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Everything posted by Polteg

  1. Here are mine. Crappy camera, and standard def TV. Enjoy This one is the team emblem I did up for our team "Iron Age Lynx" http://i42.tinypic.com/2ko47d.jpg Then these 2 are my personal emblems. http://i43.tinypic.com/2v2f7kx.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/258rma0.jpg Oh btw Barilzaar you are definetly a talented dude, and kudos to everyone else. A lot of great designs.
  2. 2vs3 with op sounds like a favourable idea with two defenders as officials as well as the op, attackers being 2 recruits. But is very time consuming. If at anytime you have a large number of recruits you need a faster way in which to wittle down preferable candidates. A suggestion pertaining to large numbers of candidates. Have them compete as 5vs5 teams, with evaluating officials as ops. Have them compete perhaps twice with 2 seperate evaluating ops. Grade each applying candidate. Would make preliminary dissmissals easy and fast. Also make applying for "Blue" or "Red" team completely voluntary. You don't want members of your fine community to feel forced into performing the "Trials". Also allow any member who volunteers the right to compete at the "Trials" regardless of percieved skill and allow any member who has failed a previous "Trial" the right to apply and compete again in the future if they have fullfilled an obligated cooldown period of; just a suggestion here but 3 months sounds reasonable. Simply some kind hearted suggestions from an interested third party.
  3. Holy crap, the speed of that response was ungodly! or was it?........... You are the man GP! whoever u r? No but serious i pressed submit and your response was there! Scary stuff. Whats also scary is that I have been typing this response since I discovered yours. Thats what typing with 2 fingers does to ya. Probably didn't help I forgot what I was doing and wandered off to get some cake. It was good too! i'd share but the wife bought only enogh for us. Of course if I just look at the post submittal time it doesn't seem that fast at all. then I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time.....
  4. Good question GP. hmmmm, hmmmmm. Well I think so, is this what bbcode looks like cause we use this stuff a lot; [img}picture address here[/img]... [b}bold text here[/b]..... [youtube}youtube link here and so on... of course they are in the process of updating the site so who knows what will happen. but we are old and fear change, so they better not mess us up too bad.
  5. Wow awesome dude. A really big thankyou for this! This should be *pinned
  6. "The Sky is Falling chicken Little!" No its not, its just raining, RAINING ROBOT DEATH MACHINES! Ok all silliness aside, just want to extend a hardy handshake to all you peeps here at ACU on behalf of some old fuddy duddies from where i come from, 2old2play. The knowledge you already have on ACV is inspirational. I know it was a great concern to some of your members that there would be a lack of community with which to play. I can't promise you PS3 guys anything but rest assured Xbox dudes and dudettes we at 2o2p will do our part to field as many competitive teams as possible among the geriatric and eccentric, older community. We may not be able to move our thumbs very fast due to the rheumatism but our grips are steely and our intent is to destroy. It might take awhile for our old Ac's to fire up but rest assured its your souls we want, for it’s the only thing that can satisfy Deaths ever constant visits upon our doors. So we have 2 teams so far and if the lurkers in other games on our site is any indication I imagine a couple weeks after the game drop we may even have 2 more. So farewell for now I shall return in the future and would endeavour upon that occasion to make a play date between our communities. A gesture to ensure a free spirited and communicative/competitive friendly atmosphere in our game. The game. ACV. Or........ since I am sooooo old I may infact forget........ In that case I will apologize up front. Sorry. I really mean it.
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