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Everything posted by Shin

  1. I like to use shotguns and H.E.A.T Howitzers, can bring alot of pain if you clobber someone whose stunned with a couple howitzer rounds
  2. Well yeah, they was probably mad, but still...if there's a drop in pub room, why make vocal rules? Its something I find alot in online games lately, people in public rooms making rules verbatim ~.~ I guess if thats how they play, thats fine, but I can't hear em, so I look like a douche when I get into a server which is doing something I had no idea about...at least if they made custom macros, it'd be fair D:
  3. Nope, can't hear anything...voice is off unless I go into a match with an operator. I was trying to be nice, hid in a corner, and took pot shots, one came at me, I moved to another corner, then they both came at me, I moved again, they came again, I wasn't going to sit around and dodge them for 8 minutes, and I sure wasn't going to purge and kamakazi two almost fully AP'd AC's...so I laid into them, one died almost instantly, the other put up about a minute of fight. But yeah, I don't wanna come off as the guy that ruins everyones day....when I play online games, I don't use voip..voices while gaming are distracting to me, unless they are important, making rules in lobby is not important when your map says its an ffa ~.~
  4. I had a rather uncomfortable online experience today, so after searching for armored core in google, I found this place n.n; I guess here would be an okay place to vent....I ended up being dropped in a death match room with a couple of people who apparently used voice to form rules. I shut off voip unless I expect there will be an operator, so...these guys decided to blade. I found out mid battle and kind of sat around waiting to purge and take on the winner while sitting in a corner taking useless potshots at them to keep things interesting. Well they got mad and double teamed me, so...I kind of sort of vaporized them ;.; I hope I didn't make any members here mad, that would be a terrible first impression ;.;
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