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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. To be fair, what they had to say about the convention were completely legitimate complaints.
  2. Go for it! I posted about it in the 4 major AC forums I'm aware of to get the highest number of votes possible, ACG, ACU, MV/ACO, and RR. As for The Talentless, sorry if it's taking a while to get back to you, unfortunately Deemer and I actually don't cross each other on AIM that often. He usually comes on late at night and I usually go to bed early due to early work hours. But rest assured I will let him know. EDIT: Go ahead Talentless, you're good. Go ahead and PM me your video and I'll add it to the main post when ours go up.
  3. Hmm. Might be able to arrange that. I'll bring it up to Deemer. How much time would you need?
  4. In a short while (about a week, maybe two), Deemer and I will submit our two newest AC videos, and I want you to vote for the winner! When both videos are finished, I'll post again in this thread and this first post will be changed into a poll that will be kept open for one month! After finally getting the footage I wanted to at last create the AC video I've been wanting to make for years, I was reminded of the incomplete sample footage Deemer sent me long ago of a new AC video he was working on a long time ago. Reminded that I sent him an incomplete sample of how I wanted to begin my first actual video at about the same time, I contacted him with a friendly challenge. For him to finish his video and pit it against mine. Deemer has had much more experience making videos, however I had been wanting to make mine for about a decade, and concepts for the video had been stewing in my mind the entire time. Can a ten year long plan beat years of experience? You decide!
  5. Brand new Guilty Gear game announced! Guilty Gear Xrd. Kys ponytail aside, first looks aren't bad in my opinion.
  6. I think I remember hearing that you won't need to grind guns anymore, so I don't think that'll be an issue. As for dying, I'll assume the AIs will have to finish the job while you watch. I wouldn't chalk it up to a lost cause though, from what I understand the AIs can be programmed to be quite capable, IF you know what you're doing.
  7. I love games like that. SotC and Super Metroid are those games for me. I've got a feeling Majora's Mask would be another but I've never been able to get very far in that game.
  8. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/GriffonsScythe/defibrillator-paddles.gif So yeah, a little while ago a new BlazBlue game, ChronoPhantasma, was announced and I greeted it with an emphatic "ehh". I was getting into other fighting games at the time (mostly King of Fighters XIII) and after beginning to learn the ins & outs of KoF and SSF4, and admitting that Guilty Gear's system was much better, I stopped caring about BlazBlue. But after putting it back in and playing against a friend of mine, I remembered that there was a lot to enjoy here, and so am getting a bit more excited about the new game. I'm sure this is old news to anyone who's been interested even in the slightest, but the game came out with 4 new characters: -Bullet: An angry looking mercenary chick trying to compete with Makoto for "sluttiest outfit in the game", and who's playstyle I haven't quite figured out. She looks pretty rushdown heavy, but I have no idea what her drive is supposed to do. -Amane: The 3rd most effeminate man in a fighting game I've ever seen and some sort of performer(?). Haven't seen or heard much on how he plays either. -Azrael: A beefed-up supersoldier(?) for Sector Seven, I heard that he's going to be a pretty link-heavy character, possibly a "Street Fighter" style character in the same way Hakumen could be considered a "Samurai Shodown" style character. -Izayoi: Tsubaki's "true form" in the same way that Mu-12 is said to be Noels true form. But 2 more characters have been announced for the console version: -Yuki Terumi: In his form he assumed when he was with the 6 Heros before he assumed the identity of Hazama. Rumored to have more supers than specials, his drive is apparently designed to help him build meter. -Kagura Mutsuki: A Sasuke-lookalike with a huge sword who is apparently a high-ranking officer of the NOL from another city. Seems to be very Guile-like since it's said he's a charge-character and only has two specials, a projectile and an anti-air. His drive is said to change his stance and give him other moves. Like I said, I'm starting to get back into the game and I think I'm actually going to start really messing around and get better with Hakumen. After thinking about all the fighting game characters I say are my favorites (Yamazaki, Fei Long, Vega, Faust, Billy Kane, Elena), I've noticed that they all seem to be strong mid-range characters with good long pokes and no projectiles. Taking that into consideration, Hakumen seems like a good choice to check into.
  9. Pretty damn good IMO. Did you play it originally on the PS2? If not then get it for certain, it's a game not to be missed. If you did, then it can be skipped since it is still the same game, but the textures are sharper, the framerate is significantly improved, and there's trophies. I don't normally care about trophies but in this case it adds some replay value by giving you some more things to do. Plus it comes with Ico, which, while it doesn't stack up compared to Colossus, is still a very good game in it's own right. If you've already played SotC, I'd still recommend it, and if you haven't, GET IT NOW.
  10. Gonna disagree with you on that one Pendragon. I love AC2 as well, it was the game that got me hooked on the series in the first place. But the thing is, to me, there's a difference between what I'd call a "great game" and what I'd call my "favorite game". If you asked me what I thought were the greatest games, I'd tell you Shadow of the Colossus, Portal 1&2, Super Metroid, and Tetris. Yet in spite of that, Armored Core 3 plus Silent Line remain my favorite game(s). While the other four are amazing gaming experiences that I think everyone should play, AC3 is pretty niche-specific and I recognize that while it was everything the doctor ordered for me it's certainly not for everyone. In this regard, if given the choice to play AC2 or Majora's Mask, I'd pick AC2, but I'd still say that Majora's Mask is by far the better game.
  11. I'm still praying that they get the game out without region lock, so hopefully it won't really matter.
  12. One of the screens shows an AC holding what looks like a superheated buzzsaw. Pretty damn brutal. So it looks like you got your wish.
  13. Stay classy, ACU. I don't really have a clue but that's really the part I want to find out, because the endless waiting around in the first one is what made more than half of my team stop playing. They mentioned that it's based more on the system Chromehounds used, but having never played Chromehounds I have no idea what that really means.
  14. That sounds more like a part/weapon balance issue than OP tactics though. Remember when simply damage racing with dual heavy gatlings on heavy RJs was broken? Nobody was complaining that offensive rushdown was an unfair and OP tactic, it was the parts.
  15. I'll ask you to watch from Last Raven please.Now I haven't played ACV in a long time so maybe the potshots you're talking about are something different but the video shows that heavy use of cover and (what I know as) potshots were still very prevalent. Now the example shown in the video wasn't every match in those games as it depended on the map, but nobody back then would consider it "cheap" or "OP".
  16. I'm not trying to be difficult, but I don't. Cover still played a huge role in the raven games, arguably moreso since you could still lock on through cover, making corner hugging and potshots a very common tactic, not even getting into vertical missiles in those games. Not saying cover doesn't play a role in ACV (I think the only game it didn't really was fA), but I think both games utilize cover equally. Differently maybe, but equally.
  17. I don't quite get what you're saying here but you'd best not be dissing on AC3.
  18. Exactly my point. All the tactically-impaired players who fell in love with fA because they got to play a game consisting entirely of open spaces, mashing quickboost, and never taking your finger off the fire buttons. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/GriffonsScythe/ScreenShot2013-02-24at81452AM.png But once using cover and taking advantage of the terrain was brought into play, it became "unfair". Remember back in the Raven games, when you could maintain a lock from behind cover? SO OP.
  19. Ehh, that seems to be the consensus post-fA. Tactics and strategy are OP.
  20. Sight Hawk. Sub-par AC using low-tier parts and crummy weapons and no OP-I cannon hax, yet he consistently proved to be the most difficult AC for me to face. Plus it was the only AC in the history of the game to make the radar head look cool. Mad props.
  21. I'll say I'm leaning towards some of the older members on this one. I have no idea what to expect when ACVI will eventually get made. I know that what I'd want is a throwback to the gameplay and mechanics of the old Raven AC games, but I also know that very likely will not happen. The only hope to go back to ACs golden age is that FROM sees what other companies are doing with their HD rereleases and we get a polished up AC3 collection or something, with online.
  22. *sigh* You know, I'm not sure how to feel about this. Ever since I first played AC2 and got into the series, I'd get uncontrollably excited for each and every new game. This is the first time in over ten years that I haven't felt that way. And it's kind of crushing. :cry: There was a lot about ACV that I liked, but between the absolute focus of team-based conquest mode and the degree to which armor didn't work against certain ammo, it just didn't quite work over here in the US. Japan may be a different story, but over here there wasn't enough people at any given time in conquest mode which meant endless waiting around just hoping someone would attack, and the extreme weaknesses of armor types made 1v1 kind of a mess. Unless those things are drastically changed, I think ACV:VD won't fare any better. For the first time in my life I'm not utterly enraptured for a new AC game. It feels like part of me just fuckin' died. I don't know. I'll just have to keep my eye on it and see what's changed and more importantly, what hasn't. Apparently conquest mode has been redone, so that's a start I suppose.
  23. Hey everyone. I wanted to take this opportunity to apologize to the AC community for disappearing and leaving this hanging. Unfortunately my job has gone into overtime, and while the extra pay is certainly nice, it doesn't really give me the free time needed to get something like this off the ground right now. I'm very sorry to everyone who was looking forward to it. Perhaps I could try again whenever my hours return to normal, but that's only if there's anyone even playing then. If not, maybe we could try again whenever ACV: Master Of Another Silent Answer comes out. Also I wanted to clear up a common misconception that Underground was to be a big tournament or series of tournaments. That's due to my own poor wording. When I said I wanted ACV:U to be "tournament based", I simply meant an ongoing thing based on old tournament rules, even playing field, part bans, etc.
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