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Everything posted by gandalfrockman

  1. the 5 minute ones? Or only the big expensive conquest ones?
  2. My team and I have some questions; There are no solid instructions or documentation on the conquest mode ANYWHERE in the game, and the manual is a joke... so since I don't have anywhere else to ask. I thought I would ask here What is the fastest way to fight against another team? (not counting mock battle/free battle) Is there a specific region we should be invading? (we picked marine facility, and we havent seen another soul yet) Is there a way to actually make the stronghold missions start? Is there a way to invade and take territory that doesnt require us to grind up 150000+ points over and over? Is it possible to encounter another team doing something other than conquest? Sub question whats the fastest way to get those team points?
  3. I thought about creating an account at reachingperfection.. but I'm a level designer... it would feel weird.
  4. I have run a couple of large guilds/clans and some smaller playgroups as well. I think as far as flexibility goes, its more important to be flexible in mindset than design, particularly for commanders. If your territory gets attacked and all thats available is three guys who always play lightweights and another guy that plays a qaud sniper, then you need to be able to roll with it. I have been paying attention to common archetypes developing in the JP vids as well as common strategys, and with a team that can think and act flexibly, I dont see any completely untenable mix of unit except for 4 heavys, and even then that would only be a problem on offense, I think it could work on defense. It seems to be pretty intentional, From soft has avoided creating a situation where every team has to have a specific balance of combat types. is it going to be optimal? no, and super hardcore teams will go for that optimal combination, they will also enforce minimum hours of play standards and nightly scrimmage attendance though. It occurs to me that most folks are going to have a particular play style they are good at and/or prefer, and telling people that they should play something else for the good of the team isnt likely to work out except in the most organized and competitive groups. Those usually arent the groups for folks with familys, or jobs that require a large time commitment. As far as organization and breaking people into sqauds, I think its a bad idea to ASSIGN people to groups initially. Dont start with any pre-ordained groupings. Play. Work together. Those 'Wingman' and 'Sqaud' groupings will form organically al on their own, When members want to formalize them thats great and the team leadership should support it. Example: Mushinronja has signed on for my team (yes this is indeed the same gandlafrockman from gamefaqs), he and another member are always on at the same times, and frequently work well together. They begin to develop the sort of near psychic shorthand and ingame codependence that is beneficial to the group. The sqaud leaders should recognize this and start pairing them up when possible. If they come up with some horrific pun to refer to them as a pair (references to norse mythology also work I suppose) then thats fine too. When the same thing happens with 3 or 4 members thats good to. I guess what I am saying is its unwise to push this stuff unless your a super hardcore group playing 8 hours a day. It works better to just let it happen naturally. PS: Hello Im this guy, that has played alot of armored core and has been looking forward to ac5 since ac4fa came out. I'm forming a gfaqs team as soon as my copy arrives. (hopefully the 20th, but maybe as late as the 22). Hopefully we can get a full roster before the traditional GFAQS gamelaunch trollfest starts.
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