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Everything posted by GodlyPerfection

  1. Gotta agree with moon walker on this one. And I'm wondering if your leg turn speed affects your scope movement speed. Or something else... knowing Rrom there is something that affects it. If it isn't a visible stat it sure is a hidden stat. Incoming batch of videos. I'm only going to embed a couple so I don't fill the page. First off... I was originally only going to do multiplayer matches, but this was too awesome to pass up. Check out this guy's use of emblems and decaling to create an insanely detailed decal. In addition to a pretty awesome portrait emblem of someone too awesome to not know. Next is an interesting melee weapon. From our understanding it is the KE version of the laser blades (TE) and pile drivers/bunkers (CE)... it looks like he does a huge swing with his fists... lol. Also shows the visual awesomeness of the moonlights... sadly he does not swing them. Next on our list is a standard freeplay team deathmatch with a pretty standard Battle Rifle/Rifle combo. He also uses a one-of missile sentry gun for light support. It is in the urban city... I love this map. [ACV] 4v4 Team Deathmatch And finally are two fast paced duels that take place in buried facility (if I remember the name correctly)... the desert in the demo. The music isn't bad and you also get to see a little of the machine gun sentry turret in action. [ACV] Two fast paced Duels Back to game development for me. And that stuff is from last night's pickings. I still have another batch of stuff to go through that showed up while I was sleeping. I'll post the next batch that I find later on in the day when I've got some programming done. EDIT: Damn auto embed... lol... oh and Niji that video of the HW kick is damn awesome.
  2. Kinda has to be classic style...lol. You'd probably need a blade or else you'd run out of ammo. The head piece alone has 140,000+ AP. I guess there are little things on the ground helping you shoot it, but I don't think they'd make that much of a difference. lol... I'm wondering if you have to destroy all 5 sections or if just destroying the head will defeat it. Here's a pretty cool video that showed me something I didn't know... you can added projections/posters to your custom garage. That is pretty damn awesome: http://www.nicovideo...atch/sm16818504
  3. I use the "ACV" tag... most of the vids are tagged with that. And thanks for the info bro. That is quite useful to know and I'll post the nico links in that format. I'll still continue posting the youtube versions so people can subxscribe, comment and whatever else they normally do on youtube. Here are two new vids... the first is one of the massive mech matches. This is how Arms Forts should have been in ACFA. The second is part 2 to the pile driver/bunker guy.
  4. Sounds pretty damn intense. It will be interesting to see how overed weapons play into the long term of ACV. They could play a pretty huge role in high level play if a team setups properly for it. We will have to wait and see. And I was completely unaware of the core's affect on overed weapons. That is very good to know. I'm going to go look more into it. Btw, a big thanks for what you do with the site. I run my own site and community and I know how much work goes into it. Keep up the great work it is more than just appreciated. You've done a great job thus far. Looking forward to the wiki updates with all the parts. I'll be waiting til March 20th to get my US copy sadly as I play on the 360 and that is region locked. Oh well... more time to finish up the game I'm working on. lol... cuz once ACV hits I will have no time to do any work on it.
  5. Rofl... totally. I LMAO'd when I first saw it. He apparently uses the maxed out overed weapon generator to pull it off. I did a slight time check and it took 10 seconds to fully pull it out and charge it up. The weapon reminds me of an Armored Core version of Halo's Gravity Hammer. lol..
  6. Nice analysis of the combat, I was curious to see if anyone else caught all that. lol... it is pretty early on in the game, so I say his maneuvering was pretty decent. And you are right... the defensive team was terribly organized despite having an operator and a full team with no mercenaries. Was kind of disappointed. And early game turrets are jokes... they may not have enough power behind the territory to have decent turrets. And plus it was the first decent video that was put out on NicoVideo. lol... Nice to meet you guys btw, I just registered today and this is my first post. I've been lurking for a while though. I've put up 4 more videos since that one. I'm going to stick with multiplayer matches and informative videos so I don't spoil any story stuff for viewers. Sansviedotcom does the same thing for Dark Souls... pulling videos from nicovideo for people on youtube. After following him for a while it has been a very nice service so I figured I'd take some time to do it for the Armored Core guys waiting for the US release. Here are the videos, un-embedded since there are 4 of them and I don't want to fill a page. RJ Ranked 8-man Battle Royal 3-man Battle Royal with Mr. Og of From Software Tons of 1v1 Ranked Matches w/ Overed Death 1v1 Ranked Pile Driver Kills I figured a good portion of you guys have NicoVideo accounts, but I've got to keep the lurker in mind. Lots of people aren't fond of coming out of the wild to communities so I'm going to accommodate them. Anything that I find that I don't plan on uploading though (non-multiplayer matches like story mode stuff and other interesting things) I'll use NicoVideo links. I pinky promise. Speaking of, someone found a fairly easy way to make 1 mil in about 15 seconds. ***Spoiler Alert*** http://www.nicovideo...atch/sm16808932
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