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Everything posted by zodicus

  1. With the size of the mechs now I think it would be cool to have a visable cockpit in the core. With the way the core sticks out in the center on most of them it lends it self to a fighter jet type looking cockpit, as in the pilot is in a seated position not standing up. Now that I've played more there needs to be more AC parts aka head arms core and legs, and again I'm not agenst them recycling stats from parts we already have. In fact if the balance is good( and i dont know ive had few pvp matches) I think it would be better if they used stats from stuff we already have. That way if you like the look of the new part you can use it and not be the "super noob that uses the new overpowered stuff" or if you like the old part you can use it with out a disadvantage. I would say make 3 copys of each AC part we have now each with a different look and release that as a DLC, id by it.
  2. yeah i did some invasion missions this weekend and got quite a few mercs to help out. even had an emergancy once, we got owned. I was no help as every weapon i had was a ready pos weapon lol. I was no match for them but i can solo that invasion pretty easy with that AC.
  3. OK what about this, barrow the control point and respawn set up from battle field. No team points just once you control all points on the map its over. The twist being that every time you respawn you have to pay the repair/ammo cost on the AC. This way people wont just throw them selfs at a control point and not care if they die. Obviously they would have to make the missions pay good enuf to make it worth it. Keep the team set up like it is where you can send money and parts to team members, that way its not so hard for newer members and players to go out there. There team could help them with exspenses if they wanted to.
  4. Id also like to see more of everything, more parts like bring back the sabilizers, have radiators, mabye add a systems controll coumputer in addition to the FCS have it help control sability cooling performance and energy management, add more boosters to the outside of the mech that sabilize it in the air and when changing directions on the ground. So if you did fall there would be little boosters firing off every where. I dont like the asymetrical look they went with in 5, id also like to see brands make a comeback. Like i like the look of the TE parts but mabye i want a light weight KE def AC? so have brands that have a look, but also have parts of different types aka te,ke, or ce def and light med and heavy. so you can make the AC to the spec you need but also with the look that you want. Seriously the games on a blue ray disc theres no reason there shouldnt be like a bazzillion parts. And if you ask me its not a big deal if some of the parts are statically the same, only look different. Because really no matter how hard they try there will always be a few combs that work better and most people will use. At least if there are a few combos that are the same it will at least look different.
  5. I know i got in to this a bit late, but i honestly thought i was going to hate it because of the online thing. I picked it up used and OMG i love it. I should have gone with my gut and got it right away. Any way im looking for a team whos online a lot and wants to do missions, conquest ect. I ve joined a few but they never seam to be on O and a team that would like to experament with tatics would be cool, like people using jammers and dedicated snipers and such, vs just grabbing the nasty weapons and blitzing everything. PSN ID GTP_Zodicus I'm in Illinois and on a little each day but mostly on the weekends.
  6. I agree completely, if the "rag doll" thing turns in to the same fall animation every time, that's not what i'm looking for. Id want to see the area of impact ac weight, speed, and mass/velocity of the round all effect how the AC reacts to the hit if it exsceeds the "stagger" thresh hold. IF they cant do it that way, then they shouldn't do it. The movement speed and boost thing im a little fuzzy on what exsactly id like to see, but right now theres really no reason to ever run, so why care about the legs movement speed? If its to slow just get bigger boosters? the sliding around thing is sooo much faster than even the fast legs. So mabye not slow all the movment spped but make a bigger gap between the slowest and fastest legs? Also I dont know about you guys but, I like the throw myself at a mission a 100 times untill i find the right mix of parts for my play style thing. I know the game reviewers typically bash AC for this but i like it. For me its motovation to grind out some money and try different parts and tatics. I spend hrs in the shop just reconfig'ing the AC then going to test it, and then try again. I'll get a few combos i like then go try them out in a few missions.
  7. mech warrior was to slow, and i like the look and feel of the AC's in armored core better. They have that anime flair to them but somehow still realistic. I know its a huge robot but theres armor plates and joints and hands they look doable, some day mabye not the suv sized uzi but yah know.
  8. I like the direction they took with armored core 5, with the limiting of boosters. The need to jump to gain altitude is cool as is jumping off buildings sideways. It also feels a little slower witch i like, Id like to see it slowed even more and limit the use of the boosters even more. Theres pretty much no reason to "run", I wouldn't mind if the boosters where only used during a jump and dash, with no hovering. I also would love to see them implement a "rag doll" phyisics system and remove the stagger/stun mechanic we have now. Ex you're running and get hit by a shot with enuf impact to "stagger" you, but insted the mech twist, stumbals, then falls. The sabbility computations and ratings of the parts on the AC would determine how quickly you recover from this fall and how savere the stumbal is. Same with dashing, if you strike a wall hard enuf the same scenario would play out. This more so than the speed i would love to see. I think though if that was to be implamented they would have to slow down the rate of fire so "stagger lock" wouldn't become a issue. What do you all think? This is my first post here, but ive been a AC fan for a looooong time. Ive had every AC game released for the home consoles.
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