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Tidus Klein

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Everything posted by Tidus Klein

  1. The FCS is the VERTEX-124/EE or the LODD-QHT I do use the cannon some times I just use the rockets for the weight. I also swicth around the boosters: With HUMAN PLUS I use the ZBT-GEX/3000 With out EBT-V55
  2. oo well think and say what you want, I still like it, even if it's lame.
  3. There ment to be like government proticale stuff, not just storys. Here, here are some I like. 110% WW2 era fusion cannon ( can't find this one as of now) Living lego (this ones kinda funny) noir
  4. Well I can't remember the part names to this but here I go. Head: EHD-NIGHTEYE Core : ZCL-XA/2 Legs :ELF-XX33/ quads if you dident know, The only game where I used them. Arms: The ones that look like the zio arms in the intro but aren't ( I think there the third lightest) Gen: the holly B1000 Radiator: RBG-CM6 Inside: N/A Booster: the one that says it's built for efficiency R hand : the kawasawa mk2 L hand: LS Moonlight B right: The multi-missiles B left: ether the chain gun or the manual aim rockets EX: the Hound missile interceptors In my opinion this is the most OP AC you can get with out going over weight. With some little tweaks here and there I've taken out the entire arena with it, and klein's first and last form using the manual aim rockets alone. When used with the first 10 stages of H+ It's Jesus in a can! feel free to test it and give your opinions, I know this is a little late
  5. There not meant to be funny, but there is a sub forum on the site that is - le right here!
  6. here you go. ooops did I say plant I ment planet I forgot the e sorry.
  7. It's hard to explain, but it's like scary anomaly stuff that's not suppose to exist. EX: A sticker that makes anything it's stuck to run at 110% no mater the condition it is in. A man that has no stomach but has a plant instead. Stuff like that.
  8. Well This is a creative writing site I joined not to long ago. It's just your basic scary, and unexplained stuff. Have a look.
  9. <_< SO, not, funny. And yes this topic has gone way off topic.
  10. What? Back up, back up! Who's exogen anyway I don't know him. And not to be a dick but wasent this an AC reality thread? O and if you guys want to know where I have been the past month look here.
  11. hu you guys are nuts haven't been posting lately do to the lack of good topics and other internet stuff, so i made this just to show you guys im still around.
  12. hmm yes there is a lot of room for improvement on both but there both good to play at night with headphones 0.o why god
  13. Na both these games scare the crap out of me but I did manage to beat slender wusent that hard when you know where the papers spawn But SCP,CB generates a new map every time u play and has cheats via counsel commands
  14. ok so Slender is a computer horror game where you have to avoid being captured by slender man all while trying to collect 8 pages of a lost note book. in the middle of the night. here is a link to the sight SCP;CB is another horror game only using the monsters from a website called SCP or Secure contain protect. here is a link to it look through both and leave your suggestions.
  15. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/529900_386044178105037_223814733_n.jpg
  16. why does everyone do that im more of a practical style and i have mods so let me explain the buldings the giant wood house to the left is a stable the platform on the mountain behind the tower is where i keep my ride-able ender dragon the house in the middle with the nether brick roof siding is a friends house. i play on lan the green area to the right is a farm the house on half stilts in the back right is another friends house never done the mushroom has a fireworks spawner in it nuf said the giant tower in the back was loosely based on the infinity blade tower the big wood house in the back below the tower is another friends house and the house in the very middle is mine the flat mountian top is an airport i have flans mod
  17. yes i cant belive how fast this took off may be its beacuse this is the first time a game hase come out while i was on the forum but to the point i am crazzily excited for this game and i honesty what to hope that there going to do the thing they did with the ps2 games and give us one every year again the only thing i dont like is the fact it looks like an expantion to ACV more then a diferent game. sad. but from the screen shot it looks like you can get sheilds. and gun arms? a nice touch but they need to bring back flying and im hoping sense now that u have sheilds that there may be distucable limps though i doubt it. also i was thinking with the speed the game is set for realease they had to be working on it before acv even came out? wich brings the question how much could they have changed? and what else do they have hiden deep in FROMS Skunk Works? AC7 aka AC retaliation? or AC what the f.... take us back to the good old days (but keep the present mechs they just look cool) ha can anyone imagine an AC2 or nexus using the curent mechs? ha
  18. (guy on left) hay you wanta see my balls? (girl on right) NO............I wanta eat them!!
  19. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS in the FACE!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCC66666666666!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeeess hu mind=blown!! just hope it gets a U.S release nnnnooooo holy balls of mammoths theirs a US date there is not a face on the internet to describe my happiness o my god o my god dis or next summer!!! lets go!! http://www.siliconera.com/postgallery/?p_gal=279393|1 look! no a trailer!!! ha this is the best day ever http://www.siliconera.com/2013/04/11/armored-core-verdict-day-adds-social-features-to-no-mans-land/
  20. TIME FOR THE PEANUT GALLERY!!! never played dark souls some one explain preferably in excessive detail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. My MC house! well no ones going to look???? o well
  22. HELLO i just said in this topic a long time ago that you're all right a mech is impractical but i would still like to see one even if it is just a giant toy
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