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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. That's kind of what I was thinking, because if you think about it, the data for the parts at least would have to be in all the copy's anyway or there'd be issues with two games with different sets of data. I mean if someone using an AC with the new parts, how will he be able to play against someone who doesn't have access to them? How would the parts show up? So the data would have to be in there somewhere. Like in SF4 when the new costumes came out, there was actually an update that included all the new costume data, so when you bought them on the PSN store, you were essentially paying to unlock them.
  2. This. And what about the US fanbase (Not that FROM ever cared about us in the first place) who would have to import both games in moonspeak. If the game comes stateside what then, DLC? Or are we just SOL. "Oh hey look at all these cool japanese parts that you have no way of obtaining."
  3. I was happy when I heard Adon announced, but I was still really hoping for Dudley. When he got the confirmation I squealed like a little girl. So yeah, Dudley.
  4. noob's right. Marathon, on the other hand is much better IMO, so that way people can't run away, or get enough distance to start comfortably aiming, like say, at your feet. Magnums reload fairly quick on their own, and you can't ADS so SoH isn't that useful anyway even pro. I'd recommend swapping Lightweight for either Stopping Power or Hardline. Maybe Cold Blood, but personally I LOVE enemy Harriers when I have a shield. Get yourself in a corner where it can see you, crouch, and just keep the shield pointed at it. It'll usually stay aimed at you the whole time, letting you rack up the points and keeping the rest of your team safe from it. You have effectively stolen their Harrier to benefit YOU in every way. Attack Helis and Pavelows are ok too, but they'll probably give up shooting you after a couple bursts and move on.
  5. No. you can't. I think he forgot a "/" in between those. As for snipers, I seem to do equally well with the Barret and Wazoo, so I have a hard time deciding which one I like more. But I think I'm starting to lean toward the WA, may not get the OHK as reliably, but the increase in headshots is so very satisfying.
  6. Some speculating I've done with one of the pics that I was looking at has to do with that slab of armor on the leg. http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/1394/picture1cb.png Now look at it in this picture where the AC looks like it's kneeling. http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/4910/picture2oy.png Looks like it opened up or unfolded or something to cover a larger area. Maybe kneeling is back in this game (as it should be) but going into that stance the AC goes into a more "Armored mode" where it's immobile, but damage is reduced. Seems like a cool and interesting idea to make kneeling a viable tactic.
  7. I was enjoying the TAR-21 w/ red dot for a while (Probably the only one who actually liked the Mars Sight), but you know what? M16 w/ Holographic FTW. Just need Sleight of Hand Pro, and it's golden.
  8. I'll admit, I do have a lot of fun with Street Fighter, and am eagerly awaiting SSF4 much more than the new BlazBlue game. However, Guilty Gear thoroughly beats them both. You know why? I'll tell you why. Faust.
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