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Tidus Klein

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Everything posted by Tidus Klein

  1. haa glad to see the debate is still ongoing! no i have a grip on reality and i know that an AC is not entirely ethical and it will most likely never get out of the hopes and dreams of main the main moral of my argument is that they possible as bruce waynes play thing there would be to much money in it to be worth it. SOMEONE RING UP A BILLIONAIRE AND INTRODUCE THEM TO AC!! OOO AND MUTT you watch to much gundam to be here
  2. yes some things i want BRING BACK FLYING!!!! keep one hit kill weapons the UW's ragdoll effect if i shoot an enemy AC with a high power sniper cannon i want it to fall over distuctable limps!!! bring back back units and last give us a way to purge UW's NOOO i liked heat bring back HEAT but like in 2 not nexus 3 and the others that when you boosted you overheated that was stupid keep tunability and have the quads from ac 2 the ones that dident walk but rolled or hoverd i dont know how they worked but i liked that
  3. hmm i think some people will still play ACV even if its outdated. i also agree that people need to stray away from conformity. its always the same kinetic setup. high op gen. low en boosters. always the same core. the only real difference is the paint and guns. now there are many exceptions i battled a team once that had a quad leg ce diffidence. a R joint missile man. and a tank. if i was going to start up a community i would have fun trying souly to stay from the path of conformity. maybe a R joint with te arms ce core painted bright lime green and pink. with one arm jet black. now that's different!
  4. hahahaaa i feel loved again!!! where finally making progress. this is awesome! i'm so happy. no more small mindedness lets keep this up guys! where finally back on track.
  5. best of luck in your mission Forcef. though i dont think a whole lot of people will try to revive it. if you splunk around the forums you will find that AC V isent so hot. i think its great but others just pushed it aside. so sadly i say that most people dont care for AC like they used to. its become a thing after Last Raven to hate AC. sad
  6. there all you have to do is arm ithttp://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/107/awesome-face.png
  7. there is no future for AC in the eyes of you all. tis a minority im in
  8. duronix i love you i a AC sort of way http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/107/awesome-face.png then i saw that your link dident work http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Ddep13y6Uv4/UM_M_1sM6mI/AAAAAAAAAGc/YNoa6TdgV70/s1600/misc-are-you-fucking-kidding-me-clean-l.png stupid pic not resizing
  9. Thanks supplice for posting about forza And it is arcady. But thats what makes it great, it kept the realism and made the game to where you could actually play all the way through Any one could beat anyone at Mario kart like stated it's just to equal. All the karts have the same stats basically
  10. i have already beat the game noob. and i bet 100 bucks i could beat you any day of the week in any racing game. except for mario kart. that games riged. and if you want basics drive a ford raptor, with full tires,all the handleing upgrades except suspension and anti-roll bars, and all the drive trane upgrades except diferentals, and most of the engine upgrades. or the mustang you get from the first showcase. or a mazda rx7 with full upgrades except for engine. and if you want to go insane simple go with a fiat 500 with all the upgrades again except for engine. (never upgrade engine all the way because you will spin out all the time. literaly.)
  11. well it was sopost to be a joke. and i know my spelling and grammar isent always up to pare. but by goly if its a war you want then it shall be a war you get my friend.
  12. they could! just not in combat as of now. thats what you dont understand we have every thing to make them. just no disire to, or need. hyde i thought you where with us! Infidel!! you communist spy you infiltrated are ranks and posed as one of us till the opertune moment to strike! ​you are a disgrace to america! no hard feelings
  13. so post your car the upgrades on it and eny thing else related to the game. me lambo murcialago lp 40 fully upgraded. its Sick!!!!!
  14. Tidus Klein


    haha some one else found this game lovely!
  15. hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa finally some openness there may be some hope for AC after all!!! i love you guys! in a man to man sort of way. wait never mind i never said that
  16. i hate you y u no http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/004/006/y-u-no-guy.jpg like A,C
  17. hay does any one know where the hidden clap trap is?
  18. Oooo my god that tank was already posted!!! Go back and look at my response! Instead of this! Read the topic over again and you well see most of this has already stated so go back and read!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. huuuum nice see even robots can be ninja. and by the way a tanked leged AC would never fall over
  20. you got to be on crack to come up with some of the episodes and the matureity level of all the episodes is different from the other. one episode there just looking for an elephant the next some ones screamin there pregnant!! but it is a great show
  21. tis true and i agree that an AC would fall over if it was hit hard enough but not just walking around. if the makes poured millions in to an AC they would find away to keep it from falling over in normal movment
  22. that herment would not fall over. but like i have been saying STOP WITH THE MILITARY PRACTICALITY!!!!!!!!! you all have already made it very clear that you dont want mechs in the military fine then but can we atleast find a place they do belong even if its as stupied as some rich mans garage. as a play thing. you all have missed the point that all i want to do is to make it work not run it into battle. find logical ways to make an AC we can forget about the military i dont care. soo im hoping deep down that BerserkFury is still somewhere still working on this ( thou he has most likly has given up) thats all im sayin.
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