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Everything posted by LS

  1. This topic is for funny webcomics though.
  2. LS


    If the vatcast ever gets an avatar or a banner or whatever, it should be this. http://oi44.tinypic.com/358e7ax.jpg In a vat.
  3. LS


    I am disappointed by the lack of rainbow stalin. The best part is when I'm being a dumbass on LCC's version, after the cast ends.
  4. LS

    Avatar 2 & 3

    I have been told by eyedoctor people that I don't have depth perception, so I assume that I am probably not seeing 3D correctly, which is probably why I don't like it. It just seems like a waste of time to me. I saw Avatar in 2D and thought it was fine, although as usual I found the fictional universe more interesting than the story they were telling. For that reason, I have higher hopes for the sequels than I gather is the norm. I really don't get how people can have such strong reactions to this movie, positive or negative. I guess it looked a little bit better than other stuff, but I only notice graphics quality type stuff for like two minutes before immersion/suspension of disbelief kick in and I don't really care. Its plot wasn't bad enough that I couldn't be immersed to the point where I noticed the visuals, and I really liked the dynamics of some scenes (mostly just with the humans, actually. One of the scenes with the video log thing, and that scene in the cell when they're arrested, are the ones that stick out), but it mostly was not anything special. It seems like people either really like it because it's pushing some technical boundery that they're pretending to understand so they can be cool, or really don't like it because it's popular and successful. I am okay with it.
  5. LS

    Chat Is Borked

    Welcome! You have entered [The Cafe] at 7:17 am /back 10 [Niji] 7:11 am: I am Niji. [Niji] 7:11 am: I am Niji. [Niji] 7:11 am: I am Niji. [Niji] 7:11 am: I am Niji. [Niji] 7:11 am: I am Niji. [Niji] 7:11 am: I am Niji. [Niji] 7:11 am: I am Niji. [Niji] 7:11 am: I am Niji. [Niji] 7:11 am: I am Niji. [Niji] 7:11 am: I am Niji. [LS] 7:18 am: oh hi niji [Niji] 7:18 am: Are you serious. [Niji] 7:18 am: Was the chat calling to you or something. [LS] 7:19 am: Yes.
  6. LS

    Xbox 720

    How did you people let Pendragon win this topic? What the fuck is wrong with you? I honestly don't even care about any of this. Used games are covered in cooties and illegal copies are always, always, ALWAYS viruses. If I buy a game used, I actually feel bad about it every time I play it, because it just looks like a piece of garbage. There's always this weird sort of cheese/dirt/glue stuff somewhere on the disc and/or case too. It's like having the movie tie-in reprinting of a novel you love. It just feels like a copout. I buy like two or three games a year; I might as well get copies that don't look like shit and haven't been jizzed all over. I play so few games that I probably won't buy a 720 even if there is no PS4. If there is a PS4, I'm getting that, and waiting for Insomniac to become unretarded again, since now that AC is over they're the only company I really care about at the moment. The only thing I can think of at the moment that would make me buy a 720 would be an exclusive DSouls game or an exclusive non-shit Insomniac game. The part of this that actually interests me most is the supposed new controller. I've always hated everything about the Xbox controller. By which I literally mean everything that I have noticed about it, I hate. It would be hard for a redesign to not be better, unless it was the Dreamcast controller. lolkinect2
  7. LS

    Chat Is Borked

    The situation is thus: 1.) Internets are difficult things 2.) AC5 is made of a really ineffective DDoS 3. Niji loves the forums more than chat 4. Niji should have used IBP 1.3 like a boss 5. I blame Vertex. What other AC sites? I couldn't figure out how to get ACO to work, and I have never known where RR is and honestly wouldn't go there even if I did. Considering the people who've come out of it over the years, I envision that place as looking like a cross between Yahoo Answers and the second circle of hell (the one with the naked tornado). I did check RH, though. Did you know that the Japanese release of For Answer is less than a month away? We could all learn something from RH. I sent you the futurama fix it fix it link. I hope that that was helpful. My forum remains online.
  8. LS


    Oh right, that was it. Also I totally thought that I was turning my mic off for all of those coughing fits. I apologize to everyone for that. You two should have said something. =( Also, the HA part saves this one. It would be pretty bad without it, but I cracked up a second time listening to that part. Also, Raor totally said that it was in Chicago.
  9. LS


    Well, we just recorded another one, because we're insane. It was short and bad, until the end when it was starting to get good and then Raor cut it off. I was supposed to link to something, but I don't remember what it was now.
  10. LS


    I told you that you sound like Raor, haha. Also, I can't get to the vatcast because of the protest-things. How do I get around that?
  11. LS


    Episode 14 was just recorded, with special guest Exorcet, who in the proud tradition of special guests says almost nothing. It was a pretty weird episode overall, some really good parts and some really bad parts. Well, really relatively. It's all complete shit. Also, .
  12. Eastwood is too old. Editing could make it workable, maybe, but it couldn't make it good. The Crimson King is described as looking like Santa Claus, if I recall, so Hopkins would be a better fit than Walken. I can actually see Walken as Callahan, or however he spells himself, more than anyone else, although he'd also be a good choice for Cort. Also, Harrison Motherfucking Ford. Ten years ago I would have wanted him for Roland, but now I'd say Cort. I wouldn't say most interesting, as the first one is by far the most interesting to me, but that was pretty much my point otherwise. There were really cool concepts in that book, and they saved it for me. Four didn't have nearly enough cool concepts per page to save it.
  13. I don't fucking remember, it wasn't like a life event or anything, and it was a long time ago. I was like 11 and thought Lord Secret II was a cool name, so I probably did something retarded like a heavy RJ with MG arms. If it's the AC I'm thinking of, though, it had multimissiles. That has to count for something. Alternatively, heavy RJ with SAWA. And multimissiles. My AA designs tended to follow a theme.
  14. Bardem would be ridiculous, yes. That's why it's so horrible that he's playing Roland. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Tower_series_film_adaptation Daniel Craig and Viggo Mortenson would be good too. Mark Harmon is Gibbs from NCIS. He is only friendly when he's playing Mark Harmon, haha. Clint Eastwood is obviously optimal, yes, especially given that one scene from book 6 or 5 or whatever it was, but I would prefer time travel to the fountain of youth. Tommy Lee Jones should play Cort. I'd hoped that Eastwood would at least play him, but I think he's too old even for that now.
  15. The fourth book really does suck. It should have been, like, a third of its length. Maybe. The third book is pretty slow too, but not nearly as bad as the fourth, and it has some really interesting concepts, so I'm willing to forgive it is horrible pacing. The fifth picks up again, and the sixth is hella slow again. The first, second, and seventh books, however, are the epic shit from hell. Vague and nonspecific spoilers from here on out. The whole sequence at the end of the second book is probably one of my favorites scenes in written fiction. The whole book is basically this long, slow, agonizing grinddown that's honestly pretty sad and painful to read, and then in about ten minutes an opportunity is presented, fucking seized with a planet-shattering grip, and has the ever-loving deathfuck choked out of it. I mean Jesus. You give this guy half an inch and he'll fucking blow the door off its hinges and slam you through the seventeen walls behind you like you're Daffy Duck and he's Bugs Bunny. Or something. Mixed metaphors for the win. With that said, I felt the whole series was actually rather short on that sort of thing. In the whole like 3000 pages of this series there are really only three or four scenes where Roland is actually finally forced to get down to it and kick some serious ass, and except for the one at the end of the second book they all felt rather lacking to me. They were all kind of vague and dreamlike, like Robin McKinley was writing them or something. I guess that, given some of the implications of the ending, I should be glad that there were as many as there were...but it seems a shame to write a 3000-page epic about a semi-Arthurian ninja cowboy and have him kick ass so infrequently. I did like how the paradox in books 1-3 is handled so cleverly, though. That character really became the heart of the later books to me. And Mort has always intrigued me too. I was surprised that his fate wasn't somewhat different (especially given the series' ending). Speaking of that ending, it is really fantastic. I couldn't imagine another one. The scenes just before it were kind of weird and out of place, but the ending was just perfect. Most of the songs refer to the Dark Tower only thematically, drawing correlations between the series and other works of fiction (like LOTR in the song I linked, Moby Dick in Beneath These Waves, etc.), but this is very appropriate considering how referential and multiverse-y the series gets towards the end, and how King ties most of his works to it. Speaking of that, I'm surprised by how well it worked. Especially all that stuff in the 6th book, with who they have to save...somehow, that made it work for me. I would usually be annoyed by all this referential stuff because it implies a floating timeline, but Eddie goes a long way towards fixing that merely by existing, as does the guy they save in the 6th book. Also, the movie. What the fuck, man. How can you not cast Liam Neeson as Roland Deschain? How is that even possible? Mark Harmon or Hugh Jackman at least. Not that guy from No Country For Old Men. What the fuck. At least it wasn't Christian Bale though, and I'd heard rumors to that effect.
  16. LS


    The fact that Raor and I do not make a good duo cast. We tried that first, haha. He talks way too much about boring shit I don't know how to respond to, and I make awkward jokes he doesn't understand. We need at least three, if not four, people. I think four is ideal. Duo casts are just boring in general. Even the Drunk Tank, my ideal podcast model, is pretty slow when there are only two people on, and those guys are a lot more interesting than any of us.
  17. LS


    I actually wouldn't mind your getting in on this. Vatcast needs more disdain. It also needs more existing, though, which is a higher priority. On that note, DOES ANYONE WANT TO VATCAST THIS WEEKEND SOMETIME? Jesus Klein, organizing this thing is like taking cats for a walk. I have no life, Raor has no life, people sit in chat all day anyway; it shouldn't be this hard, haha.
  18. LS

    Dark Souls

    Yeah, it was long after you quit and it was pretty retarded. It actually may have been 35, and they were talking about taking it down to 30...but I definitely remember a big long discussion about below-cap stamina, and then a bunch of builds with less than 40 a few months later. Personally, I saw a lot of people not using the stamina ring. Even some people in body form weren't using it, which absolutely blows my mind. People are dumb. I will be rocking grass crest shield like 7000% of the time in Dark Souls PvP. Unless I don't.
  19. LS

    Dark Souls

    That was actually not uncommon in the later metagame in Demon's Souls. People running all those mixed builds often ran 30 end and 35-40 vit at SL120, instead of the standard 40/50, to save points. A lot of weapon types simply don't require a full bar, especially if you have a regain buff. In other news YLOD fixed itself, so I'm back in the game.
  20. LS

    Dark Souls

    Ash Lake is very far away from civilization, but the long trek there and back was worth it to pledge allegiance to the stone dragon guy and get the funny bird head. Barely. So, I did the soul glitch, shot my guy up to like level 100 to test out a bunch of weapons. Was disappointed with all of them, haha. They all feel so slow compared to DS1. It's like everything is DBS. Started another char because that one was messed up (like 21 points in dex and 30 in strength, lol). Got to the bonfire by the blacksmith, was resting there, when suddenly BEEP. I was invaded by the yellow light of death.
  21. LS

    Dark Souls

    Doing the Depths. Man, fuck the Depths. Reminds me of 3-1 from DS1. I have no idea where anything is, haha. I've fought the gaping dragon about 20 times, getting owned by the guy with soul arrow every time. I finally heard from someone that you can kill him somewhere else in the level, so I'm going to look for that now. What sucks is that I had around 20k souls and 3 humanity in my bloodstain with the gaping dragon (from fighting my way to it and dying infinity times), and lost them when I died somewhere else in the level. Got invaded by some random dude. He just popped out of the ground behind me. I backstabbed him before he was ready, haha. He wasted all of his stamina slashing at air, then I bulldozed him. He was basically just a surprise undead guard, or whatever they are. He gave me some humanity, but I lost it in the bloodstain as described above. While we're sort of on the topic of future competitive PvP, does anyone have any thoughts on which starting classes will be optimal for that? Now that there's no Luck it seems like the only wasted points would be in Faith (since everyone wants at least one spell), which still isn't really a waste since it boosts Mdef. Unless you're just over a threshold for attunement slots or something.
  22. LS

    Dark Souls

    I got my copy on Friday. Walked into Gamestop, didn't see any on the shelves, was about to leave, then the lady behind the counter asked if she could help me. I asked if they had Dark Souls for PS3, she said, yeah, and then couldn't find one either. Then she found a collector's edition in the preorder case behind the counter and called her supervisor to see if she could sell me that one, and to my astonishment he apparently said yes. He understands what DS games are about. The journey of a thousand trollings begins with a single...something. The game is absolutely amazing. It looks to be like four or five times the size of Demon's Souls, and it's significantly harder too; for a game as huge and difficult as Demon's Souls, that's saying a lot. It's so huge and so awesome that I'm willing to forgive it its two massive flaws of fucked target toggling and random server assignment. I'm level 23 now I think. Upgraded a longsword to +5 before I got the Drake Sword, so it was only a slight improvement. Alternating between trying the second section of Darkroot Garden (where you climb the ladder back up from the Basin), the bottom area of the Undead city thing, and Valley of the Drakes. Those Drakes would be a real pain if they weren't constantly wigging out and jumping off cliffs to their deaths.
  23. LS


    Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights work for me, since I only have to get up early on Tuesday and Thursday with my current class schedule. Anything from 8pm to 2am Eastern those days would be ideal. Some afternoons would also work. I'd quite like to have Viv and/or Exorcet on the next one.
  24. LS

    Wind 3

    Yeah, when I dredged this out of the garage that was one change I thought of making. The only thing I did change was the legs, which were LANCEL for some unkleinly-retarded reason known only to my 17-year-old self. I refrained from doing that because I recall specifically testing that when I was building the AC, and finding that the angles just weren't as good with the verts. There's so little cover in FA that I'm just firing from above like 80% of the time, and the verts don't hit as well as the regular missiles from such high angles. They just seem so awkward, haha. I do run the verts on Wind 4, who is slightly heavier and less aerial. It's a close thing, but the extra en and speed that this version has make the difference for me, even though it's not a big difference. I know that O203 is great, but it requires more offensive positioning than I like to engage in with this AC. I'm more comfortable with the PMs here, with how spammable a combo they and the extensions are. They work from pretty much any angle, where O203 does not, and provide more consistent pressure. Maybe this will convince Niji to actually let me have my fucking title not be retarded for once.
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