls (PS3)
    3. Dark Souls (PS3)
    4. Armored Core 2 (PS2)
    5. Pokemon Crystal (GBC)
    6. Jak II (PS2)
    7. Spyro: Year of the Dragon (PS1)
    8. Pokemon Emerald (GBA)
    9. Silent Line: Armored Core (PS2)
    10. Pokemon Yellow (GB)
    11. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (PC)
    12. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC)
    13. Atlantica Online (PC)
    14. Ratchet and Clank (PS2)
    15. Tetris (GB)

    Lumping games together is definitely cheating. I sort of did that for Pokemon I guess, since I didn't put Silver and whatnot on here even thought they're great too, but that's because they're just inferior versions of the ones I did put, like beta or alpha versions that just happen to have different names. I don't see them as really counting, therefore, even if they're still better than some of the games lower on the list. For Jak and Spyro, I legitimately feel the games I put had a level of polish that the others in those series lacked. PS2 AC games are totally different experiences for me. AA and the NX series are not remotely close to this list. AC4 might be like 25 or something if I kept going.


    Order is sort of meh. I'm confident in my top two, then I could really order 3-7 in a lot of ways. They would stay separate from 8-15, though. 8-15 could probably also be ordered a lot of ways. Digimon World 2, Front Mission 4, Ratchet and Clank 2 and 3, Twisted Metal 2 and 4, and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter get honorable mentions, and any of them could replace Tetris or Ratchet and Clank in the last spot if I was in a different mood.

  5. Most of the cereal I eat is plain cheerios without milk. I'd eat them more if they weren't so fucking tiny and annoying to eat without milk. They need to make Cheerios Sticks or something, so they can be finger food for people older than two.


    Cap'n Crunch would be second, but it's not enough to keep me from being a loser.

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